Cracking the PM Interview" suggests a structured approach to acing product design questions. It emphasizes understanding the user and business product goals deeply. The book advises to consider the design, architecture, and improvement of products, which are the core work of a Product Manager. It also highlights the importance of demonstrating your understanding of the company's products, product strategy, and user goals during the interview.

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Cracking the PM Interview

How do you ace one of the toughest job interviews there is? When you apply to be a Product Manager, you will be asked to make sound business decisions...

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Product design questions are the most critical part of the interview as they deal with the PM's core work: the design, architecture and improvement of products. Companies use product questions to test an interviewee's core product, user understanding and design skills. To get these questions right, understand deeply what the user and business product goals are. Approach these problems in a structured way.

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The structured approach to product design problems as explained in the book involves understanding the user and business product goals deeply. It's about comprehending the core product, user understanding, and design skills. The approach requires you to systematically dissect the problem, understand the user's needs, the business objectives, and then design a solution that meets both. It's a methodical process that ensures all aspects of the problem are considered and addressed.

The themes in "Cracking the PM Interview" are highly relevant to contemporary issues in product management. The book covers core aspects of product management such as product design, user understanding, and business strategy, which are critical in today's dynamic and customer-centric business environment. It also provides insights on how to approach product-related problems in a structured way, a skill that is highly valued in modern product management.

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