Relentless prioritization is a concept explained in the book 'Made to Stick' which refers to the continuous and rigorous process of ranking tasks or decisions in order of importance. In the context of the book, it is exemplified by the Southwest Airlines' leadership. They prioritized being a low-fare airline over providing a fun experience. This clear prioritization led to their financial success. The concept emphasizes the importance of having a clear and focused direction in decision-making.

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Made to Stick

Do you feel that your ideas lose momentum quickly? You can use the tactics in this book to make your ideas "sticky." Sticky ideas are those that "are...

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The Southwest example of Commander's Intent is memorable because it is clearly the result of relentless prioritization on behalf of senior executives. Rather than weighing multiple directions simultaneously (i.e., "fun experience" and "low-fare airline"), senior leadership has made it clear which they should choose. And the resulting financial success speaks for itself.

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Potential obstacles companies might face when applying the 'Commander's Intent' concept could include resistance to change, lack of clear communication, and difficulty in prioritizing tasks. Overcoming these obstacles requires strong leadership, clear and consistent communication of the intent, and a culture that supports and rewards adherence to the intent. Training and education can also help in understanding and implementing the concept effectively.

A manufacturing company can apply the innovative approaches discussed in 'Made to Stick' by creating 'sticky' ideas. These are ideas that are understood, remembered, and have a lasting impact. For instance, the company can prioritize a single, clear intent, much like Southwest's 'low-fare airline' strategy. This clear intent can guide all decisions and actions within the company, ensuring everyone is aligned and working towards the same goal. The company can also make their ideas 'sticky' by making them simple, unexpected, concrete, credible, emotional, and by telling stories (the SUCCESs model).

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