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Hacking Growth: How Today’s Fastest-Growing Companies Drive Breakout Success Book Summary preview
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How can you reach new customers, keep them active, and grow your revenue with a dash of programming smarts and a shoestring budget? Traditional marketing methods cost millions of dollars for uncertain payoffs. Growth hacking, on the other hand, uses an analytical approach to build marketing into products themselves and stimulate organic growth.

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A traditional retail company can apply growth hacking approaches by integrating marketing into their products or services. This could involve using data analytics to understand customer behavior and preferences, and then tailoring offerings to meet those needs. They could also leverage digital platforms to reach a wider audience and stimulate organic growth. For instance, they could use social media to engage with customers, offer personalized recommendations, and run targeted promotions. Additionally, they could experiment with different strategies, measure their impact, and iterate based on the results to drive continuous improvement and growth.

The theme of growth hacking in 'Hacking Growth: How Today’s Fastest-Growing Companies Drive Breakout Success' is highly relevant to contemporary marketing debates and issues. Traditional marketing methods often involve significant financial investment with uncertain returns, leading to debates about their effectiveness and efficiency. Growth hacking, as discussed in the book, presents an alternative approach that integrates marketing into the products themselves, stimulating organic growth. This aligns with current marketing discussions around the importance of data-driven strategies, customer retention, and cost-effectiveness. It also touches on the debate between traditional marketing and digital marketing strategies.

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Hacking Growth: How Today’s Fastest-Growing Companies Drive Breakout Success uncovers case studies that explain why your competitors are doing what they're doing, and why you should be growth hacking, too. Read this summary to learn how to turn growth on autopilot with high-tempo testing and experimentations.

Top 20 insights

  1. PayPal grew from being eBay sellers' preferred mode of payment. Once PayPal knew that sellers liked their product, they created AutoLink, a tool that would automatically embed the PayPal logo and sign-up link into all of those sellers' active listings.
  2. Hotmail was a pioneer in growth hacking. Introduced at a time when free email was practically nonexistent, Hotmail included a hyperlinked line that reads "p.s. Get your free email at Hotmail" at the end of every email.
  3. Growth hacking experts found that phrasing customer survey question using the word "disappointment" is much more helpful than asking customers about their level of satisfaction. When over 40% of customers surveyed would be "very disappointed" if they could no longer use the product, the product has very strong potential to benefit from growth hacking.
  4. In just 14 months and with absolutely no traditional marketing spend, Dropbox grew its users from 100,000 to 4 million. This was done by offering 250 megabytes of free storage to each user who referred a friend to try Dropbox.
  5. Facebook spurred its tremendous international growth through an ingenious growth hack. Rather than hiring dozens of people to promote the platform in various countries or translators to translate the entire site, Facebook software engineers built a best-in-class "translation engine." This method crowdsourced translations and led to countless new users who were now able to access the site in their language.
  6. Airbnb had a very slow start, struggling to make ends meet until a software engineer discovered a way to get more traffic to their listings by cross-publishing on Craigslist. Airbnb staffers engineered the posts such that searches for short-term vacation rentals displayed Airbnb listings and redirected them to the Airbnb booking website.
  7. Growth should be a priority for all firms, large or small. A Harvard Business Review article stated that "on average, companies lose 74% of their market capitalization…in the decade surrounding a growth stall."
  8. LinkedIn has over 120 employees solely focused on growth. These staffers are spread across five units: network growth, search engine optimization operations, onboarding, international growth, and user engagement.
  9. Renowned economist and business strategist Michael Porter writes that, to drive future growth, businesses will need to maximize the lifetime value of customers rather than sell to new customers. Tesla Motors is best-in-class at keeping connected with customers in this way. Rather than putting model years on cars, it continually sends software updates and makes upgrades available.
  10. While a traditional marketing budget certainly has its place in some contexts, a McKinsey study showed no direct correlation between marketing spending and growth rates.
  11. BitTorrent was surprised to find the #1 reason customers weren't upgrading to the paid version. The simple fix of highlighting the "upgrade" button on the home page led to a 92% increase in revenue.
  12. Zillow CEO Spencer Rascoff began an annual growth effort called "Zillow Play". Knowing that its competitor Trulia had mastered SEO, Rascoff made SEO improvement Zillow's growth "Play" for the year, thus allowing the company to grow tremendously and ultimately acquiring Trulia.
  13. Etsy's runaway success with independent artisans and crafters was due to a combination of "boots on the ground" research and smart customization of Etsy's online capabilities. After discovering that many talented crafters were members of tight-knit crafting social circles, Etsy built online community forums to drive communications among the sellers.
  14. Business intelligence company RJ Metrics discovered that free trial users who used the software to edit a chart were twice as likely to convert to paying customers than those who didn't. They then crafted their new user orientation to include editing a chart.
  15. Pinterest began as a more traditional commerce app called Tote. After analyzing user data and behavior, they realized that users were stockpiling massive collections of things they coveted instead of making the purchases. So Pinterest shifted to a business model that facilitated browsing and pinning instead of buying.
  16. Every company has a fundamental growth equation that it must identify before growth hacking can begin. These are the key data points and levers that increase revenue. For example, for Facebook, these metrics were the number of items users are sharing and the time spent looking through their News Feed.
  17. Sean Parker, founder of Napster and former president of Facebook, wrote the "virality equation", which is: virality = payload x conversion rate x frequency. The payload is the number of people to whom each user will likely send the promotion or link. Conversion rate is the percentage of those people who will sign up, and frequency refers to how often people will be exposed to these referral invites.
  18. It's best to survey users in two circumstances: 1) When their activity on the app signals "confusion," such as staying too long on one page, or 2) When they take an action that others are not taking, like signing up.
  19. Adobe designed game-like missions instead of forcing users to go through lengthy and unengaging tutorials. This lead to a 400% increase in users who upgraded to paid version.
  20. 44% of all reviews on Yelp are written by members from a group known as the "Yelp Elite Squad." Yelp consciously identifies and rewards these reviewers based on their level of activity in the app and others' evaluation of their reviews' usefulness.


Growth hacking is an iterative process of analyzing, ideating, prioritizing, and testing to discover ways to drive viral growth through acquiring, activating, retaining, and monetizing users. Rather than employing blunt force marketing, leading firms such as Facebook, Airbnb, Tesla, BitTorrent, Zillow, Adobe, Yelp, and many others have discovered the incredible effectiveness of growth hacking. By embedding marketing in the product itself to gain new users, employing high-tempo testing to understand what customers want out of a product, and using big data to better retain and monetize customers, these companies have hacked their way to market leadership.

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The concept of growth hacking has significantly influenced the corporate strategies and business models of leading firms like Facebook, Airbnb, and Tesla. These companies have embedded marketing into their products to gain new users, employed high-tempo testing to understand what customers want, and used big data to better retain and monetize customers. This iterative process of analyzing, ideating, prioritizing, and testing has allowed them to discover ways to drive viral growth through acquiring, activating, retaining, and monetizing users, leading to their market leadership.

The theme of growth hacking in the book 'Hacking Growth: How Today’s Fastest-Growing Companies Drive Breakout Success' is highly relevant to contemporary issues in digital marketing and customer acquisition. In the digital age, traditional marketing strategies are often insufficient. Growth hacking, as discussed in the book, offers an innovative approach. It involves using data-driven, creative, and low-cost strategies to acquire and retain customers. This aligns with the current digital marketing landscape, where understanding customer behavior through data analysis and personalization is key. Furthermore, the book's emphasis on high-tempo testing and iterative processes reflects the need for agility and adaptability in today's rapidly changing digital environment.

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What is growth hacking?

An overview

Growth hacking is a novel way to build your user base, make users more active, and ultimately convert them into paying customers. It was originally pioneered at Dropbox, among other companies, in the mid-to-late 2000s, as a way of leveraging technology to help their products go viral. Growth hacking relies on high-tempo testing and data analysis rather than costly traditional marketing approaches.

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The growth hacking strategies discussed in the book 'Hacking Growth: How Today’s Fastest-Growing Companies Drive Breakout Success' are highly relevant in today's digital marketing landscape. These strategies, which include high-tempo testing and data analysis, are designed to build user base, increase user activity, and convert users into paying customers. In the current digital era, where traditional marketing approaches can be costly and less effective, these growth hacking strategies provide a cost-effective and efficient way to drive business growth.

The book 'Hacking Growth: How Today’s Fastest-Growing Companies Drive Breakout Success' analyzes the use of growth hacking in companies like Dropbox by discussing how these companies leveraged technology to make their products go viral. It emphasizes on the concept of high-tempo testing and data analysis over traditional marketing approaches. The book provides insights into how growth hacking was pioneered in the mid-to-late 2000s, and how it has been used as a cost-effective strategy to build user base, increase user activity, and convert them into paying customers.

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We've condensed the "core elements" of growth hacking into this chart:

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Growth hacking relies on cross-functional teams. Functions such as marketing and engineering must work together to analyze user data and behavior, conduct interviews and surveys, facilitate a "rapid generation and testing of ideas," and ultimately analyze the key metrics and levers to see which interventions have made the greatest impact.

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The pre-requisites

1. Having a must-have product

The product needs to deliver an "aha moment" to customers. Two examples of products that were "growth hacked" but did not take off due to the value proposition of the product falling flat are Microsoft Zune and Amazon's Fire Phone. What exactly is an "aha" moment? "An aha experience…is one that is simply too remarkable not to value, to return to often, and to share." In other words, the product is very good and meets a glaring unmet need. A myth in the start-up world is that an incredible product is sufficient to achieve unicorn status. This is false. Team members must put significant time and effort behind a product, through either growth hacking or some degree of intentional branding and marketing.

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2. Growth levers identified

Growth hacking is not merely running an endless number of small experiments (like where the "sign up" button is placed on your home page) and meticulously analyzing the results. To be effective, one must identify the key metrics that will increase revenue. Attempting to improve other metrics will be a waste of time and money. One case example is Everpix, an online photo storage company that ultimately failed. Everpix used a freemium model, meaning that their growth lever was paid subscribers. But instead of focusing on how to get more users to subscribe, the founders focused on new product features to add. This ultimately led to their demise.

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3. Team members

Executives might be tempted to tap their smartest engineers and coders to be on the growth team. While technical expertise is certainly needed, so too are skills for qualitative analysis, surveying, marketing, and design. At BitTorrent, a star marketer was given the leeway to collaborate with the product development team. She surveyed customers and found that upgrades to the paid version of the product were lagging because most customers didn't even know that upgrading was possible. Product development took orders from her on key design changes to the website, and BitTorrent saw a 92% increase in revenue as a result. Marketing and engineering must collaborate for success in growth hacking.

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High tempo testing

Once the pre-requisites are in place, you can begin the actual growth-hacking process. The four steps of growth hacking are: 1) analyze, 2) ideate, 3) prioritize, and 4) test.

1. Analyze

This requires a deep dive into customer data to unearth insights. Consider segmenting customer data into cohorts. For example: customers who spend the most money on your products, versus those who spend the least. Then, ask questions about those customers and answer with data, as well as with qualitative interviews.

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2. Ideate

After reviewing the data reports as a team, the next step is to generate as many ideas as possible, limiting self-censorship or criticism of others' ideas. Expert growth hackers recommend allotting at least four days for all members of the growth team, and ideally others from around the company, to submit as many ideas as possible into an idea pipeline. Use a project management system and identify clear fields to be populated by such ideas. A template for idea submission is below.

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The ICE method has significantly influenced the growth strategies of today's fastest-growing companies by providing a systematic approach to prioritize growth ideas. ICE, which stands for Impact, Confidence, and Ease, allows companies to score each growth idea based on these three dimensions. The average of these scores gives a single score for each idea, helping companies to prioritize and focus on the most promising growth strategies. This method enables companies to efficiently allocate resources and drive breakout success.

The potential challenges in implementing the ICE method for prioritizing growth hacking ideas include:

1. Subjectivity: The ICE method relies on subjective scoring for Impact, Confidence, and Ease. Different team members may have different perceptions, leading to inconsistent scoring.

2. Time-consuming: It can be time-consuming to score each idea on three different dimensions, especially if there are a large number of ideas.

3. Overemphasis on ease: There's a risk that ideas which are easy to implement but have low impact or confidence may get prioritized over more challenging, but potentially more impactful ideas.

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3. Prioritize

Now it's time to sort through the ream of ideas your team has generated. Expert growth hackers recommend using a method for prioritization called ICE. ICE stands for Impact, Confidence, and Ease. Give every idea scores based on each of these three dimensions, then take the average of the three-dimensional scores into a single score for that one idea.

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The cross-functional nature of a growth team facilitates the testing of new ideas by allowing each member to bring their unique skills and perspectives to the table. This diversity of thought and expertise can lead to more innovative and effective solutions. Additionally, each team member can return to their respective function (e.g., marketing) and inform other colleagues about the next steps, ensuring that the entire organization is aligned and working towards the same goals. This collaborative approach can make the testing process more efficient and successful.

The resource 'Hacking Growth: How Today’s Fastest-Growing Companies Drive Breakout Success' has significantly influenced corporate strategies and business models by introducing the concept of growth hacking. This approach encourages companies to use creative, low-cost strategies to significantly increase their customer base and drive rapid growth. The book provides numerous examples of successful growth hacking and offers insights into how these strategies can be applied in different business contexts. It has led many businesses to rethink their traditional marketing strategies and adopt a more experimental, data-driven approach to growth.

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The Impact dimension is the level of change you expect your idea to affect the growth areas you have identified. The Confidence dimension is a judgment (ideally data-backed) as to how likely you believe change will occur. And finally, the Ease dimension is the time and resources that will be required to execute the idea.

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4. Test

With the prioritized list of ideas, the team has aligned on which ideas should be tested. The cross-functional nature of the team makes this step much easier than it would be otherwise. Each growth team member can return to his or her respective function (e.g., marketing), and inform other colleagues about the next steps. The actual testing of ideas will likely require effort from all functions. An example test might be redesigning the "shopping cart" experience on the mobile version of the company's website.

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As high-tempo testing is cyclical, the growth team should then begin again, analyze whether the tests generated the hypothesized outcomes, ideate the adjacent or additional tests to run, prioritize, and once again assess the outcomes.

Growth hacking at each stage of the customer funnel

Hacking to acquire users

There are three categories of growth hacking possibilities to increase the number of users that are exposed to and begin using your product. They are: 1) honing your language and brand to fit your market, 2) find the right channel for your product, and 3) create customer loops.

1. Language & Market Fit

Your language and market fit is how well the way you describe the benefits of your product to resonate with your target audience. Choosing the right language to describe the product and its function is more difficult today due to the proliferation of mediums through which potential customers may encounter your product. The good news is that growth hacking can be put to work to carefully refine the language such that, at the end of experimentation, it is sure to resonate with users. Growth hacking is designed to bring the rigor of scientific experimentation to the creative process.

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Upworthy is an online news source that has mastered the art of language and market fit. For each news story, the responsible Staff Writer produces more than 25 different headlines. The Curator then selects 5-7 favorites from these 25+ suggestions for possible testing. The Managing Editor then makes the final decision on which headlines to test. Ultimately, the Growth Team selects two similar markets, creates trackable links for each possible headlines, shares article via trackable links in both markets, and determines the winning headline from its tracking of clicks and shares. Upworthy's story illustrates how hacking for language and fit can be done very cheaply while still achieving results comparable to companies with much larger budgets.

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Distribution channels are the pathways through which a company delivers its products or services to customers. In the context of the book, it emphasizes the importance of identifying and focusing on a single, effective distribution channel. As per Peter Thiel, success through more than one channel is rare and most businesses struggle to make even one work. Poor distribution, rather than product quality, is often the cause of business failure. Therefore, if a company can identify and successfully utilize a single distribution channel, it can significantly enhance its business success.

A startup can use growth hacking strategies by identifying the most effective marketing channel for their product. As the book suggests, success through more than one channel is rare, so focus should be on finding and optimizing a single distribution channel. This could be social media, email marketing, SEO, or any other channel that reaches the target audience effectively. Once a channel is identified, the startup should focus on optimizing their strategies for that channel to drive growth.

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Another method of hacking language and market fit besides A/B testing is leveraging the language that customers themselves are using to describe the value of the product. This language can be found in social media posts, customer reviews, emails, surveys, or other feedback customers give.

2. Channel fit

Growth hacking can also be used to find which channel is the best fit for marketing your product. Take care in identifying channels, as PayPal founder Peter Thiel cautions that success through more than one channel is exceedingly rare. ""Most businesses actually get zero distribution channels to work. Poor distribution – not product – is the number one cause of failure. If you can get even a single distribution channel to work, you have a great business. If you try for several but don't nail one, you're finished."

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Possible channels include users discovering your products through social media, platform integrations, friend referral programs, public relations and speaking engagements, search engine optimization, sponsorship, or native content ads, to name a few. Growth hacking principles can be used to test various channels and determine which may be the most successful. Specific tactics include analyzing customer data to determine where else your most active users spend time online, surveying customers to learn more about when they use the product, and doing the initial planning to rank possible channels. Some dimensions to consider when ranking channels include: cost, possible degree of targeting to the intended audience, the time needed to develop the channel experiment, the time to realize the results of the channel experiment, and breadth of exposure the experiment will provide.

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3. Customer loops

Lastly, one of the ""older"" or ""traditional"" versions of growth hacking is what is known as customer loops or customer referral programs. Customer referral programs incentivize existing users to convince others in their network to use the product by offering the existing user (and sometimes the new user as well) something in exchange. When using customer loops, growth hacking experts share two pieces of advice: First, the incentive and language must be on-brand. Second, marketers should increase the perceived value of the incentive as much as possible. Incentives that aren't easily quantifiable, such as Dropbox's incentive of 250 megabytes of free storage for referring a friend, are great options. Although Airbnb uses a quantifiable incentive - $25 towards their next stay – Airbnb's description reinforces the brand. They use language suggesting that customers share the great experience of living like a local that Airbnb delivers, rather than just blatantly offering the cash.

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Yes, there are several examples of companies that have successfully implemented growth hacking practices. One such example is HubSpot, which developed a product called Sidekick to track the effectiveness of email marketing. Through growth hacking, they discovered that users who signed up with their work emails were much more active than those who used a generic personal account. As a result, they started asking for a user's work email at the sign-up stage. This change, among other experiments, dramatically increased user activation.

Yes, the growth hacking strategies discussed in the book 'Hacking Growth: How Today’s Fastest-Growing Companies Drive Breakout Success' can be implemented in real-world scenarios. The book provides numerous examples of successful cases of growth hacking, such as HubSpot's development of Sidekick. These strategies are not just theoretical but have been applied and tested in real-world situations, leading to significant user activation and growth. However, the effectiveness of these strategies can vary depending on the specific context and needs of the company.

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Hacking to increase user activity

Improving activation about increasing the rate at which you get new users to your "Aha" moment.

As a foundation before beginning high tempo testing, one must first do two things to identify the highest impact activation experiments. First, you must map the route to the "Aha" moment. This "Aha" moment is the core value proposition the product offers – something too good not to share. Users won't share the product or use it actively themselves if they've haven't experienced what makes the product so special. If there are stumbling blocks or a poor experience along the way, then users might never reach the "Aha" moment. So first, trace this route as a way to identify the moments that should be analyzed closely. Second, create a user activity funnel as another way of identifying the places where your users are falling off. Analyze the data and find the percentage of users that move from each step, beginning at 1) visited site, to 2) signed up, to 3) active in the application, and finally 4) customer billed. Be sure to create a funnel for each of the most frequently used channels, such as users that arrived through Google search versus those that found you via Facebook.

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The long-term strategies for retaining users and ensuring ongoing product improvement, as mentioned in the book 'Hacking Growth', involve continuous enhancement of the product and fostering renewed appreciation by the customers for what the product offers them. This could involve regular updates, adding new features, improving user experience, and consistently meeting the evolving needs and expectations of the customers.

According to the principles of growth hacking, a product can become a part of a user's daily routine by focusing on user activation and retention. In the short term, the goal is to keep users engaged with the product. The exact time frame for this will depend on the nature of the product. In the medium term, efforts should be made to turn the use of the product into a habit for users. This could involve integrating the product into the user's daily routine in a way that feels natural and beneficial. In the long term, retaining users requires ongoing improvements to the product and ensuring that customers continue to appreciate the value it offers them.

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Be open to out-of-the-box ideas when designing experiments for this stage. For example, HubSpot developed Sidekick, a product that tracked the effectiveness of email marketing. Through growth hacking, they discovered that users who signed up with their work emails were much more active than those who provided a generic personal account. Therefore, they asked for a user's work email at the sign-up stage. This change, among other experiments, dramatically increased user activation.

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A manufacturing company can apply the innovative approaches discussed in the book by first identifying their "Aha" moment - the point at which their product or service truly resonates with the customer. They can then design strategies to accelerate the customer's journey to this moment. This could involve using mobile notifications or emails to prompt the user to action. The company can also create an engagement loop, where a trigger leads to an action, followed by a reward, leading to greater investment from the customer. This loop can be reinforced to improve medium-term retention. For long-term retention, the company can focus on improving existing product features and gradually introducing new product improvements.

A startup can use the engagement loop framework to improve customer retention and drive growth by designing and reinforcing a cycle of trigger, action, reward, and investment. This cycle begins with a trigger that prompts the user to take an action. The action is then followed by a reward, which encourages the user to invest more in the product or service. This investment then leads to further triggers, creating a loop of engagement. This loop not only retains customers but also encourages them to use the product or service more, driving growth for the startup.

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Hacking to retain users

Acquiring customers costs time and money, so keeping the same customers means more revenue and fewer costs. Also, the longer that customers are loyal to your product, the more you learn about them and their desires, and the better you can make your product as a result. Growth hacking to retain users follows the same process of analyzing, ideating, prioritizing, and testing, but it's helpful to think about retention in three ways: initial, medium, and long-term retention.

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HotelTonight's growth hacking ideas have significant potential to be implemented in other industries. The key is to understand the unique behavior and needs of the target audience. In HotelTonight's case, they identified that customers using 3G or 4G networks were more likely to book with their app due to the slower loading times of competitor apps on these networks. This insight can be applied to other industries where customers might be using mobile data instead of WiFi. For example, e-commerce, food delivery, or ride-hailing apps could use similar strategies to target customers not on WiFi proactively. However, it's important to note that the success of such strategies would depend on the specific industry and customer behavior.

The lessons from HotelTonight's growth strategy can be applied in today's business environment in several ways. First, businesses can leverage user data to understand customer behavior and preferences. This can help in identifying unique opportunities for growth. For instance, HotelTonight realized that customers using 3G or 4G networks were more likely to book with their app, leading them to target such customers proactively. Second, businesses can focus on improving user experience based on these insights. In HotelTonight's case, they capitalized on the fact that their app loaded faster on 3G or 4G networks compared to their competitors. Lastly, businesses can adopt a proactive approach in targeting customers based on these insights, leading to increased bookings and revenue growth.

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In the initial term, growth hacking looks like user activation to some extent. The goal here is to keep users engaged for the short term. The exact time frame will depend on your product. In the medium term, to retain customers, you will need to make your product a habit for users, or part of their daily routine. In the long term, retaining users requires ongoing improvement to the product and renewed appreciation by the customers for what it offers them.

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A retail company can apply the approaches of making the shopping experience as smooth, delightful, and clear as possible to improve monetization by focusing on the customer journey. This includes mapping the purchase funnel and identifying areas for improvement or potential pain points that may deter customers from making a purchase. Key areas to focus on include the display of items for sale, the shopping cart, and the payment page. By making these experiences as seamless and enjoyable as possible, customers are more likely to complete their purchases, thereby improving monetization. Additionally, segmenting customers by cohorts or demographics and experimenting with different strategies to increase revenue from lower revenue-generating groups can also be beneficial.

The book 'Hacking Growth: How Today’s Fastest-Growing Companies Drive Breakout Success' presents several innovative ideas. One of them is the concept of mapping the purchase funnel and running experiments to identify new opportunities for revenue generation or pain points that decrease the likelihood of purchase. It emphasizes on making the customer experience as smooth, delightful, and clear as possible to improve monetization. Another idea is to segment customers by cohorts or demographics and experiment with different ways to increase revenue from lower revenue-generating groups.

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Initial retention hacks include experiments that accelerate the time to the "Aha" moment or trigger initiatives such as mobile notifications or emails that prompt the user to action. Medium-term retention hacks that create habits may follow the "engagement loop" as defined by customer behavior expert Nir Eyal. A ""trigger"" leads to an ""action,"" followed by a ""reward,"" which leads to greater ""investment."" Designing and reinforcing this loop for your product leads to medium-term retention. Lastly, long-term retention hacks should focus on improving both existing product features while also slowly introducing new product improvements.

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Hacking to monetize users

HotelTonight is a mobile app where customers can book last-minute hotels at steep discounts. After digging into their user data, they found that customers who were using the app on 3G or 4G networks on their phones were much more likely to book with the app than those users who were surfing over WiFi. After realizing that this was because loading competitor apps over 3G or 4G took longer and were more difficult than it would be over WiFi, they decided to target customers not on WiFi proactively. This led to more bookings and therefore increased revenue and growth.

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You can increase the customer lifetime revenue through mapping the "purchase funnel" and running experiments that identify new opportunities for revenue generation or pain points that are decreasing the likelihood of purchase along the funnel. Some typical key points include screens displaying items for sale, the shopping cart, and the payment page. Making these experiences as smooth, delightful, and clear as possible can greatly improve monetization. An additional lens of analysis is to once again segment your customers by cohorts or demographics and experiment with different ways to increase revenue from lower revenue-generating groups.

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