The Portfolio Tracker provides real-time data for a specific stock including its current market price, 52-week high/low, and past performance trends. This gives a concise overview of the stock's position in the market.

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Portfolio Tracker

Manage your portfolio with a template that updates the stock data in real-time. Download our Portfolio Tracker template, available in both Microsoft E...

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For example, let's say Jordan hears about a potential rise in Tesla (TSLA). He can quickly add it to his watchlist. To do this, enter the security's name into the table, and if necessary, follow the same steps as before to format the field as a 'stock' data type. Upon doing so, the template will populate real-time data about Tesla, providing its current market price, 52-week high/low, and past performance trends. This tab thus provides a concise overview of the security's position in the market.

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The Portfolio Tracker can help in understanding a security's position in the market by providing real-time data about the security. This includes its current market price, 52-week high/low, and past performance trends. By entering the security's name into the tracker, you can get a concise overview of its position in the market. This can be particularly useful for tracking potential investment opportunities and making informed decisions.

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