Body language plays a significant role in receiving feedback. It can affect how the feedback is perceived and understood.

Positive body language, such as maintaining eye contact and nodding, can show that you are actively listening and open to the feedback. This can encourage the person giving feedback to be more open and honest.

On the other hand, negative body language, such as crossing arms or avoiding eye contact, can signal defensiveness or disinterest. This can hinder effective communication and make the feedback less productive.

Moreover, being aware of your own body language can help you control your reactions and emotions, making it easier to accept and understand the feedback.

In conclusion, body language can significantly impact the effectiveness of feedback, both in terms of how it's received and how it's perceived.

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Thanks for the Feedback: The Science and Art of Receiving Feedback Well

Dreading “feedback season” and afraid that you might leave your review dejected, or end the conversa...

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