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How do you juggle multiple high-priority tasks across an entire sales lifecycle? A well-balanced strategy. Plan, analyze, market, and drive your sales team with this Sales Strategy deck. Segment your target customers and organize your sales team to maximize returns. And don't forget to use sales control tools to assess performance and improve progress.

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Specific case studies are not mentioned in the content provided. However, many companies have seen success with a well-balanced sales strategy. For instance, companies like Salesforce and HubSpot have effectively used sales strategies that involve planning, analyzing, marketing, and driving their sales teams. They segment their target customers and organize their sales teams to maximize returns. They also use sales control tools to assess performance and improve progress.

This sales strategy focuses on planning, analyzing, marketing, and driving the sales team. It emphasizes segmenting target customers and organizing the sales team to maximize returns. It also encourages the use of sales control tools to assess performance and improve progress. Compared to other strategies, this one is comprehensive and holistic, covering all aspects of the sales lifecycle. However, other strategies might focus more on specific aspects, such as customer relationship management, aggressive marketing, or price competition.

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A sales mind map defines the process of how you will find, acquire, and retain then transform customers into repeat sales who refer others. (Slide 2)

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Use a SWOT Analysis to determine the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats that could benefit or impede your sales strategy. (Slide 14)

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Use a customer survey to conduct post-sales surveys or questionnaires and keep up your customer relationship management. (Slide 26)

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A sales strategy aligns with digital transformation initiatives in several ways. Firstly, digital transformation can enhance the sales process by automating routine tasks, freeing up sales personnel to focus on more strategic activities. Secondly, digital platforms can provide valuable data insights that can be used to refine sales strategies. For instance, customer behavior data can help in segmenting the market and personalizing sales approaches. Lastly, digital transformation can improve customer relationship management by enabling real-time communication and feedback, leading to improved customer satisfaction and loyalty.

In the retail industry, a sales strategy can have several practical applications. It can help in segmenting target customers, organizing the sales team, and driving sales. It can also aid in identifying strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats that could impact sales. Post-sales surveys or questionnaires can be conducted to maintain customer relationships. Moreover, a sales strategy can assist in transforming customers into repeat buyers who refer others, thereby increasing sales and customer base.

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With a strategic action plan that works for your organizational circumstances, you can prospect, qualify, and close more sales across a wide variety of channels.

Develop a solid sales concept with a well-rounded marketing mix. Manage time more efficiently and juggle multiple priorities. Improve a weak sales pipeline and identify your ideal customers, classified by order of greatest opportunity, to maximize your efforts.


Sales mind-map

A sales strategy begins with a sales mind-map. This is where you define and map out the process behind your sales strategy. To have a healthy funnel of customers, you must find, acquire, then retain them.

To find customers, research the market first. This consists of an evaluation of your product's position in the marketplace and a competitive audit of other prominent players in the current landscape.

To actually acquire customers, begin with the marketing process. Craft a brand message and determine your target audience.

After the marketing kickoff, create your sales plan and budget, and your sales control strategy.

Next comes customer data management and analysis of improvement areas. This analysis is to improve in areas where you lost sales or couldn't gain customers so you can conduct follow-ups to warm up cold leads with new tactics. You can also welcome back recurring customers to repurchase or refer you to new customers. (Slide 2)

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Some common challenges in implementing a sales strategy include identifying the right target market, managing customer data, and analyzing areas for improvement. These challenges can be overcome by segmenting your target customers, effectively managing and analyzing customer data, and conducting follow-ups to warm up cold leads with new tactics. Additionally, welcoming back recurring customers to repurchase or refer you to new customers can also help overcome these challenges.

A sales strategy can help manage multiple high-priority tasks by providing a structured approach to sales activities. It allows for the prioritization of tasks based on their impact on sales goals. A well-planned strategy can help in segmenting target customers, organizing sales teams, and managing customer data. It can also aid in identifying areas of improvement, conducting follow-ups, and re-engaging with recurring customers. This systematic approach ensures that all tasks are addressed effectively and efficiently.

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Sales strategy sub-areas

After the marketing kickoff, create your sales plan and budget, and your sales control strategy.

First, create a sales plan. This should cover price management (how will the product be priced?) and quantity management (how much of the product needs to be purchased from suppliers?). You will also need to determine how to distribute company resources to carry out these sales. What's the sales team's budget, how many team members are there, etc.?

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Companies can implement price and quantity management in their sales operations by first creating a comprehensive sales plan. This plan should detail how the product will be priced and how much of the product needs to be purchased from suppliers. The company needs to determine how to distribute resources to carry out these sales, including the sales team's budget and the number of team members. Regular monitoring and adjustments based on market trends and customer feedback are also crucial.

Yes, there are numerous case studies that demonstrate the effectiveness of a sales strategy. For instance, a study by Harvard Business Review highlighted how a company increased its sales by 30% by implementing a well-structured sales strategy. Another case study by McKinsey showed how a company improved its customer retention rate by 20% through a targeted sales strategy. These case studies provide valuable insights into how a well-planned sales strategy can significantly improve a company's sales performance.

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Next, determine how the effectiveness of your strategy will be measured. You can set sales goals, create a reporting process, or assign KPIs as part of sales control.

Sales channels are another indispensable part of your strategy. For instance, will you sell through a single channel or multiple channels? Will this be a pop-up shop or an online store only? Will you have a storefront or will your products be stocked by large retailers?

The organization component signifies how sales-related tasks are distributed across the company. What does the marketing team do? What about the management team? What about HR? Or the current sales team? For managers, who do they oversee?

The process component is about how customers are acquired. Begin with lead acquisition strategies, develop sales team workflow processes, and then establish prospective, current, and recurring customer management protocols — which includes aftercare for after the transaction has been completed. (Slide 3)

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The process component in a sales strategy refers to the methods and procedures used to acquire customers. It starts with lead acquisition strategies, which are methods to attract potential customers. Following this, sales team workflow processes are developed to efficiently manage these leads. The process component also includes the establishment of management protocols for prospective, current, and recurring customers. This includes aftercare, which is the service provided after the transaction has been completed.

Aftercare is crucial in the sales process as it helps in building long-term relationships with customers, ensuring customer satisfaction, and fostering customer loyalty. It can lead to repeat business and referrals, which are vital for business growth. Effective implementation of aftercare can be achieved by:

1. Providing excellent customer service post-purchase. This includes addressing any issues or concerns the customer may have with the product or service.

2. Regular follow-ups to check on the customer's experience with the product or service.

3. Offering maintenance or support services if applicable.

4. Keeping customers informed about new products, services, or promotions that they might be interested in.

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Sales concept development

The sales concept development process is useful to create an action plan for your sales and marketing will be conducted. Begin with a market strategy that assesses how much potential your product has, compares them to your competition, and defines your market position and strategy. Break this strategy up and apply it to target customer segments. Then combine your mix of products, communications, and sales strategies to formulate an action plan.

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There are numerous case studies that demonstrate the effectiveness of the sales concept development process. However, due to the proprietary nature of these studies, they are often not publicly available. Companies like IBM, Microsoft, and Amazon have used this process to successfully drive their sales. For instance, IBM's shift from hardware to service-oriented business was a result of a well-planned sales concept development process. Similarly, Amazon's customer-centric approach is a testament to their effective sales strategy. These examples show how the sales concept development process can help businesses identify their target market, understand their competition, and formulate an effective sales strategy.

The sales concept development process is a specific strategy focused on understanding the market potential of a product, analyzing competition, and defining market position. It involves segmenting target customers and formulating an action plan based on product mix, communication, and sales strategies. On the other hand, other business strategies may focus on different aspects such as operational efficiency, product innovation, customer service, or financial management. While the sales concept development process is primarily concerned with driving sales and market share, other strategies might prioritize different business objectives.

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Let's say your company sells premium quality computers, laptops, tablets, and smartphones. This product mix creates high potential as they form an ecosystem of products that complement one other.

For your sales concept development, conduct a competitive audit of your market landscape. There are other brands that are older and offer a wider range of personal electronic gadgets than you. But your differentiation lies in a covetable brand image that is accessible for the average consumer. In this case, the target groups may include anyone from college students to middle-aged customers. To reach them, you advertise everywhere from online to billboards. (Slide 4)

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A sales strategy can align with a company's overall business strategy by ensuring that it supports the company's goals and objectives. This can be achieved by understanding the company's mission, vision, and strategic objectives, and then developing a sales strategy that helps to achieve these. The sales strategy should also be flexible enough to adapt to changes in the business environment or company direction. It should include target customer segments, sales channels, pricing strategies, and sales team organization, among other things.

Segmenting target customers in a sales strategy is crucial for several reasons. Firstly, it allows businesses to identify and understand the needs and wants of specific groups within their target market. This understanding enables the creation of tailored marketing and sales strategies that resonate with each segment, leading to increased customer engagement and sales. Secondly, segmentation helps in resource allocation. Businesses can identify profitable segments and allocate resources accordingly, ensuring maximum return on investment. Lastly, segmentation can help in competitive positioning. By understanding who the competitors are in each segment, businesses can develop strategies to differentiate their offerings and gain a competitive edge.

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Marketing mix

Your Marketing Mix is made of components that need to be considered for a successful campaign. The Six P's of this mix are product, price, promotion, process, place, and people.

In our example, the product is your slate of high-tech devices, from computers to tablets to smartphones. Let's say the smartphone product is your main sales focus right now. Its main feature is the ability to install any third-party apps that can improve a user's lifestyle. You could even argue that even though it is a phone, its app-supported features are so dominant that the ability to make phone calls has been downgraded as side usage. Additionally, the smartphone is beautifully designed and adopts user-friendly interfaces. Plus the branding and packaging are sleek and desirable, which are all advantages to be capitalized on.

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Sales control tools can be used to assess the performance and improve the progress of smartphone sales in several ways. They can track sales data in real-time, allowing for immediate adjustments to sales strategies. They can also provide insights into customer behavior and preferences, which can inform product development and marketing strategies. Additionally, these tools can help identify trends and patterns in sales data, which can be used to forecast future sales and set realistic sales targets. Finally, sales control tools can help manage the sales team by tracking individual performance and identifying areas for improvement.

The sales strategy for smartphones differs from other high-tech devices in several ways. Firstly, the focus is on the smartphone's ability to install third-party apps that can improve a user's lifestyle, making it more than just a communication device. Secondly, the design and user-friendly interface of the smartphone are emphasized, making it appealing to the user. Lastly, the branding and packaging of the smartphone are sleek and desirable, which can be leveraged in the sales strategy.

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Your price point is on the high end and only offers discounts on older devices when a new model comes out.

Promotions are any advertisements, sponsorships or partnerships used to funnel in awareness and sales. These could be billboard ads, TV spots, social media posts, or sponsored placements. In our example, you could even launch a "mini-store" partnership with a top retailer to set up a premium shopping experience with the sales floor exclusively dedicated to your suite of products. However, since your brand name has become akin to a lifestyle, customer referrals are your bread and butter.

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A company like Apple could greatly benefit from a mini-store partnership. By partnering with a retailer like Best Buy, Apple could set up a mini-store within the larger store, providing a premium shopping experience dedicated to Apple products. This would not only increase visibility and accessibility of Apple products but also allow potential customers to experience the products firsthand, potentially driving up sales.

Companies can implement promotions as part of their sales strategy in several ways. Firstly, they can use advertisements, sponsorships, or partnerships to increase awareness and sales. This could be in the form of billboard ads, TV spots, social media posts, or sponsored placements. For instance, a company could launch a mini-store partnership with a top retailer to set up a premium shopping experience with the sales floor exclusively dedicated to their suite of products. Secondly, since a brand name can become akin to a lifestyle, customer referrals can also be a powerful promotional tool.

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Process is the structure by which customers learn about, interact with, and ultimately purchase the product. It's essentially how you engineer your customer journey. Let's say there's enough popularity and hype built up around your company that you can hold public keynotes whenever a new model comes out. This becomes the launch point of the customer journey where they learn about the new offers, ask questions, begin to preorder, etc.

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Preorders can be effectively managed in a sales strategy by implementing a few key steps. First, it's important to accurately forecast demand to ensure you have enough product to fulfill orders. Second, communicate clearly with customers about when they can expect their product to be delivered. Third, use a reliable system to track preorders and ensure they are fulfilled in a timely manner. Lastly, provide excellent customer service to handle any issues or inquiries related to preorders.

Some examples of high-priority tasks in a sales lifecycle include identifying and segmenting target customers, planning and implementing effective marketing strategies, managing customer relationships, and driving sales team performance. It also involves analyzing sales data to understand customer behavior and market trends, and adjusting strategies accordingly. Additionally, ensuring a smooth customer journey from product awareness to purchase is a crucial task.

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Place is where the product can be purchased. This might be big retailers and distributors, your website, mobile shopping apps, or even your own brick-and-mortar.

People are the team that drives the sales process and customer lifecycle. For our example, you may have a great sales team at retail locations and your customer service is top-notch, which drives frequent customer referrals. (Slide 13)

You can use another tool in this deck to determine team roles across your organization's pre-sales vs post-sales strategy with an org chart visualization. (Slide 16)

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Target group analysis

A target group analysis defines who the target audience is and how best to approach and sell to them. Segment this analysis by four target profiles: behavioral, psychographic, demographic, and geographic.

For our example, let's say you want to segment your target customer by their behavioral profile. You have your brand loyalists and your late-stage adopters. Your brand loyalists pre-order every latest version of every new device, attend your keynote events, and convince five of their friends to as well. Your late-stage adopters are still very loyal, but they are usually a few generations behind, often buy second-hand, and tend to find ways to protect and keep their devices longer. While you don't always win them over with the latest chips, tech, and features, you can sell them more accessories to improve their older devices, like power chords, newer headphones, and new cases that extend battery life.

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A sales strategy can help in driving the sales lifecycle of a company by providing a clear roadmap for the sales team to follow. It helps in identifying the target customers, understanding their needs and preferences, and tailoring the sales approach accordingly. This can lead to more effective marketing, improved customer engagement, and ultimately, increased sales. A well-planned sales strategy can also help in managing high-priority tasks efficiently across the sales lifecycle, thereby ensuring a smooth and successful sales process.

To effectively sell accessories to late-stage adopters, it's important to understand their behavior and needs. They are usually a few generations behind in terms of devices, often buy second-hand, and tend to find ways to protect and keep their devices longer. Therefore, focus on selling accessories that improve their older devices. This could include power chords, newer headphones, and new cases that extend battery life. Additionally, consider offering discounts or bundle deals to make the purchase more attractive. Finally, ensure your marketing messages highlight the benefits of these accessories in enhancing the functionality and longevity of their existing devices.

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You can also segment your target customer by demographic. You have both male and female customers, and they can range anywhere in age from 16 to 60. They typically come from North America, Europe, or the Asian Pacific. Their occupation is often in the tech industry, arts, or knowledge economy with a middle to upper-middle class income.

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A sales strategy aligns with the marketing efforts of a company by ensuring that the products or services being sold meet the needs and wants of the target customers identified by the marketing team. The marketing team's research and analysis inform the sales strategy, helping to identify potential customers, understand their needs, and determine the best ways to reach them. The sales strategy then uses this information to plan and execute sales activities that will effectively reach these customers and convince them to purchase the product or service. This alignment ensures that the company's sales and marketing efforts are working together towards the same goal, increasing the effectiveness and efficiency of both.

An effective sales strategy for customers in the tech industry, arts, or knowledge economy involves understanding their specific needs and preferences. For the tech industry, focus on how your product or service can solve their technical challenges or enhance their operations. For the arts sector, emphasize the creative aspects and aesthetic value of your offerings. For the knowledge economy, highlight how your product or service can contribute to knowledge generation or dissemination. Tailoring your sales approach to each segment's unique characteristics can significantly improve your sales outcomes.

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To segment by psychographic profile, break down your customers by lifestyle, personality, values and interest. For instance, let's say your target customers follow the lifestyle of an urban professional. Their personality is curious with a love for new innovations and the latest gadgets. They value stability, fluidity and ease of use, and they have an interest in everything from arts and entertainment to tech. However, their unifying interest is to accomplish daily tasks easier.

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Segmenting customers by psychographic profile can significantly improve sales performance. This approach allows businesses to understand their customers on a deeper level, including their lifestyle, personality, values, and interests. By understanding these aspects, businesses can tailor their products, services, and marketing strategies to meet the specific needs and preferences of different customer groups. This can lead to increased customer satisfaction, loyalty, and ultimately, sales.

Apple Inc. could greatly benefit from the Sales Strategy. By segmenting their customers based on psychographic profiles, they can better understand their target customers' lifestyle, personality, values, and interests. For instance, if their target customers are urban professionals who value stability, fluidity, and ease of use, and have an interest in the latest gadgets, Apple can tailor their marketing and sales strategies to cater to these specific needs and interests. This could potentially increase their sales and customer satisfaction.

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You can also sort by geographic region, country, population and climate. This is helpful when you want to assess the interests and behavior of international customers segments. (Slide 15)

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Customer life cycle

Now it's time to plot out the customer life cycle. This process goes through four stages: engage, transact, fulfill, and service. In the engage stage, identify new customers, evaluate their likelihood to buy, then begin the sales process. In the transaction stage, the sales team creates offers that the customer then accepts. In the fulfill stage, the product or service is provided or delivered. And in the service stage, customers receive follow-ups across various channels. (Slide 18)

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A sales team can effectively follow up with customers across various channels during the service stage by using a multi-channel approach. This includes email, phone calls, social media, and even in-person meetings. The key is to be consistent and personalized in the follow-up communication. Using a CRM system can help manage and track these interactions. It's also important to listen to customer feedback and respond appropriately to their needs and concerns.

Some best practices for delivering a product or service during the fulfill stage include ensuring timely delivery, maintaining product or service quality, and providing clear communication with the customer. It's also important to have a well-organized system for tracking and fulfilling orders, and to have contingency plans in place for any potential issues that may arise during the delivery process.

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Customer behavior types

To make the sales process easier, it's helpful to break your prospects down into the four main customer behavior types.

The programmed buyers buy as a routine purchase and receive below average service. These are the most low-maintenance customers.

Relationship buyers value the experience when they work with you, and expect you to understand the business your products or service supports like the back of your hand. The higher quality the relationship, the higher level of trust and loyalty they have.

Transaction buyers are competitive shoppers and heavily price-conscious. They want to find the best bargain and are well-versed in the product specs as they consider themselves experts due to all of their research.

Bargain hunters look for discounts and coupons just to receive a good deal even if they didn't need to buy anything to begin with. In your case, these buyers may often buy second-hand or could be swayed by discounts on a previous year's models. (Slide 20-24)

Customer classification matrix

You can use a customer classification matrix to determine the characteristics, value, and opportunities and threats from your various customer types.

For instance, Customer A is your most profitable customer. They bring in high revenue and high-profit margin. Even though their purchase quantity is low, they hold a lot of leverage power so you need to service them.

Customer B, on the other hand, has an average revenue and return, they are still profitable and even have the potential to become a Customer A type over time.

Customer C provides low sales and large purchase quantities, but they don't yield as much profit and require a high processing effort. They represent tiny transactions that are necessary to your business, but don't contribute much value. This is typically where most products or customers live, so your aim should be to automate their transactions as much as possible to reduce overhead and prevent a drain on your overall resources. (Slide 24)

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To prevent a drain on overall resources when dealing with customers like Customer C, the best strategy is to automate their transactions as much as possible. Since these customers represent tiny transactions that are necessary to your business but don't contribute much value, automation can help reduce overhead and prevent resource drain. This approach allows your team to focus on more profitable tasks and customers.

Planning can help in improving profits from customers like Customer C by identifying their purchasing patterns and behaviors. This can help in automating their transactions to reduce overhead and prevent a drain on overall resources. Additionally, planning can help in segmenting these customers and developing targeted marketing strategies to increase their value. It's also important to analyze their needs and preferences to offer them products or services that can increase their profitability.

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The customer classification matrix can also be visualized as an ABC analysis. The y-axis represents the percentage of cumulative value that a customer type represents while the x-axis represents the proportion of customers in that segment. (Slide 27)

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Portfolio analysis

A portfolio analysis helps compare your sales strategy to your competition. The dark blue checkmarks represent your company, while the lighter, grayed-out checkmarks represent your competition. You can rank each feature from very poor to very good to determine areas where your sales process can improve the most. (Slide 28)

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The main components of a portfolio analysis in a sales strategy include the identification of the products or services offered by the company, the assessment of the competition, and the ranking of each feature from very poor to very good. This allows the company to determine areas where the sales process can improve the most. It's also important to consider the market share and growth rate of each product or service, as well as the profitability and potential for future growth.

Apple Inc. could benefit from using portfolio analysis in their sales strategy. Portfolio analysis would allow Apple to compare their sales strategy to their competition. For instance, they could rank each feature of their products from very poor to very good to determine areas where their sales process can improve the most. This could help them identify strengths and weaknesses in their product line and adjust their sales strategy accordingly. For example, if a particular product is not performing well compared to the competition, they could focus on improving that product or invest more in marketing it.

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Sales performance

A sales performance summary can be used for cost calculation. Use this summary to calculate the costs (and time translated into cost) associated with key tasks and activities of a sales rep.

In the case of a multi-channel sales team, each channel could require its own sales performance summary. For instance, your sales floor staff wouldn't take into account online ad spend that results in an online purchase — only the activities they conduct on the sales floor, and vice-versa for the online ads team. However, a thorough sales performance summary of all activities conducted across departments can help management and execs see which tasks and activities have the highest ROI. (Slide 30)

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A sales strategy can align with a company's digital transformation initiatives in several ways. Firstly, by integrating digital tools and platforms into the sales process, such as CRM systems, data analytics, and digital marketing tools. These can help streamline sales operations, improve customer targeting, and enhance communication. Secondly, by training the sales team to adapt to digital changes and leverage these tools effectively. Lastly, by aligning sales goals with digital transformation objectives, such as improving online sales or enhancing customer engagement through digital channels.

Online ad spend plays a crucial role in a multi-channel sales strategy. It helps in reaching out to a wider audience, increasing brand visibility, and driving online sales. In a multi-channel sales strategy, each channel, including online, has its own unique role and contributes to the overall sales performance. Online ad spend specifically can help attract potential customers who prefer online shopping, thereby increasing the overall sales. However, it's important to track and analyze the ROI of online ad spend to ensure it's contributing effectively to the overall sales strategy.

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Sales control

Finally, the key figures in sales control bar chart compares revenue, number of offers, number of orders, and success rate. This is a tool managers can use to share with key stakeholders to measure the KPIs you determined at the top of your plan to assess if the sales strategy is a success. It's editable and will open into an excel sheet for you to enter the relative data when you right-click on it. (Slide 31)

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Slide 31 in the Sales Strategy deck presents a key figures in sales control bar chart. This chart compares revenue, number of offers, number of orders, and success rate. It serves as a tool for managers to share with key stakeholders to measure the Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) determined at the beginning of the plan. This helps in assessing if the sales strategy is successful. The chart is editable and opens into an excel sheet for entering relative data when right-clicked.

To enter relative data into the sales control bar chart, you need to right-click on the chart. This will open an Excel sheet where you can input the relevant data. The chart compares key figures such as revenue, number of offers, number of orders, and success rate. It's a tool that managers can use to measure the KPIs determined at the start of the sales strategy plan.

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For more presentations to improve your sales strategy and process, take a look at our Sales Pitch Deck, Sales Funnel, and Sales Review deck.

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