Redundancies in resilient organizations are significant because they help the organization survive and recover from unexpected systemic shocks. In an increasingly volatile world, resilience is the new growth strategy. While Six Sigma advocates might find the level of redundancies in resilient organizations unacceptable, these redundancies are crucial for survival in the face of radical external changes.

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Rogue Waves

How do you prepare your business for black swan events like pandemics or financial crises? Rogue Waves by Jonathan Brill explores how to prepare for a...

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As the world moves faster and becomes more connected, Rogue Waves are no longer edge cases. External events of large magnitude like wars, financial crises and large natural disasters have severely affected large companies every seven years on average. American business leaders respond to radical external change nearly 45% of the time. In an increasingly volatile world, resilience is the new growth strategy. Resilient organizations have more redundancies than what Six Sigma advocates find acceptable. But today's organizational mandate is not just about performance. It's also about surviving and recovering from unexpected systemic shocks. Any business or economy is just a combination of games with different rules, different winning probabilities, and different payouts. In a casino, while individual players win or lose, the house always wins the night because it places systemic controls on the flow of information. Similarly, a business can beat randomness and win by placing systemic con...

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Businesses can prepare for and respond to black swan events like pandemics or financial crises by building resilience into their operations. This includes having redundancies in place, even if they exceed what is typically acceptable in Six Sigma practices. The goal is not just about performance, but also about survival and recovery from unexpected systemic shocks. Businesses can also implement systemic controls on the flow of information, similar to how a casino operates, to beat randomness and win.

The statement 'resilience is the new growth strategy' implies that in a rapidly changing and unpredictable world, organizations need to be resilient to survive and recover from unexpected systemic shocks. This means that they need to have more redundancies than what is traditionally acceptable. The focus is not just on performance, but also on the ability to withstand and bounce back from major disruptions.

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