To reduce the time spent on internal compliance activities like planning and budgeting, organizations can adopt several innovative strategies. Firstly, they can automate repetitive tasks using technology. This can significantly reduce the time spent on these activities. Secondly, organizations can simplify their processes. This involves eliminating unnecessary steps and streamlining the remaining ones. Thirdly, organizations can encourage cross-functional collaboration. This can help to reduce the time spent on coordination and improve efficiency. Lastly, organizations can provide training to their employees to improve their skills and knowledge in these areas. This can help to reduce errors and rework, thereby saving time.

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Today, the legacy organization separates thinking from doing, demands detailed plans before every initiative, focuses on a chain of command, and works around an ironclad budget. U.S. workers spend 16% of their working lives on internal compliance activities like planning and budgeting. The Taylor Principles have morphed into a stifling bureaucracy, leaving us with a burden of organizational debt—structures and policies that no longer serve the organization.

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Some examples of companies that have successfully transitioned from a legacy organization to an evolutionary and autonomous one include Spotify, Netflix, and Valve Corporation. Spotify has adopted a model of autonomous teams called 'squads', each with the freedom to decide what to build, how to build it, and how to work together while building it. Netflix has a culture of 'freedom and responsibility', where employees have great freedom to make decisions, but are expected to act in the best interests of the company. Valve Corporation, a video game developer, operates without managers, and employees are free to choose what to work on, leading to a highly innovative environment.

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