A startup can implement the "focused action" strategy by first simplifying and focusing its processes. This involves identifying the key areas that need attention and concentrating resources on them. The startup should then wait for the perfect opportunity to leverage these focused actions for growth. This strategy requires patience and a clear understanding of the startup's strengths and weaknesses.

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Good Strategy, Bad Strategy

Even some of the world’s biggest organizations do strategy poorly, and incorrectly credit their success to personal decision-making skills. We read th...

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Jobs made (necessary) cuts across the board, simplifying and focusing the company's processes. Jobs took 'focused action'—something that is all too rare in business, writes Rumelt. He first steadied the ship and then stood poised and waited for the perfect opportunity to explode the company into life again.

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A small business can use the "focused action" strategy from "Good Strategy, Bad Strategy" to grow by first identifying its unique strengths and weaknesses. Then, it should develop a clear and concise strategy that leverages its strengths and addresses its weaknesses. This strategy should be focused and actionable, meaning it should be specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART). The business should then execute this strategy with focus and determination, constantly monitoring and adjusting the strategy as necessary based on feedback and results.

The "focused action" strategy, as explained in "Good Strategy, Bad Strategy", refers to the approach of simplifying and focusing the company's processes. This strategy was notably used by Steve Jobs at Apple. Instead of trying to do everything at once, Jobs made necessary cuts across the board, simplifying and focusing the company's processes. This allowed the company to stabilize and prepare for the perfect opportunity to reignite its growth. This strategy emphasizes the importance of focus and simplicity in business, and the need to wait for the right opportunity to take action.

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