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When you work in a crowded industry with aggressive competitors, you need to build momentum on your success and innovate fast to keep up. Our Core Competency Analysis deck helps you identify your organization's most unique and strategically valuable resources. Leverage them to create sustained competitive advantages and do more of what you're good at.

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Companies can implement the Core Competency Analysis framework in their operations to create sustained competitive advantages by first identifying their unique and strategically valuable resources. These could be skills, knowledge, or other assets that distinguish them in the marketplace. Once identified, these core competencies should be developed and leveraged to create value and differentiate the company from its competitors. This could involve investing in training and development, aligning business processes to support these competencies, and incorporating them into the company's strategic planning and decision-making processes. Over time, these actions can help the company build momentum on its success and innovate faster, thereby creating a sustained competitive advantage.

The Core Competency Analysis framework can be practically applied in a crowded industry in several ways. Firstly, it can help identify the unique resources and skills that set your organization apart from competitors. This can be leveraged to create sustained competitive advantages. Secondly, it can guide the development of new strategies and innovations based on these core competencies. Lastly, it can help in focusing on enhancing these competencies to further strengthen the organization's position in the market.

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Core competencies create a foundation that can be used to identify new growth areas and create products that align with organizational strengths.(Slide 5)

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A core competency checklist ensures the competencies selected align with organizational values and deliver unique value proposition to customers. (Slide 7)

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A table analysis helps rank your core competencies against one another to compare their importance, defensibility, and strengths.(Slide 20)

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The challenges in ranking core competencies include determining their relative importance, assessing their defensibility, and evaluating their strengths. These challenges can be overcome by using a table analysis to compare the competencies against one another. Additionally, a core competency checklist can ensure that the competencies selected align with organizational values and deliver a unique value proposition to customers.

Core competency analysis aligns with organizational values by helping to identify, develop, and analyze the resources and skills that distinguish the organization in the marketplace. This process ensures that the competencies selected align with the organization's values and deliver a unique value proposition to customers. It also helps to identify new growth areas and create products that align with organizational strengths.

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Build upon the unique resources that set your organization apart from its competition. Identify those existing or potential core competencies to invest in, improve or innovate on.

Core competency analysis can help you expand into new markets, serve new industries, or develop more innovative solutions. Investments in these strengths can give customers what they didn't even know they needed — and what competitors can't provide.



Core competencies introduce a combination of resources and skills that distinguish a business in its respective marketplace. It could be an organization's skills and knowledge base, managerial systems, or technical systems that form a series of values and norms. Core competency theory explains the success of household names like McDonald's, Walmart, Apple, and IKEA. All four brands have honed their mastery of core competencies to focus on what they do best even as they consistently reinvent themselves.(Slide 2)

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Brands like McDonald's, Walmart, Apple, and IKEA have used Core Competency Analysis to identify and develop their unique strengths and capabilities that set them apart in the marketplace. McDonald's, for instance, has focused on its fast food service and global brand recognition. Walmart has honed its supply chain management and cost leadership. Apple has leveraged its innovation and design capabilities. IKEA has capitalized on its cost-effective, flat-pack furniture design and efficient retail operations. These core competencies have allowed these companies to maintain a competitive edge and continually reinvent themselves.

Common challenges in applying Core Competency Analysis include identifying the true core competencies, avoiding overemphasis on certain competencies, and maintaining these competencies over time. To overcome these challenges, it's important to have a clear understanding of the business and its market, to balance the focus on different competencies, and to regularly review and update the competencies as the business and market evolve.

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Core competencies are often favorable conditions that make up the foundation of a company's competitiveness. They are different from competitive advantages, which are specific skills or knowledge that allows a company to gain a presence in multiple markets. Combine both, and you have a recipe for long-term success.(Slide 3)

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Core Competency Analysis has several practical applications in the business marketplace. It helps organizations identify their unique strengths and capabilities that set them apart from competitors. This can guide strategic planning and decision-making, helping businesses to focus on areas where they can leverage their core competencies for competitive advantage. It can also inform talent management strategies, as businesses can identify the skills and knowledge that are central to their core competencies and prioritize their development. Furthermore, it can support diversification strategies, as businesses can identify new markets where their core competencies can be applied.

A Core Competency Analysis can help in developing a company's unique resources and skills by identifying the key strengths that set the company apart from its competitors. These core competencies, which could be a unique process, specialized knowledge, or proprietary technology, form the foundation of a company's competitiveness. By identifying and focusing on these core competencies, a company can leverage them to gain a competitive advantage in the marketplace, potentially leading to long-term success.

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Mission and vision review

To start, identify your company's core mission and vision statement. Complete a job analysis of all active roles and survey employees to understand your company. Define internal capabilities that are strategically positioned to deliver sustainable value. Perform a core competency review throughout the organization and evaluate its strengths and weaknesses. Compare with other companies with similar capabilities to ensure the development of key competencies is targeted.

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Yes, there are numerous case studies that demonstrate the effectiveness of Core Competency Analysis. Companies like Apple, Google, and Amazon have used this analysis to identify their unique capabilities and leverage them for competitive advantage. For instance, Apple's core competency in design and innovation has been a key factor in its success in the tech industry. Similarly, Amazon's competency in logistics and customer service has helped it dominate the e-commerce sector. These case studies show how Core Competency Analysis can help organizations identify their strengths and strategically position themselves in the marketplace.

Companies can implement Core Competency Analysis in their operations by first identifying their core mission and vision statement. They should then complete a job analysis of all active roles and survey employees to understand the company better. Defining internal capabilities that are strategically positioned to deliver sustainable value is the next step. A core competency review should be performed throughout the organization to evaluate its strengths and weaknesses. Finally, companies should compare with other companies with similar capabilities to ensure the development of key competencies is targeted.

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Draft potential competencies and establish a roadmap for the organization to set goals for competence building. Promote all-inclusive participation in the development and validate those competencies with feedback from stakeholders like team members, investors or customers. Finally, preach the competencies so that they become common practice across the organization.(Slide 7)

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Feedback from stakeholders such as team members, investors, or customers is crucial in validating the competencies identified in a Core Competency Analysis. These stakeholders can provide insights into whether the identified competencies truly distinguish the organization in the marketplace. Team members can validate if the competencies align with their daily operations and capabilities. Investors can provide a perspective on whether the competencies align with market trends and can drive profitability. Customers can validate if the competencies indeed deliver value to them. Thus, their feedback helps ensure that the competencies are not just theoretically sound, but also practically relevant and effective.

Yes, there are numerous case studies that demonstrate the effectiveness of Core Competency Analysis. Companies like Apple, Google, and Amazon have used this analysis to identify their unique strengths and leverage them to gain a competitive edge in the market. However, these case studies are not included in this presentation.

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A core competency analysis can be conducted across three different scenarios: either with core competencies already established, potential competencies defined, or no existing or potential competencies.

In scenario one, the action is to identify how to develop and improve each existing core competency to increase market share and strengthen its competitive position in the greater industry landscape.

In scenario two, no existing core competencies were established but potential ones are identified. In this case, identify what makes the most sense to invest in and develop further.

In scenario three, with no existing or potential core competency, more stakeholders need to be involved in the discovery process. The action to take in this scenario could be to survey customers or involve external facilitators like a partner organization or consultant.(Slide 9)

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Skill areas

Management, technical, and organizational skills are all areas that can be invested in as a core competency. Risk management, business knowledge, and business attributes are also areas that can be developed.

For example, let's say you are an exec at a cyber-security company that has been assigned the mandate to develop new products and services to meet the current boom in cyber-security services. You decide to conduct a core competency analysis before diving into new product development.

While your company's strategic perspective, relationship development, and decision-making are key strengths and competitive advantages, they aren't unique enough to differentiate yourself from competition. Therefore, they aren't considered as core competencies.

Your technical skills in research and analytics, data interpretation, and information systems are all vital strengths. But once again, you want a core competency to be something that others can't emulate, and your technical skills are on par with the rest of your industry as a minimum barrier to entry.

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Companies can implement Core Competency Analysis in their operations by first identifying their unique strengths and resources that distinguish them in the marketplace. This could be technical skills, proprietary technology, or a unique business model. Once these core competencies are identified, they should be developed and nurtured to maintain a competitive edge. It's also important to continually analyze these competencies to ensure they remain relevant and advantageous in the changing market conditions.

Common challenges in applying Core Competency Analysis include identifying unique competencies, avoiding over-reliance on current competencies, and ensuring the competencies align with the company's strategic direction. Overcoming these challenges involves conducting thorough market research to identify unique competencies, fostering a culture of continuous learning and innovation to avoid over-reliance on current competencies, and aligning the identified competencies with the company's strategic direction through regular reviews and updates.

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That said, your organization's risk management skills may be unique. Particularly, your standards and frameworks, adaptation approaches, and process and solutions put you ahead in terms of on-the-ground execution. Your subspecialty in cloud-security solutions has also become an increasingly important part of the industry. Therefore, these are the core competencies to focus on when you develop the next slate of products. (Slide 11)

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Core competencies can significantly influence the development of new products. They are the unique strengths and abilities of a company that give it a competitive edge in the market. These competencies can be leveraged to create innovative and unique products that meet customer needs in a way that competitors cannot replicate. For instance, a company's unique risk management skills or specialization in cloud-security solutions can be used to develop new products in these areas. This not only ensures that the products are of high quality, but also that they are unique and cater to a specific market need.

A subspecialty in cloud-security solutions is important in the industry because it addresses the growing need for secure data storage and management in the digital age. As more businesses move their operations and data to the cloud, the demand for robust security measures to protect sensitive information increases. This subspecialty not only provides a competitive edge in the marketplace but also positions an organization as a trusted provider of secure cloud solutions. It's a key competency that can drive the development of new products and services.

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Comparison With Others

In this visualization, competencies can be compared against multiple companies in competition for market share, alongside those companies' core and end products.

In our example, you've determined risk management skills to be a core competency. In particular, the ability to mitigate internal and customer risk across standardized frameworks, adaptable and flexible processes, and a subspeciality in cloud-based security solutions.

Your core product is the cloud-based zero-trust security application infrastructure, which requires customers to switch over to your service from their existing cloud network.

The new end product, based on your core competency analysis, could be a cloud security readiness service that assesses a client's potential risk at a minimal cost. It also creates a custom plan to upgrade servers with identity and access management, plus data protection capabilities to integrate and work within customers' existing cloud server infrastructures.(Slides 12-14)

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The key steps involved in conducting a Core Competency Analysis are:

1. Identify the core competencies of your organization. These are the unique capabilities that give your organization a competitive edge.

2. Analyze the relevance of these competencies in the current market scenario.

3. Evaluate the effectiveness of these competencies in achieving your organization's goals.

4. Develop strategies to enhance these competencies if needed.

5. Implement the strategies and monitor the progress.

A Core Competency Analysis can enhance a company's position in the marketplace by identifying the unique strengths and resources that set the company apart from its competitors. This analysis can help the company to focus on developing and leveraging these competencies to gain a competitive advantage. For instance, it could lead to the creation of a unique product or service, like a cloud security readiness service, that meets a specific market need and distinguishes the company in the marketplace.

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Development Progress

Team leaders, project managers and executives will want to track development progress. Editable sliders can be dragged with percentages adjusted to monitor and report how far along the organization is in the core competency analysis process. Each slider can be used to represent progress or compare a competency-relevant strength.(Slide 15)

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Core Competency Analysis in project management can be used in several practical ways. It can help identify the unique strengths and resources of a project team, which can be leveraged to gain a competitive edge. It can also be used to identify gaps in skills or resources, which can then be addressed through training or recruitment. Additionally, it can be used to guide decision-making and strategy, ensuring that projects align with the team's core competencies. Finally, it can be used to track and monitor progress, as indicated in the content provided.

The main components of Core Competency Analysis include identifying the unique capabilities that give your organization a competitive edge, analyzing these capabilities to understand their impact on your business, and developing strategies to leverage these competencies for business growth and success. This process involves assessing your organization's strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats (SWOT), and aligning these with your business goals and objectives.

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Leadership Levels

Core competencies can be defined and analyzed across leadership levels as well. For instance, executives, managers, supervisors, and project leads can conduct a self-or-cross-organizational analysis to determine relevant strengths to build upon. (Slide 16)

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Assessment of Competency Areas

Leaders can test potential competencies against one another. To do so, ask whether each competency provides a customer benefit, is difficult to imitate, and can be leveraged widely.

Let's say Competency 1 is your cloud security company's risk management skills, while Competency 2 is your company's technical skills, and Competency 3 is your organization's management style.

While your company's technical skills provide a benefit to customers, it is easy to imitate and can't be leveraged widely as a competitive advantage over your peers. Alternatively, your management skills are hard to imitate, but don't really provide customer benefits and can't be leveraged widely as a core competency. Your risk management skills, on the other hand, are difficult to imitate and can be leveraged widely over your competition — thus, it passes the test to be prioritized over the other two options.(Slide 18)

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While specific case studies are not mentioned in the content provided, the effectiveness of Core Competency Analysis in risk management can be inferred from its application. Core Competency Analysis helps organizations identify their unique strengths and capabilities that provide a competitive advantage. In the context of risk management, these could be unique methodologies, experienced personnel, or proprietary technology. By identifying these core competencies, organizations can better manage risks by leveraging their strengths. However, for specific case studies, I would recommend looking into academic journals or industry reports that focus on risk management and core competency.

The main components of the Core Competency Analysis framework typically include the identification of potential core competencies, the analysis of these competencies, and the selection of the most valuable ones. This process often involves assessing whether the competencies are hard to imitate, provide a competitive advantage, and can be leveraged widely. The framework may also include the development and management of these competencies.

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For a deeper analysis into each competency, an alternate visualization with an editable questionnaire can be used to rank competencies with a yes or no answer according to the key areas that are important to your business. (Slide 19)

A table analysis visualization is also available to rank each competency by its relative importance, defensibility, and comparative strength against others.(Slide 20)

For similar resources, check out our presentations on Competitive Landscape Analysis (Part 1) and Competitive Landscape Analysis (Part 2). Or learn more about Competitive Strategy: Techniques for Analyzing Industries and Competitors from Michael Porter's book.

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