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Has your company's growth stagnated and reached a plateau? Download the Growth Strategy Toolbox presentation template to test, execute, and share new growth strategies across your entire team. Companies can use different growth strategies to escape stagnation, but execs also need tools to communicate the timeframe of a strategy, decide which growth areas to prioritize, or assess the organization's current capabilities and if they're enough for the next growth challenge.

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A company can ensure its growth strategy is sustainable in the long term by continuously evaluating and adjusting its strategies based on market trends and internal capabilities. It should also prioritize growth areas that align with its core competencies and have a clear communication plan to share these strategies across the team. Additionally, it's important to assess the organization's current capabilities and ensure they are sufficient for future growth challenges.

A company can leverage its current capabilities to drive growth by identifying its strengths and using them to develop new growth strategies. This could involve prioritizing certain growth areas, assessing the organization's current capabilities, and determining if they're sufficient for the next growth challenge. It's also important to communicate the timeframe of a strategy across the entire team.

A company can foster a culture that supports growth and innovation by encouraging open communication, promoting risk-taking, rewarding creativity, and providing continuous learning opportunities. It's also important to have a clear vision and strategy for growth, and to ensure that all employees understand and are aligned with this vision. Additionally, providing the necessary tools and resources for employees to execute growth strategies can also foster a culture of innovation.

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The template includes slides on growth tools like the BCG Growth-Share Matrix, a Blue Ocean Canvas, Growth Spending, Balanced Scorecard for Growth, the Three Horizons Model, Industry Lifecycle Analysis, Financial Project, Growth Roadmap, Industry Attractiveness, and an Opportunity Vulnerability Matrix, and many more. Additionally, we explain how a product company like Apple could assess its own growth potential with the tools in this framework.

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These tools can help a company identify new opportunities for growth by providing a structured approach to analyze various aspects of the business. For instance, the BCG Growth-Share Matrix can help in portfolio management, identifying high-growth prospects. The Blue Ocean Canvas can assist in identifying uncontested market spaces. Growth Spending can help in understanding where to allocate resources for maximum growth. The Balanced Scorecard for Growth can provide a balanced view of the organization's performance. The Three Horizons Model can help in long-term planning. Industry Lifecycle Analysis can assist in understanding the maturity of the industry. Financial Project can help in assessing the financial viability of growth projects. The Growth Roadmap can provide a clear path for growth. Industry Attractiveness can help in identifying attractive industries for expansion. The Opportunity Vulnerability Matrix can assist in understanding the risks and opportunities in the market.

These tools can help a company align its growth strategy with its overall business goals by providing a structured approach to analyze and plan for growth. The BCG Growth-Share Matrix, for instance, can help in portfolio management, identifying where to invest or divest. The Blue Ocean Canvas can assist in identifying new market spaces. The Balanced Scorecard for Growth can help in performance measurement, and the Three Horizons Model can aid in planning for short, medium, and long-term growth. The Industry Lifecycle Analysis, Financial Project, Growth Roadmap, Industry Attractiveness, and Opportunity Vulnerability Matrix can all contribute to a comprehensive understanding of the company's position and potential for growth.

The key factors to consider when choosing which tools to use from this framework include the specific needs and goals of your business, the stage of growth your business is in, the industry you're in, and the resources available to you. It's important to choose tools that align with your business strategy and can effectively help you assess and enhance your growth potential.

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Tool highlights

BCG growth-share matrix

Developed by Boston Consulting Group, the BCG Growth-Share Matrix is a visualization tool that plots a company's multiple product lines along with their relative market share and against their market growth rate. This matrix visualization plots the product lines into four quadrants according to their relevant market growth rate and relative market share. Each icon on the matrix correlates to a "growth category" to determine how each product should be considered.

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The BCG Growth-Share Matrix can be used to analyze the competitive landscape by plotting a company's multiple product lines along with their relative market share and against their market growth rate. This allows a company to visualize and understand the performance of its different product lines in relation to each other and the market. It can help identify which products are performing well, which are not, and where there may be opportunities for growth or need for divestment.

The potential risks associated with the use of the BCG Growth-Share Matrix include the oversimplification of reality as it only considers market growth rate and relative market share, ignoring other important factors. It also assumes market attractiveness is solely determined by market growth rate and relative market share, which may not always be the case. Additionally, it can lead to unbalanced portfolios if it's followed without considering other factors.

The BCG Growth-Share Matrix helps in resource allocation by categorizing a company's product lines into four categories based on their market growth rate and relative market share. These categories are: Cash Cows, Stars, Question Marks, and Dogs. Cash Cows have high market share in a slow-growing industry and generate more cash than they consume. Stars are in high growth markets and have high market share. Question Marks are in high growth markets but have low market share. Dogs have low market share in a slow-growing industry. By understanding where each product line falls, companies can allocate resources more effectively, investing in promising areas and divesting in others.

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The table on the left provides more quantitative context to back up the matrix and assess the four product lines along with market growth, total market share and relative market share. While total market share compares the product against top competitors, relative market share compares the product to the industry leader. (Slide 8)

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Not comparing a product to the industry leader can lead to a lack of understanding of the market dynamics and the competitive landscape. It can result in missed opportunities for improvement and innovation, and can also lead to a failure in identifying threats and challenges. This can ultimately impact the product's market position and profitability.

The assessment of market growth and market share can provide valuable insights into an organization's current capabilities. Market growth can indicate the potential for expansion and profitability, while market share can reflect the organization's competitive position within the industry. By comparing the product against top competitors (total market share) and the industry leader (relative market share), an organization can gauge its strengths and weaknesses, and strategize accordingly.

Relying solely on total market share for assessing a product's success can be misleading. It does not take into account the size of the market, the growth potential, or the profitability of the market. It also does not consider the relative position of the product compared to its competitors. A product may have a large market share, but if the market is small or not profitable, the product may not be successful. Similarly, a product may have a small market share in a large, growing, and profitable market, and still be very successful.

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Blue ocean canvas

Once the product line with the best growth potential has been identified, a Blue Ocean Canvas can help execs implement the growth strategy of differentiation. Various features of the product or service are listed at the bottom of the canvas, assessed from low value to high value.

Features that are core competencies of the industry-standard are considered weaknesses and are ranked first. This is the red ocean, and to differentiate, these features can be eliminated or reduced. Features that the competition does not handle well are areas where your company could excel, and represent the blue ocean. These features should be raised or created to grow the company with new value propositions the competition doesn't offer. (Slide 14)

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Ansoff product growth matrix

Another tool execs can use is the Ansoff product growth matrix, which explores different growth areas across product-market fit. Efforts are categorized based on whether they will include new or existing products targeted at new or existing markets. An existing product in a new market would be considered market development, while a new product in a new market would be diversification. (Slide 19)

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Growth spending

This Growth Spending slide includes an Ansoff product growth matrix alongside a comparison table to detail the percentage of spend dedicated to each growth strategy across time. This breakdown reveals areas to increase spend to diversify growth tactics. In an extreme example where one tactic has 0% spend, a pivot could be made to increase spend towards that strategy to increase growth. (Slide 20)

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Balance scorecard

Execs can grade their growth efforts with a balanced scorecard, a strategic planning tool that covers four perspectives of growth: financial, customer, internal process, and learning + development. In this visualization, objectives for each perspective are listed, followed by the KPI metrics to track success and target goals for each. The icons indicate whether the target has been reached, with a column for notes to elaborate on actions that have been taken or planned. Use this as a high-level growth blueprint to ensure all perspectives of the core business are healthy and fully operational. (Slide 25)

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Case study: Apple

So how could a tech product company like Apple use these tools? A product line with high market growth and high market share is the company's star product. In Apple's case, this would be the iPhone. A product with high market growth but low relative market share is a question mark. In Apple's case, this could be its upcoming augmented and virtual reality headset.

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Currently, Apple's global iPhone market share is 29% compared to its competitors, but its headset market share is zero because it hasn't launched yet. Analysts have predicted an AR headset could replace the iPhone in eight years, so this question mark could be Apple's best growth bet, especially as it plans to expand its services and entertainment business.

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Apple only releases products when they're at "leapfrog" level to surpass the competition, which is why this headset will include micro OLED displays with a potential 8K resolution and 9x more pixels than current market leader Quest. This has the power to disrupt not only the competition, but traditional TVs, and represents an entirely new market and blue ocean to capture.

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If you're unaware of your current growth strategies or need better tools to expand your business, you need this presentation. Download the Growth Strategy Toolbox for more slides on the Three Horizons Model, Industry Lifecycle Analysis, Financial Project, Growth Roadmap, Industry Attractiveness, and an Opportunity Vulnerability Matrix, plus many more to save time and hours of work.

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