Global companies like Google or Apple can utilize the 9-box grid for team development by plotting their team members according to two criteria: Potential and Performance. This allows them to see the exact head count of how many employees fall into each category, and what percentage of the entire team these employees make up. This data can then be translated into a bubble chart for a visual representation. This method can help in identifying high performers and those with high potential, allowing for targeted skills training, coaching, and mentorship initiatives.

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The 9-box grid plots team members according to two criteria: Potential and Performance. Each grid shows the exact head count of how many employees fall into the respective category, and what percentage of the entire team these employees make up. You can also translate this data into the bubble chart on the right. (Slides 4-5)

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General Electric is a notable example of a company that has successfully used the 9-box grid for team development. They used this tool to identify and nurture talent within the organization. The grid helped them to categorize their employees based on their potential and performance, allowing them to effectively manage their workforce and develop strategies for employee growth and development.

There are several alternative methods to the 9-box grid for assessing team member potential and performance. One such method is the Performance and Potential Matrix (PPM), which is similar to the 9-box grid but provides a more detailed analysis. Another method is the Skill/Will Matrix, which assesses an individual's skill level and willingness to perform a task. The Competency Matrix is another tool that assesses an individual's skills and competencies in relation to their job role. The SWOT Analysis can also be used to assess team member potential and performance by identifying an individual's strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats.

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