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82% of businesses fail because of cash flow problems and 20% of startups fail within the first year, per Nexea. That is why a powerful business pitch is your sword and shield. Successful start-ups learn from rejections and know that preparation is key. Use our Business Pitch Deck to communicate your vision with compelling visuals, make investors fall in love with your idea, get the resources, turn your concepts into reality and thrive.

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A business pitch deck can significantly aid in the survival of startups in their first year by effectively communicating the startup's vision, goals, and strategies to potential investors. It can help attract necessary funding by making investors understand and fall in love with the startup's idea. This can lead to financial support, which is crucial for a startup's survival, especially in the first year when cash flow problems are common. Moreover, a well-prepared pitch deck can also help the startup team to align their strategies and goals, thus increasing their chances of success.

Some examples of successful startups that used a business pitch effectively include Airbnb, Uber, and Dropbox. Airbnb's pitch deck was simple, clear, and focused on the market size and their solution to the existing problem. Uber's pitch deck was effective because it clearly communicated the problem (inefficient taxi services) and their solution (a mobile app for hailing rides). Dropbox's pitch deck was successful because it demonstrated the product in action, making it easier for investors to understand the product's value.

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Slide highlights

With this slide, introduce the problem your product or service is aiming to solve. Remember that the more severe the problem that your company is solving, the more valuable your solution will be in the eyes of the stakeholders.

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As you can see from the statistics below, "the team slide can affect 90% of the business idea ability to take off the ground." Use this slide to introduce and give credit to the amazing talent that's got your back.

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Using testimonials in your pitch not only helps you to answer the audience's question of "why you?" but also allows to transform your sales pitch into a credible, unbiased recommendation for your product," per "Entrepreneur."

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The key topics covered in the Business Pitch Deck enhance business strategy by providing a structured approach to presenting a business idea or concept. They help in identifying and communicating the problem that the product or service is aiming to solve, which is crucial for any business strategy. The team slide, for instance, can significantly impact the business idea's ability to take off the ground. Testimonials can transform the sales pitch into a credible, unbiased recommendation for the product, thereby enhancing the business's credibility and trustworthiness. Overall, these elements help in effectively communicating the business vision, thereby enhancing the business strategy.

The Business Pitch Deck can align with digital marketing initiatives in several ways. Firstly, it can be used to present the digital marketing strategy to stakeholders, including the objectives, tactics, and key performance indicators. Secondly, it can showcase the results of digital marketing efforts, such as increased website traffic, lead generation, or improved brand awareness. Lastly, it can be used to solicit feedback and ideas for improving digital marketing initiatives. The visuals and compelling narrative of the pitch deck can help to engage the audience and facilitate discussion.

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Strategic consulting and coaching firm, The Winning Pitch, published some key stats every startup should know before pitching:

  • Investors look at pitch decks for just an average of three minutes and 44 seconds
  • Investors pay attention to two times more on finance and team slides rather than the other pitch deck slides. The team slide can affect 90% of the business idea ability to take off the ground
  • Startups that fail to successfully raise funding, usually give up after an average of 6.7 weeks
  • Startups need approximately 40 quality investor meetings to close the deal
  • The average amount of time it takes to raise funding from firms is four weeks shorter than the amount of time it takes to raise funding from angel investors
  • Angel investors invest $25,000-$100,000 on average in a project, while seed firms usually invest $250,000- $1M.
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1. Clear and Concise Vision: Your vision should be clear, concise, and easy to understand. Avoid using jargon or complex terms.

2. Storytelling: Use storytelling to make your vision more engaging and relatable. This can help investors understand your vision on a deeper level.

3. Visuals: Use compelling visuals to communicate your vision. This can include graphs, charts, images, or videos.

4. Team: Highlight your team's skills and experience. This can help investors see that you have the right people to execute your vision.

5. Financial Projections: Include financial projections to show how your vision can lead to profitability. This can help investors see the potential return on their investment.

Angel investors typically invest between $25,000 and $100,000 in a project. On the other hand, seed firms usually invest a larger amount, typically between $250,000 and $1 million.

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In January, 2020, "Harvard Business Review" published an online survey seeking insights from managers who hear a lot of pitches. The managers were asked what they value in a business pitch the most and least. Here is what the researchers learned from 1,800 responses:

Lesson 1: be a master of the facts, but know that for an executive audience, your relevant experience matters most.

The research found that the more senior the audience you are pitching to, the sooner you must register your relevant experience and how it solves their challenge in unscripted conversation. The advice is: "Listen well, and map your knowledge and experience to what you hear. But for less senior audiences, it's more important to show mastery of facts. Do your research and show it."

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The research findings about pitching to senior audiences can significantly impact the creation of a Business Pitch Deck. When pitching to a senior audience, it's crucial to demonstrate your relevant experience and how it solves their challenges early in the conversation. This can be incorporated into the pitch deck by highlighting past successes, relevant skills, and unique solutions you bring to their challenges. However, for less senior audiences, the focus should be more on demonstrating mastery of facts. Therefore, the pitch deck should be tailored accordingly, with more emphasis on detailed research and factual information.

Any startup company seeking funding could benefit from using a Business Pitch Deck. It allows them to effectively communicate their business idea, vision, and plan to potential investors. It can help them demonstrate their understanding of the market, showcase their unique selling proposition, and outline their strategy for growth. This can increase their chances of securing the necessary funding.

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Lesson 2: avoid pitches where only one person speaks.

Within the research, respondents of all levels said that a pitch team with good chemistry together is much more trustworthy than one senior person who does all the talking. The advice is: "Reconsider the wisdom of bringing people to a pitch who say nothing or have no clear expertise. Use your team to amplify your expertise in a pitch, not dilute it. Of course, one senior person who is expert in all the relevant areas, listens well to the audience, and can build (or already has) their trust, will defeat a team that does not listen and is unable to apply their collective expertise to the contours of the audience's objective."

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There are several strategies to build trust with the audience during a business pitch. First, demonstrate your expertise and knowledge in the area you're pitching. This can be done by providing clear, concise, and relevant information. Second, listen to your audience and address their concerns or questions. This shows that you value their input and are willing to adapt your proposal to meet their needs. Third, use your team effectively. A team that works well together and each member contributes to the pitch can be more trustworthy than a single person doing all the talking. Lastly, be honest and transparent about your business, including potential risks and challenges. This shows that you're realistic and not trying to oversell your idea.

A pitch team can adapt their presentation to meet the audience's objectives by first understanding the audience's needs, goals, and interests. They should tailor their message to align with these objectives, emphasizing how their proposal can help achieve them. The team should also demonstrate their expertise and credibility, showing that they have the skills and knowledge to deliver on their promises. Additionally, they should engage the audience, encouraging questions and feedback to ensure their message is resonating and to address any concerns or objections. Lastly, they should be flexible and willing to adjust their approach based on the audience's reactions and feedback.

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Lesson 3: be passionate about the problem, not just your product.

Beyond experience and facts, passion for the pitch was a top trait that the managers surveyed highlighted as crucial. In fact, one executive-level respondent stated:"I want to feel their energy for the pitch. The other key aspect is their mastery of the detail. Is it really in their blood … or just skin deep?" And another respondent said: "I want to hear about me not about them." The general expert advice is: "if you're pitching, be passionate about who you are pitching too as much as you are about your own product."

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The Business Pitch Deck can enhance your business strategy by providing a structured and visually compelling way to communicate your business idea. It allows you to present your vision, goals, and strategies in a clear and engaging manner. This can help you attract the resources and support you need to turn your concepts into reality. It also allows you to demonstrate your passion and mastery of detail, which are key factors in convincing others to invest in or support your business.

Some common mistakes to avoid when making a business pitch include:

1. Lack of passion: Investors want to see that you are passionate about your idea. If you don't show enthusiasm, they may doubt your commitment to the project.

2. Lack of detail: You need to know your business inside and out. If you can't answer questions about your business, it may seem like you haven't done your homework.

3. Talking too much about yourself: The pitch is about the business, not you. Make sure to focus on the product or service you are offering and how it can benefit the investor.

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Lesson 4: listen closely and respond carefully.

The managers surveyed say that few decision-makers actually are interested in being "pitched." They want the pitching team to listen, ask questions and deeply understand the investors' point of view on their problem before hearing the solution. And the more senior the audience, the more they want to have a conversation, to be heard and to hear what you think of their challenge, the researchers found. "I wish they listened more and spoke less," was a feedback from one of the executive respondents.

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The feedback "I wish they listened more and spoke less" implies that the executive respondents prefer a more interactive and conversational approach rather than a one-sided pitch. They want the pitching team to listen to their views and understand their challenges before proposing a solution. This suggests a preference for a dialogue where their input is valued and considered.

A business pitch deck is a powerful tool that can help secure resources and assistance for a business. It serves as a visual narrative that outlines your business plan and vision. It can help in attracting investors, partners, and clients by effectively communicating your business idea, strategy, target market, competitive advantage, and financial projections. It allows you to showcase your understanding of the market and your unique solution to a problem. A well-prepared pitch deck can convince stakeholders of the viability and potential profitability of your business, thereby securing the resources and help needed.

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Expert advice

Who knows more about business pitches than the "sharks" from the ABC's "Shark Tank?" Share these with your team before your pitch meeting and get everybody infected with inspiration and encouragement.

  1. "Follow the green, not the dream."– Mark Cuban
  2. "A goal without a timeline is just a dream."– Robert Herjavec
  3. "As an entrepreneur, you can always find a solution if you try hard enough."– Lori Greiner
  4. "I have just as much right to be here as you, I'm just as smart as you are. You might not think I'm smart, but I know I'm smart. Guess what, I've done a lot. Don't you dare look down on me."– Barbara Corcoran
  5. "If you can't come clean and tell investors how and why you failed, that raises a red flag. They need to see that you learned from it and came back stronger."– Daymond John
  6. "My partners ... taught me that in order to create wealth, I needed to pair up with people whose strengths compensated for my weaknesses."– Kevin O'Leary
  7. "Tough times never last; tough people always do." – Robert Herjavec
  8. "The difference between the real winners is how long they take to feel sorry for themselves. My winners feel it … but they come back up and say 'hit me again.'" – Barbara Corcoran
  9. "You have to have a senseless belief in your idea and yourself — almost to the point of being delusional. Remember that everyone has advice but no one knows what you have to go through to start, grow and scale a business until they live it. Talk is cheap, but action speaks volumes."– Robert Herjavec
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These quotes can be used in a business pitch deck presentation to inspire, motivate, and provide insights. They can be used to emphasize key points, illustrate ideas, and create an emotional connection with the audience. For example, Mark Cuban's quote can be used to stress the importance of focusing on profitability, while Robert Herjavec's quote can be used to highlight the importance of setting clear, time-bound goals. Lori Greiner's quote can inspire resilience and problem-solving, while Barbara Corcoran's quotes can be used to encourage self-belief and resilience in the face of adversity. Daymond John's quote can be used to emphasize the importance of learning from failures, and Kevin O'Leary's quote can highlight the value of partnerships and leveraging strengths. Remember, the key is to use these quotes in a way that aligns with your message and resonates with your audience.

Barbara Corcoran's statement means that the real winners in life are those who don't dwell on their failures or setbacks for too long. They allow themselves to feel the disappointment or sorrow, but they quickly recover and are ready to face new challenges. They don't let failure deter them from their goals, instead, they learn from it and move forward.

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