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The key takeaways from the book "Invested" that are actionable for investors include: understanding the value investing approach of Warren Buffett, doing your own research on companies before investing, not just following what investment gurus are buying, and regularly reading business news such as the Wall Street Journal for updates and insights.
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Do you long for the day when you can work less and travel more? Do you fear that you’ll never have enough money to be able to retire? By following War...
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You can also get a sense of which companies to start researching by checking out what investment gurus such as Buffett, Munger, and others are buying. These investors only make their purchases public knowledge once a quarter, however, so you cannot just follow their investments without doing your own research to see if this is still a good buy for you. Warren Buffett's annual letter to Berkshire Hathaway's shareholders is also a great source of information about his thoughts and value investing. It's also a good idea to start reading the Wall Street Journal business section on a regular basis.
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