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Global companies like Apple or Google can effectively categorize their marketing budget by first identifying various expenses and listing them out by categories. These categories could include social media, video advertising, email marketing, and more. They can then add any new marketing strategies they want to implement during the period and assign a budget amount to all of these categories. This approach allows for a comprehensive view of where the marketing budget is being allocated and helps in making informed decisions.
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Unsure how to allocate your resources? Budget planning is a powerful tool to manage spending habits and take more control of where money flows. Our Bu...
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In this example, we see the different categories that make up a marketing budget. These will be unique to each company. First, identify various expenses and list them out by categories, such as social media, video advertising, or email marketing. Then, add any new marketing strategies to the list that you want to implement during the period. Assign a budget amount to all of these categories. (Slide 7)
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