A startup can use the key topics covered in "Invested" to grow by following the principles of value investing as advocated by Warren Buffett. This involves investing in businesses that the startup understands and is passionate about. It also means investing in industries where the startup spends and makes money. By understanding these industries, the startup can make informed decisions that will contribute to its growth.

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To reiterate, Charlie Munger's first principle is to put your money into a business that you are capable of understanding. Note, this is not the same as saying you have to understand it right now, just that it is something you are capable of understanding in the future after putting in some work. That means, pick an industry that is easy for you to understand: what are you passionate about (like healthy eating, cars, snowboarding, etc.); where do you actually spend your money (which stores and services do you use on a regular basis); and where do you make your money (which industry are you involved in). Where these three things overlap is where you will find the industries that are the easiest for you to understand.

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The theories presented in "Invested" challenge existing paradigms in the field of investing by emphasizing the importance of understanding the business you are investing in. Traditional investing practices often focus on market trends and financial analysis, while the approach advocated in "Invested" is more about understanding the industry and the business itself. This includes understanding what you are passionate about, where you spend your money, and where you make your money. This approach challenges the conventional wisdom of diversification and instead promotes focused investing in industries and businesses that the investor understands and is passionate about.

The book 'Invested' discusses the relevance of its themes to contemporary issues and debates by focusing on the concept of value investing, a strategy popularized by Warren Buffett. It emphasizes the importance of investing in businesses that one understands and is passionate about. This is particularly relevant in today's world where there is a plethora of investment options and information available, making it crucial for individuals to make informed decisions. The book also addresses common concerns such as retirement savings and financial independence, which are key issues in current financial debates.

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