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Does your product management process feel like it's lagging behind with the wrong tools? Our Product Management Toolkit (Part 1) collection includes some of the top tools that major companies like Apple, Amazon, Spotify and TikTok use to manage their products. See how these companies target customers, position their product's value, determine when a product is ready to launch, and use strategic viral loops.

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A company like Microsoft could benefit from using these product management tools. Microsoft has a diverse range of products and services, and managing them effectively is crucial. Tools like those used by Apple, Amazon, Spotify, and TikTok could help Microsoft in targeting customers more accurately, positioning their product's value effectively, determining when a product is ready to launch, and using strategic viral loops for marketing. This could lead to better product management, improved customer satisfaction, and ultimately, increased revenue.

Strategic viral loops are used by companies in their product management process to enhance customer acquisition, engagement, and retention. This strategy involves creating a self-perpetuating cycle where existing users bring in new users, often through a referral system or by sharing content. For example, a music streaming app might encourage users to create and share playlists, which then brings new users to the platform. This not only helps in acquiring new customers but also in retaining existing ones as they are continuously engaged in the process.

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With this explainer, you'll see how product managers use common tools and strategies to position, manage, and launch successful products. We'll explain everything from how to create a target customer persona, canvas a strong value proposition, pick the right validation metrics and build user acquisition strategies across multiple channels.

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Effective user acquisition strategies for product management include:

1. Creating a strong value proposition: This helps to attract and retain users by clearly communicating the unique benefits of the product.

2. Targeting the right audience: Understanding who your target customers are and what they need can help to tailor your acquisition strategies.

3. Using multiple channels: This can include social media, email marketing, SEO, content marketing, and more. Each channel can reach different segments of your target audience.

4. Tracking and optimizing performance: Use validation metrics to measure the effectiveness of your strategies and make necessary adjustments.

Choosing the right validation metrics for product management involves understanding the goals of the product and the key performance indicators (KPIs) that align with these goals. These could include user engagement metrics, customer satisfaction scores, or financial metrics like revenue or profit margins. It's also important to consider the stage of the product; for instance, a new product might focus on user acquisition metrics, while a mature product might focus on retention or revenue metrics. Regularly reviewing and adjusting these metrics as the product and market evolve is also crucial.

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In Product Management Toolkit (Part 2), you'll find out how to use analytical resources like price sensitivity analysis, total addressable market, product perceptual maps, competitive landscape analysis, product release plans, KPI dashboards and more.

Tool highlights

Target customer

As a product manager, how do you build a product in the first place? You first need to know who your customers are. When Apple launched the Apple Watch Series 3 in 2017, its target audience had a 55% focus on the 25-44 age range. But when Apple launched the Apple Watch Series 4, it went after adults between the ages of 44 and 54. Why the change? The product managers had a different target customer in mind...

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Strategic viral loops play a crucial role in product management. They are essentially a mechanism that helps products grow their user base exponentially by leveraging the users themselves. When a product is designed with a viral loop, it means that existing users will bring in new users as a natural part of product usage. This can lead to rapid growth and scalability, which is why it's considered a strategic tool in product management. However, it's important to note that not all products can or should be designed with a viral loop. It depends on the nature of the product and the target audience.

A product manager determines when a product is ready to launch based on several factors. These include, but are not limited to, the completion of product development and testing, market readiness, alignment with business strategy, and feedback from beta testing. The product manager also needs to ensure that the product meets the needs and expectations of the target customer. This involves understanding the customer's needs, preferences, and behaviors. The readiness of the sales and marketing teams to support the product launch is also a crucial factor.

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A solid understanding of who you want to target can put your product in the right direction.

You can break down your target customer profile into demographic and psychographic traits. Build the user persona with the help of user stories to walk through what the ideal customer needs. User persona paints a qualitative picture of the ideal user's background, goals, personality, value system, and even frustrations.(Slide 4)

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Major companies like Apple and Amazon use user personas to understand their target customers better. They break down their target customer profile into demographic and psychographic traits. This helps them to understand the background, goals, personality, value system, and even frustrations of their ideal user. They use these user personas to guide their product development process, ensuring that the product meets the needs and expectations of their target customers. This approach helps them to create products that are highly relevant and appealing to their target market.

A well-defined user persona can significantly contribute to product positioning and value determination. It provides a clear understanding of the target customer's needs, goals, values, and frustrations. This understanding can guide the development of a product that meets these needs and aligns with the customer's values. It can also help in positioning the product in a way that resonates with the target customer, thereby enhancing its perceived value. Furthermore, a well-defined user persona can help in identifying the unique selling proposition of the product, which can be leveraged in marketing and sales strategies.

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In Apple's case, the company changed its targeting strategy because of a new feature: an FDA-approved ECG scanner. Apple did its market research and found an open sea of opportunities to target an older demographic that controls nearly 70% of disposable income in the US. Two years later, Apple became the third-most trusted brand among older Americans.

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Product features can significantly influence a company's targeting strategy. For instance, if a product has a feature that is particularly appealing to a certain demographic, the company can target its marketing efforts towards that demographic. This can help the company to reach a more specific audience, which can lead to increased sales and customer loyalty. Additionally, unique product features can help a company to differentiate itself from its competitors, which can also be a powerful marketing tool. For example, Apple's FDA-approved ECG scanner feature in its products led the company to target an older demographic, resulting in Apple becoming the third-most trusted brand among older Americans.

Companies can use several strategies to target demographics with high disposable income. Firstly, they can develop premium products or services that cater to the luxury or high-end market. Secondly, they can use targeted marketing and advertising campaigns that appeal to the lifestyle and interests of these demographics. Thirdly, they can partner with other luxury brands or influencers that this demographic respects or follows. Lastly, they can offer personalized services or experiences that make the demographic feel valued and exclusive.

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Value proposition canvas

Now that you know who the product is for, how can you be sure enough customers will love it?

According to CB Insights, the second most common reason startups fail is because the market simply doesn't need what they are building. This was, unfortunately, the case for Quibi, a mobile-focused streaming service that launched and closed shop within six months in 2020. Compare that to the rise of TikTok, another short-form video service -- TikTok launched in the US in August 2018 and by October of 2018 it had surpassed Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat and Youtube in app downloads. Today, TikTok is on track to reach 1.2B monthly active users in 2021. So why did it succeed when Quibi failed? A strong value proposition.

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YTo layout the most important components, you can use a value proposition canvas to hone in on the gains you provide for customers and remember to build something the market actually wants. On the customer side, think about these three questions: what jobs do your target customers want accomplished, what pains do they need relieved, and what gains do they require? On the company's side, list the product or service you provide, how you deliver gains to customers, and how you relieve their pains. (Slide 7)

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Some strategies to ensure that a product or service is something the market actually wants include:

1. Using a value proposition canvas: This tool helps you to focus on the benefits you provide for customers and ensures you are building something the market wants.

2. Understanding your target customers: Know what jobs your target customers want accomplished, what pains they need relieved, and what gains they require.

3. Listing your product or service: Clearly define what you provide, how you deliver gains to customers, and how you relieve their pains.

A company can effectively deliver gains to customers and relieve their pains by understanding their needs and wants. This can be achieved by using a value proposition canvas to identify the jobs that the target customers want accomplished, the pains they need relieved, and the gains they require. The company should then list the product or service they provide, how they deliver gains to customers, and how they relieve their pains. This process ensures that the company is building something that the market actually wants and is able to meet the needs of its customers effectively.

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Quibi's problem was it was too obsessed with high-quality content made for a mobile-first audience. The company's founders even admitted their idea might not have been "strong enough to justify a stand-alone streaming service." TikTok's value-adds are fast and easy-to-use video creation tools, a massive music library that can be easily integrated into dance or lip sync videos, and a solidly curated For You page to connect creators and their audience. These features relieve creators from long editing time, and the effort to reach an audience who appreciates their content.

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TikTok's strategy aligns with the current trends in digital content creation by focusing on user-friendly tools and a vast music library. This approach caters to the increasing demand for quick, easy, and creative content creation. The easy-to-use video creation tools allow users to create high-quality content without needing advanced editing skills. The massive music library enhances the user experience by providing a wide range of options for users to incorporate into their videos, fostering creativity and engagement. Furthermore, TikTok's curated 'For You' page helps creators connect with their audience, aligning with the trend of personalized content.

TikTok's platform is user-friendly and appealing to creators due to several key features. Firstly, it offers fast and easy-to-use video creation tools, which reduces the time and effort required for editing. Secondly, it has a massive music library that can be easily integrated into dance or lip sync videos, providing creators with a wide range of options to enhance their content. Lastly, TikTok's solidly curated 'For You' page helps to connect creators with their audience, making it easier for creators to reach people who appreciate their content.

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Validation metrics

So you have a strong value proposition. It's time to build your minimum viable product or MVP. But just because it's "minimum", doesn't mean it should be bad or scrappy.

In a sense, MVP is more of a process than a product. In 2003, two product managers at Amazon proposed an Amazon infrastructure that relied on web services for storage and pitched the idea as a separate business model for a "universe" of virtuals. So how did Amazon turn this idea into AWS as we know it — otherwise known as the most successful cloud computing company in the world? And how did it know when the MVP was ready to take to market at a time when cloud computing as a concept virtually didn't exist? An iterative MVP process that focused on key validation metrics.

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After your MVP is ready for beta testers, do a round of testing with users so they can provide iterative feedback before you start a full-on implementation. Here are some common validation metrics to consider when it comes to your evaluation: customer acquisition cost, monthly recurring revenue, lifetime value, average revenue per user, and customer churn rate. (Slide 9)

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As for AWS, Amazon used itself as the first customer with its own internal validation metrics to decide when the MVP was ready to share. The goal was to drop the cost of maintaining a scalable multi-data center from 70% to 30% before it moves the MVP forward. Once it accomplished that, it offered the tech to select customers in private beta. After another round of preliminary validation metrics was met, AWS was rolled out in three phases over 2006 and fully launched to the public in 2008.

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Agile scrum sprints

Now that your MVP has been created and you have your initial feedback, how do you implement the changes and turn your product into reality?

In 2014, Microsoft was a bureaucratic mess that was too devoted to its Windows operating system. It had no substantial smartphone offering to rival Apple's iphone, or social network to rival Facebook. So how did Microsoft revive itself and went on to reach a market cap of over $2.8T? It went agile.

In the agile development process, the responsible team develops possible solutions and releases multiple iterations until final approval or product launch. Agile focuses on customer needs and minimizes the resources and overhead needed to create a product with true market-fit. The increased flexibility and rapid pace also create faster turnaround — the ultimate plus for product managers. Scrum is the most common agile tool that divides work into hyper-focused set durations of "sprints". These sprints are then reviewed and the feedback is implemented into the next sprint as the product becomes better and better. (Slide 17)

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The concept of 'sprints' in Scrum contributes to the development of a product with true market-fit by allowing for rapid, iterative development and feedback incorporation. In a sprint, a set duration is dedicated to developing specific features or solutions. At the end of each sprint, the product or features are reviewed, and feedback is gathered. This feedback is then implemented in the next sprint, allowing for continuous improvement and adaptation to customer needs. This iterative process helps in creating a product that truly fits the market needs as it allows for constant testing, learning, and adapting based on real user feedback.

Scrum, as an agile tool in product management, offers several benefits. It allows for rapid and continuous delivery of product increments through the use of sprints. This ensures that the product is constantly improving and adapting to changes. Scrum also promotes a high level of collaboration and transparency among team members, which can lead to better problem-solving and decision-making. It focuses on customer needs, which helps in creating a product with a true market fit. Moreover, Scrum minimizes the resources and overhead needed, leading to cost efficiency.

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Microsoft developer Aaron Bjork began to experiment with agile in 2008. A year later, several other teams began to jump on board and by 2011, it was implemented across Microsoft's thousands of developers. Three years later, it was adopted across the entire company, building a healthy culture of trust and results with a growth mindset.

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User acquisition

So you've got a good product going on by now, but how do you scale up to a couple of billion users like Microsoft? Let's look into some user acquisition tools.

In 2006, Spotify was created as a legal digital music platform to tackle online music piracy. By 2015, Spotify had over 68 million users, but only 18 million of those were paying subscribers. So how did Spotify grow to 155 million paying subscribers last year?

When it comes to user acquisition, you'll need to know what channels they come from, how many you aim to acquire, and how much it costs. There are a few different tactics you can use, whether it's word of mouth, paid ads, or SEO optimization, with various formulas to calculate each. Ideally, you want to create a viral loop that incentivizes each new user to refer at least one other user. The reality is, Cost of Acquisition (CAC) can't exceed Lifetime Value (LTV) for long.

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The balance between Cost of Acquisition (CAC) and Lifetime Value (LTV) is crucial for a product's profitability. If the CAC is higher than the LTV, it means the company is spending more to acquire a customer than the revenue that customer generates over their lifetime. This is not sustainable and will lead to losses. On the other hand, if the LTV is higher than the CAC, it means the company is earning more from a customer than it costs to acquire them, leading to profitability. Therefore, maintaining a balance where LTV is higher than CAC is key for a product's profitability.

A viral loop can be effectively implemented in a product's marketing strategy by incentivizing each new user to refer at least one other user. This can be done through various methods such as offering rewards, discounts, or exclusive features for referrals. The key is to make the referral process as easy and attractive as possible for the users. It's also important to track and measure the effectiveness of the viral loop strategy to ensure that the Cost of Acquisition (CAC) doesn't exceed the Lifetime Value (LTV) of the customers.

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To calculate the LTV of a customer, multiply the average order total by the average number of purchases in a given year, then multiply that by the average retention time in years. If your LTV is higher than your cost of acquisition, you're in the green. (Slide 14)

So how do companies scale and grow their user acquisition while keeping their cost per acquisition low?

In the case of Spotify, the company operates on a freemium model, where free access is available with ads. In March 2018, this freemium model accounted for 60% of its gross added premium subscribers. Three years later, the company doubled its customer lifetime value from a 1.5x customer acquisition cost in 2015 to 3x using the ad-supported service as a subsidy program that offset costs of new subscriber acquisition.

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Spotify's customer lifetime value has seen significant growth over the years. In 2015, the customer lifetime value was 1.5 times the customer acquisition cost. By 2018, this value had doubled to 3 times the customer acquisition cost. This growth was largely due to the company's freemium model, which uses ad-supported service as a subsidy program to offset the costs of new subscriber acquisition.

The ad-supported service plays a significant role in offsetting the costs of new subscriber acquisition for Spotify. It operates as a subsidy program that helps to balance the costs associated with acquiring new premium subscribers. In fact, Spotify's freemium model, which includes free access with ads, accounted for 60% of its gross added premium subscribers in March 2018. Over the years, this ad-supported service has helped Spotify to double its customer lifetime value from a 1.5x customer acquisition cost in 2015 to 3x.

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For more tools on what makes product managers from Apple, Microsoft, and Amazon successful, check out this framework. You'll gain analytical resources like customer journey maps, product perceptual maps, competitive landscape analysis, wireframes and mockups, product release plans, KPI dashboards and more to apply these techniques to your own products.

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