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Feedback loops significantly impact the overall system by influencing the rate of flow into or out of a stock. They create a cycle of action and reaction, where changes in the stock can lead to changes in behavior that further affect the stock. For instance, if the amount of money in a bank account decreases, the account holder might decide to work more to increase the account balance, thus creating a feedback loop.
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How do you avoid wasted time, money, and resources from short-sighted decisions? When you think in systems, you can learn to recognize the relationshi...
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Stocks are the "foundation" of a system and are the element that you can see, feel, count, or measure. A feedback loop is formed when changes in stock affect the flows into or out of that same stock. A prime example of this concept is interest as it relates to the amount of money in a bank account. Likewise, if you see less money in your account, you might react and take more work and thus the cycle continues.
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