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The success of a transformation in the Experience Economy can be measured by the value it adds to the customer experience, the increase in customer engagement, the improvement in customer satisfaction and loyalty, and the positive impact on the company's bottom line. It can also be gauged by the company's ability to differentiate itself from competitors and create unique, memorable experiences for its customers.
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By customizing each part of a customer experience, a product or service increases in value. Using key points from theater and stage, the book teaches...
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The Experience Economy isn't just about adding value; it's about transformation. The example of how the Rawlings company transformed baseball is a good way for readers to understand this game-changing concept. For a company that is the exclusive baseball manufacturer to the Major Leagues, the thought of improving upon a seemingly perfect product seems like a waste of time. But Rawlings realized that most of its customers aren't Major League players, they are people who enjoy baseball and a good game of catch.
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