Potential obstacles a manager might face when implementing Dr. Mark Goulston's techniques could include resistance from employees who are used to traditional methods of conflict resolution, lack of understanding or misinterpretation of the techniques, and difficulty in maintaining consistency in applying the techniques. To overcome these obstacles, the manager could provide training sessions to explain the techniques and their benefits, encourage open communication for any queries or concerns, and ensure regular follow-ups to assess the effectiveness and consistency of the implementation.

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Talking to Crazy: How to Deal with the Irrational and Impossible People in Your Life

Do you often deal with bullies, manipulators, know-it-alls and other types of “crazy” in your professional life? If you reason with irrational people,...

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Don't React – Don't make their problem your responsibility. Convince yourself that it's their problem and their responsibility to manage it. Don't Respond – Don't say anything that the other person could use to make it your fault or responsibility. Don't Resuscitate – Don't give opportunities for the person to re-engage.

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The most innovative ideas presented in 'Talking to Crazy' include the concept of not reacting, responding, or resuscitating when dealing with irrational people. This means not making their problem your responsibility, not saying anything that the other person could use to make it your fault or responsibility, and not giving opportunities for the person to re-engage. These strategies are surprising as they go against the common approach of trying to reason with irrational people, which often backfires.

The lessons from "Talking to Crazy" can be applied in today's business environment by learning how to deal with irrational and difficult people. This includes not reacting to their behavior, not responding in a way that makes their problem your responsibility, and not giving them opportunities to re-engage in negative behavior. These strategies can help maintain a positive and productive work environment.

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