Raw materials play a crucial role in supply chain management as they are the starting point of the production process. They are moved through the supply chain, undergoing various internal processing stages, until they become finished goods. These finished goods are then delivered to the end consumer. Effective management of raw materials in the supply chain can help in reducing costs, improving efficiency, and ensuring timely delivery of products.

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Supply Chain Management

Increase your organization's business efficiency, output level, and overall profitability with better supply chain management. Use our Supply Chain Ma...

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Start with an overview of your current state of supply chain management. With this slide, walk your audience through the movement of raw materials, the internal processing and the movement of finished goods into the hands of the end consumer. With this slide, communicate your demand and sales forecasting. Some of the useful and proven tools for predicting demand and sales include Unioncrate Demand Planning AI, Prophix Software, ForecastX, Refract and Jirav.

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Data analytics can significantly improve supply chain management by providing insights into various aspects of the supply chain. It can help in predicting demand and sales, which can lead to better inventory management and reduced costs. It can also help in identifying bottlenecks in the supply chain, enabling companies to take corrective actions. Furthermore, data analytics can assist in improving the movement of raw materials and finished goods, leading to increased efficiency.

Artificial intelligence plays a crucial role in supply chain management. It helps in improving the efficiency and effectiveness of supply chains by automating and optimizing processes, predicting demand and sales, and enhancing decision-making. AI can also assist in managing and tracking the movement of raw materials, internal processing, and the movement of finished goods to the end consumer.

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