A traditional retail company can apply Steve's innovative approach by identifying a common problem faced by its customers and creating a solution for it. This could be done by leveraging technology, similar to how Steve used an app to provide comprehensive transit and traffic data. For instance, the retail company could develop an app that provides a personalized shopping experience, offers real-time inventory updates, or simplifies the checkout process. The key is to focus on improving the customer experience by addressing their needs and pain points.

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Steve was a Bay Area web developer and like many of his neighbors he spent a lot of time commuting to and from work. Everyone shared tips and strategies for shortening their commute times, but there was no one comprehensive source of information for area travelers. In 2008 Apple launched its first iPhone and the App Store where users could access additional programs for their devices. One week before the close of the deadline to submit an app for the new Store, Steve was home sick from work. He used the time to hack together an app that pulled in public transit and traffic data in an easy-to-use app that he called Routesy.

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A startup can use the concept of Routesy to grow and expand their business by identifying a common problem or need within their target market, and developing a solution that is easy to use and accessible. In the case of Routesy, the problem was the lack of a comprehensive source of information for commuters. The solution was an app that consolidated public transit and traffic data. Similarly, a startup can identify a gap in the market, develop a solution, and make it easily accessible to their target audience. This could lead to rapid growth and expansion.

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