Dale Ludwig and Greg Owen-Boger are authors known for their work on presentation techniques. They wrote The Orderly Conversation, a book that emphasizes the importance of well-designed visuals in presentations. According to them, such visuals do more than just provide information; they bring order to the conversation. This suggests that their contribution to presentation techniques lies in their advocacy for the use of effective visuals to enhance communication and understanding.

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Dale Ludwig and Greg Owen-Boger, the authors of The Orderly Conversation, say: "Well-designed visuals do more than provide information; they bring order to the conversation." Add a compelling visual to this slide for a strong start. If you need to place a large chunk of text on your slide, use this one to ensure that it's easy to read and doesn't cause any discomfort to the reader. Make certain that there is a sharp contrast between the text and background colors. Quotes are a great way to aid your arguments, claims and offers. A clever, funny or thought-provoking idea said by someone famous may greatly influence the audience to view a topic of your presentation in a whole new light.

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The use of famous quotes in a presentation can significantly influence the audience's perception of the topic. Quotes from well-known individuals can lend credibility to your arguments and claims. They can also introduce new perspectives, provoke thought, or add humor, making the presentation more engaging and memorable. Therefore, they can change the audience's view by providing a different angle or reinforcing the presented ideas.

A well-designed slide deck plays a crucial role in the success of a presentation. It not only provides information but also brings order to the conversation. It can make the content easy to read and understand, prevent discomfort to the reader, and help to present arguments, claims, and offers in a compelling way. A clever, funny, or thought-provoking quote can also greatly influence the audience's perception of the topic.

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