The book 'On Becoming a Better Leader' addresses contemporary issues and debates in leadership and team dynamics by focusing on the importance of effective communication, strategic alliances, and innovation. It highlights the role of a leader in fostering a competitive and future-oriented organization. The book also discusses the dysfunctional behaviors that can hinder a team's progress, thus providing insights into the challenges faced in team dynamics.

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On Becoming a Better Leader

This book focuses on how team dynamics can make or break a company. Written as a leadership fable, this story follows a leader and his team as they st...

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Leaders do much more than lead others. They know how to innovate to keep their organization competitive. They promote effective communication at all levels and create strategic alliances. Leaders know how to tie it all together and lead their followers, and their organization, into a brighter future.

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The leadership theories presented in 'On Becoming a Better Leader' challenge existing paradigms by emphasizing the importance of team dynamics and effective communication in leadership. Traditional leadership models often focus on the individual leader's skills and abilities. However, this book suggests that successful leadership is more about fostering a positive team environment and promoting open communication at all levels of the organization. It also highlights the role of leaders in driving innovation and strategic alliances, which can be a shift from the conventional view of leaders as primarily decision-makers or problem-solvers.

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