Edward Snowden, while working with the NSA, built a system called Heartbeat. This system was designed to pull documents from all CIA internal sites and deliver tailored newsfeeds for each NSA officer. The documents collected by Heartbeat were the source of all the documents later leaked to the Press by Snowden. Essentially, Heartbeat was a tool that allowed Snowden to gather and confirm the extent of NSA's surveillance.

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#8 on Amazon, NY Times bestseller... For the first time, Edward Snowden, who exposed one of the government's greatest secrets, writes about his journ...

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After months of recovery, Snowden and Lindsay moved to Hawaii, as the doctors felt it would help him recover better. He took up a Dell contract job with NSA at the Office of Information Sharing. Although, this role was a step down the career ladder, it gave him the leisure for recovery and, more importantly the access to read the files needed to confirm the extent of NSA's surveillance. To do this, Snowden built a system called Heartbeat, which pulled documents from all CIA internal sites to deliver tailored newsfeeds for each NSA officer. The documents collected by Heartbeat were the source of all the documents later leaked to the Press by Snowden.

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The program name you're referring to is "Heartbeat". This is the system that Edward Snowden built to pull documents from all CIA internal sites to deliver tailored newsfeeds for each NSA officer. The documents collected by Heartbeat were the source of all the documents later leaked to the Press by Snowden.

Heartbeat is the name of the system that Edward Snowden built while working at the NSA under a Dell contract job. This system was designed to pull documents from all CIA internal sites and deliver tailored newsfeeds for each NSA officer. The documents collected by Heartbeat were later leaked to the press by Snowden, revealing the extent of the NSA's surveillance activities.

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