The size of the first network for a product is determined by the nature of the product and the minimum number of users required for the product to function effectively. For instance, a product like Slack can function effectively with a small team within a company, while a product like a credit card, when first launched, required a larger network, such as the whole of Fresno, California.

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The Cold Start Problem

When a networked product launches, it faces a chicken-and-egg problem: people need to use it for it to be worth anything. So how do you start the very...

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Networked products should focus on the smallest network needed to sustain the product. Different products require differently sized first networks. For Slack, a small team within a company is enough for the platform to work. But, when the credit card was first launched by Bank of America in 1958, it was done so across the whole of Fresno, California.

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Businesses can anticipate and prepare for the Cold Start Problem by focusing on creating the smallest network needed to sustain the product. The size of this network will vary depending on the product. For example, for a platform like Slack, a small team within a company is enough for the platform to work. However, for a product like a credit card, a larger network may be needed, as was the case when Bank of America first launched its credit card in 1958 across the whole of Fresno, California.

The Cold Start Problem refers to the difficulty faced by a product or service when it's first launched, as it has no user data to draw from. Potential risks include slow user adoption, difficulty in attracting initial users, and inability to provide personalized experiences or recommendations. It can also lead to a longer time to reach a critical mass of users necessary for the product or service to be viable.

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