Some scenarios where asking for permission is more beneficial than asking for forgiveness include situations where the potential consequences of the action could be severe or irreversible, such as in medical or legal contexts. It's also beneficial to ask for permission in professional settings to maintain trust and respect. Additionally, in relationships, asking for permission can show consideration and respect for the other person's feelings and boundaries.

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Retirement is worst-case scenario insurance. Interest and energy are cyclical. Less is not laziness. The timing is never right. Ask for forgiveness, not permission. Emphasize strengths, don't fix weaknesses. Things in excess become their opposite. Money alone is not the solution. Relative income is more important than absolute income. Distress is bad, eustress is good.

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The statement 'Relative income is more important than absolute income' means that the value of income should be considered in relation to other factors, rather than just the total amount of money earned.

Relative income refers to how much you earn compared to others in your society or peer group. It's about the purchasing power and lifestyle that your income allows you to have in your specific location or situation.

On the other hand, absolute income is just the total amount of money you earn, without considering any other factors.

So, the statement suggests that it's more important to consider your income in relation to others and your cost of living, rather than just looking at the total amount you earn.

Money alone can be the solution in scenarios where the problem is purely financial. For example, if a person is in debt, having enough money to pay off the debt would solve the problem. Similarly, if a business is facing bankruptcy due to lack of funds, injecting money into the business would solve the problem. However, it's important to note that while money can solve these problems in the short term, it may not be a sustainable solution in the long term if the underlying issues that led to the financial problems are not addressed.

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