The Sanity Cycle is a method to deal with irrational people effectively. When someone acts difficult, the Sanity Cycle helps to prevent your descent into a flight-or-fright mode. The first step is to recognize that the person can't reason due to a misalignment of the brain that makes them unable to respond to facts or logic. Then, identify their Modus Operandi and realize their behavior isn't about you. Listen to them calmly and mirror their emotions to make them feel understood. Finally, gently guide them toward more positive thoughts.

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Talking to Crazy: How to Deal with the Irrational and Impossible People in Your Life

Do you often deal with bullies, manipulators, know-it-alls and other types of “crazy” in your professional life? If you reason with irrational people,...

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It can be counterproductive to avoid difficult conversations with irrational people. Research by VitalSmarts shows that employees waste roughly $1500 and one eight hour workday every time they avoid a crucial conversation. Further, it merely reinforces irrational behavior. Most people try to reason with irrational people in the hope that they will snap out of it. This doesn't work. Irrational thoughts and behavior stem from a misalignment of the brain that makes people unable to respond to facts or logic. When someone acts difficult, use the "Sanity Cycle" to prevent your descent into a flight-or-fright mode. Recognize that the person can't reason, then identify their Modus Operandi and realize their behavior isn't about you. Listen calmly and mirror their emotions. Then gently guide them toward more positive thoughts. Humans have three brains: the lower reptilian brain responsible for instinctual responses, the paleomammalian brain responsible for emotions and the neomammalian brain t...

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The concept of the three brains, as explained in the book "Talking to Crazy: How to Deal with the Irrational and Impossible People in Your Life", refers to the three distinct parts of the human brain that are responsible for different types of responses. The lower reptilian brain is responsible for instinctual responses such as fight or flight. The paleomammalian brain, also known as the limbic system, is responsible for emotions and feelings. The neomammalian brain, also known as the neocortex, is responsible for rational thinking, problem-solving, and decision-making. Understanding these three brains can help in dealing with irrational and difficult people as it provides insight into why they may be acting in a certain way.

Irrational thoughts and behavior can stem from a misalignment in the brain that makes people unable to respond to facts or logic. This misalignment can disrupt the normal functioning of the brain, leading to irrational responses. The human brain is composed of three parts: the lower reptilian brain responsible for instinctual responses, the paleomammalian brain responsible for emotions, and the neomammalian brain responsible for logical thinking. If there's a misalignment or imbalance among these parts, it can lead to irrational thoughts and behavior.

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