Companies might face several obstacles when applying the negotiation strategies from "Bargaining for Advantage". One potential obstacle could be resistance from employees who are used to traditional negotiation methods. This can be overcome by providing comprehensive training and demonstrating the benefits of the new strategies. Another obstacle could be the difficulty in changing established negotiation processes. Companies can overcome this by gradually implementing new strategies and allowing time for adjustment. Lastly, there might be challenges in maintaining a balance between assertiveness and cooperation. This can be managed by fostering a culture of respect and understanding, and by emphasizing the importance of listening and information exchange in negotiations.

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Bargaining for Advantage: Negotiation Strategies for Reasonable People

Ever wonder what makes a great negotiator? Read this book summary to learn about the latest social science and psychology research on negotiation. Get...

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Next comes information exchange. Here, the most important thing to remember is to listen first, talk second. This approach will both improve your likeability and rapport with the other party and enable you to learn valuable information about the other side. You can then use this information in the exchange of offers.

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One of the most innovative ideas presented in "Bargaining for Advantage" is the emphasis on the importance of information exchange in negotiation. The book suggests that listening first and talking second can significantly improve your likeability and rapport with the other party, and also enable you to learn valuable information about the other side. This information can then be used in the exchange of offers, providing a strategic advantage in negotiations. Another surprising idea is the application of social science and psychology research to negotiation strategies, which can help individuals get more of what they want while maintaining their professional relationships.

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