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The book "Side Hustle" suggests several strategies for launching a new business venture. One strategy is to generate and test profitable ideas. This involves brainstorming various business ideas and testing them to see which ones are most likely to be profitable. Avoiding costly beginner mistakes is another important strategy. This can be achieved by learning from the experiences of others and seeking advice from experts. The book also emphasizes the importance of executing powerful concepts such as legal structures, iterations, and A/B Testing. Lastly, creating a Facebook page for your hustle is suggested as a way to gauge public response and interest.
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Learn how to generate and test profitable ideas, avoid costly beginner mistakes and execute powerful concepts such as legal structures, iterations, an...
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One way to push yourself to launch is to take ten minutes to create a Facebook page for your hustle. It's easy to do and you'll quickly be able to see how people respond. You can also say you're launching "in beta mode" if it makes you feel more comfortable. Gmail was in beta mode for five years after it launched!
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