The lessons from "Made to Stick" can be applied in the current business environment by creating ideas that are simple, unexpected, concrete, credible, emotional, and told as stories. This can help in making your ideas "sticky", meaning they are understood, remembered, and have a lasting impact. For instance, to make your ideas simple, avoid unnecessary complexities and focus on the core of the idea. To make them unexpected, introduce elements that break the audience's guessing machine. Making your ideas concrete can help others understand and remember them better. Loading your messages with credibility can make them more believable. Making your ideas emotional can make people care about them. And telling your ideas as stories can make them more engaging and memorable.

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Made to Stick

Do you feel that your ideas lose momentum quickly? You can use the tactics in this book to make your ideas "sticky." Sticky ideas are those that "are...

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Do you feel that your ideas lose momentum quickly? You can use the tactics in this book to make your ideas "sticky." Sticky ideas are those that "are understood and remembered, and have a lasting impact – they change your audience's opinion or behavior." Sticky ideas have six traits. They are simple, unexpected, concrete, credible, emotional, and told as stories, and this summary of covers the counterintuitive and well-researched tactics for transforming your ideas so that they stick. Learn why simple does not mean "dumbed down." Understand how unexpected is more than a gimmicky surprise and the ways to not just capture but hold your audience's interest. Hear about how making ideas concrete can help others collaborate on them rather than disengage. Find out how to load your messages with credibility without expert endorsement. Get others to care about your ideas by making them emotional, even for an audience that is far from sappy. And finally, get insight into the best way to tell a...

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The book 'Made to Stick' presents several innovative ideas. One of the most surprising is the concept of making ideas 'sticky', which means they are understood, remembered, and have a lasting impact. The book identifies six traits of sticky ideas: they are simple, unexpected, concrete, credible, emotional, and told as stories. The book also provides tactics for making your ideas sticky, such as not dumbing down the idea, capturing and holding the audience's interest, making ideas concrete to help others collaborate, loading messages with credibility without expert endorsement, making ideas emotional to get others to care, and telling a compelling story.

The concept of "sticky ideas" from "Made to Stick" has significantly influenced corporate strategies and business models. Companies have started to simplify their messages, making them easy to understand and remember. They use unexpected elements to grab attention, and concrete examples to make their ideas tangible. They also build credibility, often through detailed explanations or data, and appeal to people's emotions to make their ideas more compelling. Lastly, they often use stories to make their ideas more engaging and memorable. These tactics have helped companies to effectively communicate their strategies, engage their employees, and persuade their customers.

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