The lessons from 'Invested' can be applied in today's volatile financial market by following Warren Buffett's approach to value investing. This involves careful analysis of a company's fundamentals, including its earnings growth and price/earnings ratio. By understanding these factors, you can make informed decisions about when to buy or sell stocks, even in a volatile market. It's also important to have a long-term investment strategy and not be swayed by short-term market fluctuations.

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Next, take your windage growth number and double it; compare the result with the company's historically-highest price/earnings ratio (which you can easily find online). Pick whichever of these two numbers is the lowest and multiply your future ten-year earnings per share by this number. Now you know what the future price of one share should be, ten years from now.

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The real-world potential of the investment strategies discussed in the book 'Invested' is significant. The book outlines Warren Buffett's approach to value investing, which has proven to be successful over many decades. By following this approach, investors can build a portfolio that will grow over time, providing a solid financial foundation. This strategy involves careful analysis of companies, including their growth potential and price/earnings ratio, to determine their future value. However, like all investment strategies, it requires patience, discipline, and a willingness to learn.

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