The book 'Better, Simpler Strategy' presents the concept of the 'Value Stick' framework as a key strategy used by successful companies like Apple and Amazon. This framework focuses on three main aspects: Willingness to Pay (WTP), Willingness to Sell (WTS), and the difference between prices and cost. The difference between WTP and WTS represents the value for the customer, while the difference between compensation and WTS represents employee satisfaction. Lastly, the difference between prices and cost is the value captured by the firm. By understanding and applying these concepts, companies can create more value for their customers and employees, and capture more value for themselves.

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Better, Simpler Strategy

Ever wondered what strategies make Apple, Amazon, and other juggernauts so successful? Better, Simpler Strategy by Felix Oberholzer-Gee shares top ins...

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The difference between WTP and WTS is ""Value"" for the customer. The difference between compensation and WTS is ""employee satisfaction."" Finally, the difference between prices and cost is the value captured by the firm. Draw value sticks for specific products and specific customer and employee groups.

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The 'value stick' concept in the book 'Better, Simpler Strategy' is a framework that illustrates the distribution of value among customers, employees, and the firm. It's a visual representation of the value created by a product or service. The top of the stick represents the customer's willingness to pay (WTP), and the bottom represents the firm's willingness to sell (WTS). The difference between WTP and WTS is the value for the customer. The difference between compensation and WTS is employee satisfaction. Finally, the difference between prices and cost is the value captured by the firm. By drawing value sticks for specific products and customer and employee groups, companies can better understand and manage the distribution of value.

The book 'Better, Simpler Strategy' has influenced corporate strategies and business models in several ways. Firstly, it introduced the concept of the 'Value Stick', a framework that helps businesses understand how to create and capture value. This has led many companies to reevaluate their strategies and focus more on creating value for customers and employees. Secondly, the book emphasizes the importance of simplicity in strategy, arguing that the most successful companies often have the simplest strategies. This has encouraged businesses to simplify their own strategies and focus on their core competencies. Finally, the book provides numerous case studies and examples, which have served as a source of inspiration for many businesses.

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