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The scientists and engineers employed by the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency were responsible for developing the internet. They were divided into two groups. The first group was interested in the new technology for its own sake, while the second group believed that the internet held great potential for humankind by making information and opportunity accessible to all.
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A government agency, the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, funded and created the internet. The defense agency's main goal was to foster undefined advances in technology to compete with the Soviet Union. The agency employed a handful of scientists and engineers to develop the internet, many of whom "were fundamentally convinced that they could make the world a better place with their inventions." Eventually, this team fractured into two groups. The first was a set of "computer geeks" interested in the new technology for its own sake. The second was a group of men who identified as "counter-cultural humanists." They believed that the internet held great potential for humankind by making information and opportunity accessible to all.
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