Cost structure in a business model refers to the total cost of operating the business, including both fixed and variable costs. It's an essential component of a business model as it impacts the profitability and sustainability of the business.

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Business Canvas Collection

Document the essence of your business strategies and develop new ideas with our Canvas Collection. This deck includes some of the most commonly used c...

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We start with an overview of the nine Components of Business Model Canvas. Who are your customer segments? What's your value proposition? What are your top revenue streams? How are you managing your customer relationship? What are your sales channels? What are your key activities? Key resources? Key partners? And what's your cost structure? (Slide 1)

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Some strategies to optimize a business's cost structure include: reducing overhead costs, improving operational efficiency, outsourcing non-core activities, and negotiating with suppliers for better prices. It's also important to regularly review and analyze the cost structure to identify any areas of wastage or inefficiency.

A business can identify its key partners by analyzing its business model and operations. Key partners are usually those who play a significant role in the business's value chain. They can be suppliers, distributors, business allies, or any entity that contributes to the business's ability to serve its customers. It's important to consider the role each potential partner plays in the business, their contribution to the business's value proposition, and their impact on revenue streams and cost structure.

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