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Como você faz sua equipe de produto ser mais ágil, inovar mais rápido e reduzir o custo do fracasso? Baixe o modelo de apresentação Minimum Viable Product (MVP) para dedicar os recursos certos e desenvolver os benefícios mais importantes que os usuários realmente desejam. Os MVPs priorizam seu fluxo de trabalho para identificar os recursos mais importantes a serem construídos para os clientes e reduzir o custo de projetos fracassados.

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The MVP (Minimum Viable Product) framework aligns with digital transformation initiatives in businesses by promoting agility, innovation, and cost-effectiveness. It allows businesses to test their ideas in the market with minimal resources, gather feedback, and iterate based on user responses. This approach reduces the risk of failure and aligns with the digital transformation's goal of leveraging technology to improve business processes, culture, and customer experiences.

The MVP (Minimum Viable Product) framework is widely used in the tech industry for various practical applications. It helps in validating a product idea early in the product development cycle, thus reducing the risk of failure. It allows companies to gather user feedback without fully developing the product. This feedback can be used to refine and improve the product. It also helps in prioritizing the features to be developed based on user needs and preferences. Moreover, it aids in allocating resources efficiently, thereby reducing the cost of failed projects.

Some common challenges in applying the MVP framework include:

1. Defining the minimum set of features: It can be difficult to decide what features are essential for the initial product launch. This can be overcome by conducting thorough market research and understanding the core needs of your target audience.

2. Managing expectations: Stakeholders may have high expectations for the initial product, which can be managed by clearly communicating the purpose and benefits of an MVP approach.

3. Gathering and interpreting feedback: It can be challenging to gather meaningful feedback and interpret it correctly. This can be mitigated by having a well-planned feedback mechanism and data analysis process.

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Este modelo inclui slides sobre Canvas MVP, pontuação MVP, relatórios de teste de conceito, métricas de validação, priorização de recursos com o menor trabalho primeiro ponderado, curva de adoção de produto, trabalhos a serem feitos, árvore MVP, resultados de teste A/B, mockups de produto e muito mais. Além disso, leia até o final para aprender como a Uber desenvolveu um MVP matador que os lançou para 93 milhões de clientes.

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The MVP (Minimum Viable Product) and Lean Startup are both business methodologies, but they focus on different aspects. The MVP approach is about building a product with the minimum set of features to satisfy early customers and provide feedback for future product development. It's about learning what your customers really want and avoiding waste. On the other hand, Lean Startup is a broader methodology that encompasses MVP. It's about creating a sustainable business model and continuously iterating on it based on customer feedback. It involves validated learning, innovation accounting, and build-measure-learn feedback loop.

A startup that could benefit from the MVP framework is a new online grocery delivery service. The MVP framework would allow them to test their basic concept - an app that allows users to order groceries and have them delivered - with a small group of users. They could start by offering a limited selection of items and delivery in a specific area. Based on user feedback, they could then refine their product, perhaps expanding their selection, offering different delivery options, or adding new features to the app. This approach would allow them to validate their business idea and make improvements before investing heavily in a full-scale launch.

The key topics covered in the MVP presentation, such as A/B test results and product adoption curve, enhance business strategy in several ways. A/B test results provide valuable insights into customer preferences and behavior, which can inform product development and marketing strategies. They allow businesses to test different versions of a product or feature to see which one performs better, thereby reducing the risk of failure and increasing the likelihood of success. The product adoption curve, on the other hand, helps businesses understand the rate at which a new product or technology is likely to be adopted by users. This can inform timing and targeting strategies, helping businesses to effectively reach and engage their target audience at the right time.

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Canvas MVP

Um Canvas MVP introduz os componentes centrais de um MVP do início ao fim para PMs ou designers. Este slide pode ser compartilhado em toda a equipe de produto como um modelo para qualquer produto ou recursos que você pretende construir. Primeiro, defina os clientes-alvo do produto e o que eles desejam. Em seguida, defina como você construirá e testará seu MVP, e então como as aprendizagens influenciarão a próxima etapa (que é a próxima iteração). Os executivos podem então avaliar o que os resultados dos testes e o feedback lhes dizem.Devem continuar com a versão completa ao longo do caminho original, fazer pequenos ajustes e pivotar em uma nova direção, ou se o feedback for realmente ruim, implementar uma parada total no desenvolvimento e buscar algo diferente. (Slide 3)

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The MVP (Minimum Viable Product) model aligns with the concept of continuous iteration in product development by allowing teams to build, measure, and learn in a cyclical process. Initially, a basic version of the product with just enough features to satisfy early customers is developed. This product is then tested in the market, and feedback is gathered. Based on this feedback, the product is either modified or improved in the next iteration. This process continues until a product that meets market needs is developed. This iterative process reduces the risk of failure, as changes are made based on real user feedback and learning.

After testing an MVP and receiving feedback, there are typically three potential outcomes. First, if the feedback is positive and the product meets the needs of the target customers, the team may decide to continue with the full version along the original path. Second, if the feedback suggests that some adjustments are needed, the team may decide to make slight adjustments and pivot in a new direction. Lastly, if the feedback is really bad, the team may decide to implement a full stop to the development and pursue something else.

Feedback plays a crucial role in the MVP (Minimum Viable Product) model. It helps in understanding the user's perspective about the product. If the feedback is positive, it indicates that the product is meeting user expectations and can continue in the same direction. If the feedback is negative or suggests improvements, it indicates that changes are needed. This could lead to slight adjustments in the product or a complete pivot in a new direction. In extreme cases, if the feedback is overwhelmingly negative, it might lead to a full stop in development and a shift towards a different product or feature.

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Escopo do MVP

Um MVP é o esqueleto de um produto. Para um produto que pode ter 20 recursos diferentes, este slide permite que você triagem quais recursos entram no MVP. Cada coluna da esquerda para a direita dita o fluxo do usuário. No exemplo do modelo, o fluxo vai: personalizar, gerenciar pedido, pagar e receber pedido. Para cada parte da jornada do usuário, existem recursos diferentes. Liste os recursos em ordem de maior prioridade para menor prioridade. Uma cor azul escuro significa que este recurso é necessário no esqueleto andante, que é como um wireframe. Os recursos de cor mais clara são necessários para o MVP completo e podem ser incorporados posteriormente. Os recursos cinza são desnecessários nesta fase. Esta priorização ajuda a maximizar o sucesso com recursos humanos e financeiros reduzidos gastos em qualquer recurso que não seja necessário para validar o produto como digno de perseguição. (Slide 6)

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Creating a PowerPoint (PPT) for a Minimum Viable Product (MVP) for a vacation rental management system would involve identifying the core features that would validate the product's value in the market.

The first step would be to identify the user journey. For a vacation rental management system, this could include searching for a property, booking a property, paying for the booking, and providing feedback after the stay.

Next, you would need to list the features for each part of the user journey, prioritizing them from highest to lowest. For example, a search function with filters for location, price, and property type might be a high-priority feature, while a feature for users to save their favorite properties might be lower priority.

The MVP would include only the highest priority features that are necessary to validate the product. Other features can be added in later stages of development.

Remember, the goal of an MVP is to deliver a product that meets the basic needs of your customers with as few features as possible, allowing you to test the product's viability before investing more resources into development.

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Relatório de teste de conceito

Depois que os executivos desenvolvem e apresentam seu MVP a um grupo de usuários, é hora de coletar e resumir as reações e feedback dos usuários.Para uma representação quantitativa, o gráfico superior deste slide representa as reações iniciais dos usuários em vários conceitos. Abaixo disso, as reações sobre a probabilidade de compra são classificadas em uma escala de definitivamente a definitivamente não. Esses gráficos editáveis podem avaliar as perguntas mais importantes que os gerentes de produto precisam descobrir para seu produto específico. À direita, as principais descobertas são listadas para que os gerentes de produto compartilhem suas conclusões em um resumo escrito qualitativo. (Slide 11)

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After presenting an MVP, Product Managers can share key findings such as user reactions and feedback, usability issues, features that users found most and least useful, likelihood of purchase based on user reactions, and any suggestions or improvements proposed by the users. They can also share insights on how the MVP can be improved for a better user experience, and what the next steps would be in terms of product development and feature prioritization.

The likelihood of purchase for an MVP can be measured by presenting the MVP to a group of users and collecting their reactions and feedback. This can be quantitatively represented through a graph where reactions on likelihood to purchase are graded on a scale. This scale could range from 'definitely would purchase' to 'definitely would not purchase'. This method allows for a clear visual representation of the potential success of the MVP in the market.

Editable graphs play a crucial role in assessing important questions for a specific product. They provide a quantitative representation of user reactions and feedback, which can be crucial in product development. For instance, they can show initial reactions across multiple concepts, or display reactions on likelihood to purchase graded on a scale. This data can help product managers discover the most important aspects of their product, guiding future development and improvements.

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Métricas de validação

Para avaliar o sucesso de um MVP após o lançamento, os gerentes de produto podem analisar um conjunto de dados. Este slide pode ser usado como uma atualização de status ou check-in periódico para relatórios semanais ou trimestrais com o restante da equipe de produto. Ele abrange métricas de validação financeira chave como receita recorrente mensal, receita recorrente anual, receita média por usuário e o valor do tempo de vida por usuário.

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Regular status updates or check-ins in the MVP process are crucial for several reasons. Firstly, they provide a platform for tracking the progress of the MVP development and identifying any issues or roadblocks early on. This allows for timely interventions and adjustments, thereby reducing the risk of failure. Secondly, they facilitate communication and collaboration among the team members, ensuring everyone is on the same page regarding the MVP's objectives and progress. Lastly, regular check-ins provide an opportunity to review and reassess the MVP's key financial validation metrics such as monthly recurring revenue, annual recurring revenue, average revenue per user, and the lifetime value per user. These metrics provide valuable insights into the MVP's performance and profitability, informing future decision-making and strategy.

Average Revenue Per User (ARPU) and Lifetime Value (LTV) per user are crucial metrics in MVP analysis. ARPU measures the revenue generated per user and helps in understanding the revenue model's effectiveness. It can indicate whether the pricing strategy is working and if the product is generating enough revenue. LTV, on the other hand, estimates the total revenue a business can reasonably expect from a single customer account. It helps in understanding customer acquisition costs and profitability over time. Both these metrics together can provide insights into the financial viability of the MVP.

Monthly Recurring Revenue (MRR) is a key financial validation metric used in evaluating a Minimum Viable Product (MVP). It provides a consistent, predictable measure of revenue that the product is expected to generate on a monthly basis. This can be used to assess the financial viability of the MVP, its potential for growth, and its overall success in the market. It's important to note that while MRR is a useful metric, it should be considered alongside other metrics such as annual recurring revenue, average revenue per user, and the lifetime value per user for a comprehensive evaluation.

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Na parte inferior, os executivos podem qualificar métricas de validação baseadas no usuário em relação ao número de contas que se juntaram recentemente, cancelaram, atualizaram ou rebaixaram os serviços. Essas métricas são mais comuns para um serviço baseado em assinatura, então executivos com produtos que seguem um modelo de negócios diferente podem editar estes para refletir suas métricas mais importantes.(Slide 13)

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Estudo de caso: Uber

Quando os fundadores do Uber iniciaram o projeto, eles queriam criar uma maneira para qualquer pessoa comprar um serviço de carro preto diretamente de seu telefone, chamado Ubercab. Eles criaram um protótipo simples com três recursos: Primeiro, a capacidade de solicitar um carro para sua localização via mensagem de texto com seu endereço; segundo, um motorista profissional licenciado em um carro preto que aparece na calçada, e terceiro, uma cobrança automática no cartão de crédito cadastrado.

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Uma vez pronto, eles testaram em Nova York e São Francisco. Eles nem mesmo colocaram o aplicativo online, mas fizeram com que os usuários em potencial tivessem que enviar um email para eles para obter acesso. Com o tempo, eles usaram o feedback nessas cidades para adicionar novos recursos para fornecer estimativas de tarifas de viagem, dividir tarifas e ou rastrear a viagem em tempo real. Desta forma, eles foram capazes de testar um recurso central para validar o serviço, e então iterar com base no que os usuários queriam - não no que eles pensavam que os usuários queriam. E isso os ajudou a expandir o negócio para mais de 93 milhões de clientes ativos em 2021.

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Se a sua equipe de design de produto demora muito antes do lançamento de um produto ou desperdiça tempo e dinheiro em recursos que seus clientes não querem, você precisa desta apresentação. Para baixar o modelo completo de apresentação Minimum Viable Product (MVP), torne-se um membro Plus.Você obterá mais slides sobre a priorização de recursos do Weighted-shortest job-first, curva de adoção do produto, Jobs-to-be-done, árvore MVP, resultados de testes A/B, mockups de produtos e muito mais para economizar tempo e horas de trabalho.

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