Tracking progress from month to month or year to date can have several implications. It can help in identifying patterns, understanding growth or decline, and making informed decisions for future strategies. It can also provide a sense of accomplishment and motivation to continue working towards goals. However, it's important to note that progress tracking should be done in a way that it doesn't become a source of stress or demotivation.

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Habit Tracker

Need to create new habits? It takes between two to eight months for a habit to stick. Gamify your habits with custom reward amounts for each habit com...

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Human brains are hardwired to take the path of least resistance, which makes the adoption of new habits hard. Instead, James recommends a four-step process: Make them obvious, make them attractive, make them easy, and make them satisfactory. You don't need a habit tracker app or online habit tracker to do this. Our spreadsheet template does all four of James' suggestions. Check it out:

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Apart from using a habit tracker app or online habit tracker, you can also use a spreadsheet template to track your habits. Other methods include using a journal to document your progress, setting reminders on your phone, or using a wall calendar where you can mark off each day you successfully follow through with your habit.

There are several ways to gamify habits. One way is to set up a reward system for each time you successfully complete a habit. This could be something simple like treating yourself to a favorite snack or activity. Another way is to create a competition with friends or family members who are also trying to develop the same habit. You could also use a habit tracking app that provides visual progress and rewards. Lastly, you could set up a challenge for yourself, such as trying to maintain the habit for a certain number of days without breaking the streak.

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