The number of cities in which Uber and Lyft operate can significantly affect their market share. Uber's global presence in over 650 cities gives it a broader market reach, potentially leading to a larger market share. On the other hand, Lyft's focus on the US and Canada, despite being available in fewer overall cities, allows it to have a strong presence and potentially a larger market share in those specific regions.

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Uber and Lyft debuted on the public market within two weeks of each other in 2019. Both IPOs were in the works for years and were long-awaited by investors. While today, Uber is available globally in over 650 cities and regions, Lyft is still only available in the US and Canada. But because of Lyft's regional focus, it is available in more US cities than Uber.

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The IPOs of Uber and Lyft intensified their competition. Both companies became publicly traded around the same time in 2019, which increased their visibility and scrutiny in the market. This also meant they had to be more transparent with their financials and business strategies, which could have influenced their competitive tactics. However, the IPOs did not significantly change the geographical competition between the two, as Uber continues to have a broader global presence, while Lyft focuses more on the US and Canada.

Uber and Lyft both went public in 2019, within two weeks of each other. However, their expansion strategies have differed. Uber has pursued a global strategy and is now available in over 650 cities and regions worldwide. On the other hand, Lyft has focused on the US and Canada, but due to this regional focus, it is available in more US cities than Uber.

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