A buyer values visualization is a tool that allows the input of data from market research to rank different aspects of a product or service based on whether or not users will value it. It lists out the expected value a user wants from a product along with the opportunity that exists to service that market. It can help identify markets with high opportunity or potential, as well as those with minimal to no opportunity, which should be avoided.

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Market Entry Strategy

Is your business eyeing a new market? Use our Market Entry Strategy presentation template to discover if an expansion investment is worth it. Whether...

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The first step to any market entry is an assessment of the opportunity available. This buyer values visualization allows the input of data from market research to rank different aspects of a product or service based on whether or not users will value it. The expected value a user wants from a product is listed out along with the opportunity that exists to service that market. For example, an existing market comes with high opportunity based on past precedents, while an emerging market has high potential with less competition to gain a first-mover advantage. A market with minimal to no opportunity should be an area to avoid the dedication of further resources. (Slide 3)

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A business can use several strategies to avoid dedicating further resources to a market with minimal opportunity. First, it can conduct a thorough market assessment to understand the potential value and opportunity in the market. If the market shows minimal to no opportunity, the business should avoid investing further resources. Second, the business can use buyer values visualization to rank different aspects of a product or service based on user value. This can help the business identify areas with high potential and avoid areas with low potential. Lastly, the business can consider the competition in the market. If the market is emerging with less competition, it might be worth the risk to gain a first-mover advantage. However, if the market is saturated with competition and shows minimal opportunity, it would be wise to avoid further investment.

A business can assess the potential of a new market by conducting a thorough market research. This includes understanding the expected value a user wants from a product or service, the opportunity that exists to service that market, and the level of competition. For instance, an existing market may offer high opportunity based on past precedents, while an emerging market may have high potential with less competition, providing a first-mover advantage. A market with minimal to no opportunity should be avoided.

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