The term "malleable environment" refers to an environment that can be easily modified or adapted. This can refer to a physical environment, such as a workspace that can be rearranged to meet different needs, or a digital environment, such as software or an online platform that can be customized to meet the user's preferences. In a business context, a malleable environment can allow for greater flexibility and better adaptation to changes.

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Your Strategy Needs a Strategy

We live in a business world that is in constant flux. But when you learn and understand the five strategy archetypes and how to execute them, you will...

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The Alibaba Group began with a B2B portal in 1999 to connect Chinese manufacturers with foreign customers. Its consumer variant, Taobao, launched just as internet browsers became more commonplace in the household and broadband replaced dial-up connections. Alibaba handled larger transaction volumes than Amazon and eBay combined by 2013 and accounted for over half of all Chinese parcel mail.

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The key takeaways from "Your Strategy Needs a Strategy" that are actionable for entrepreneurs or managers are:

1. Understand the five strategy archetypes: Be Clear, Be Fast, Be First, Be the Orchestrator, and Be Viable. Each archetype is suited to a different kind of business environment.

2. Match your strategy to your environment: The success of your strategy depends on how well it fits with your operating environment.

3. Be adaptable: In a rapidly changing business world, the ability to adapt your strategy to changing circumstances is crucial.

4. Master the art of execution: A strategy is only as good as its execution. It's important to not only have a good strategy, but also to execute it effectively.

A startup can use the strategic approaches covered in "Your Strategy Needs a Strategy" to grow by understanding and implementing the five strategy archetypes: Be Big, Be Fast, Be First, Be the Orchestrator, and Be Viable. Each archetype has its own strengths and weaknesses, and the choice of strategy should depend on the startup's specific circumstances and the market conditions. For example, a startup in a fast-growing market might benefit from the Be Fast strategy, which involves quickly adapting to changes in the market. On the other hand, a startup in a more stable market might benefit from the Be Big strategy, which involves achieving scale and efficiency.

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