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La globalización es uno de los desafíos más críticos que enfrentan los líderes empresariales hoy en día. Pero aunque es un desafío, la globalización ofrece una superabundancia de oportunidades. Nuestro mazo Mercados Emergentes 100% personalizable facilita sus esfuerzos para analizar todas las trampas y beneficios asociados con las economías extranjeras y decidir si ahora es el momento de entrar en un mercado emergente.

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Investing in emerging markets can offer several long-term benefits. These include potential for high returns as these markets grow and develop, diversification of investment portfolio, and the opportunity to invest in new and innovative industries. However, it's important to note that investing in emerging markets also comes with risks, including political instability, economic volatility, and regulatory uncertainties.

A business can leverage globalization for higher returns by tapping into new markets, accessing a larger customer base, and taking advantage of cost efficiencies in different regions. This could involve setting up operations in countries where labor or materials are cheaper, or selling products in countries with high demand. It's also important to understand and adapt to local cultures and regulations to be successful.

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Destacados de la diapositiva

Con esta diapositiva, enumere todas las amenazas que pueden representar los mercados emergentes. Estos pueden incluir: riesgo de tipo de cambio, distribuciones no normales, laxitud en la negociación con información privilegiada, restricciones, falta de liquidez, dificultad para recaudar capital y más.

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Utilice esta diapositiva para aplicar el Análisis PESTEL a su evaluación de mercados emergentes. El Análisis PESTEL es una herramienta utilizada para analizar y rastrear los factores macroambientales que pueden impactar el rendimiento de una empresa.

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Para saber si va a ir tras un mercado emergente, es fundamental determinar su Producto Interno Bruto (PIB). El PIB proporciona información sobre el tamaño de la economía del país y, lo más importante, la salud de la economía.

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An organization can effectively track and analyze the macro-environmental factors of emerging markets by using tools like PESTEL Analysis. This tool helps in analyzing and tracking the macro-environmental factors that may impact a venture's performance. It's also critical to determine the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of the emerging market, as it provides information about the size and health of the country's economy.

Social factors that influence the growth of emerging markets include cultural norms and values, population growth rates, age distribution, education levels, and social mobility. These factors can affect consumer behavior and demand, labor markets, and business practices, among other things.

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Según una compañía de servicios financieros, Charles Schwab Corporation, los mercados emergentes son países que están experimentando un rápido crecimiento económico e industrialización. Estos países, según el sitio web de Charles Schwab, representan el 59% de la población mundial y el 40% de la producción económica mundial. Además, vale la pena mencionar que, según la estimación del Fondo Monetario Internacional (FMI) de abril de 2019, se espera que las economías de los mercados emergentes crezcan más rápido que las economías desarrolladas, a un 4.8% en 2020, en comparación con el 3.6% de sus pares desarrollados.

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Emerging markets, undergoing rapid economic growth and industrialization, have the potential to significantly impact global wealth distribution. As they make up 59% of the world's population and 40% of the world's economic output, their growth could lead to a shift in wealth from developed to emerging economies. This is especially likely considering the projected growth rates, with emerging economies expected to grow at a faster pace than developed ones.

The economic performance of emerging markets significantly impacts international trade. As these markets grow and industrialize, they increase their demand for imports, thus stimulating global trade. Additionally, as their economies develop, they also increase their production capacity, leading to an increase in exports to other countries. This not only boosts global trade but also affects the balance of trade between different countries. Furthermore, the economic growth in these markets can lead to increased investment, both domestic and foreign, which can further stimulate international trade.

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Los profesores de la Escuela de Negocios de Harvard, Tarun Khanna y Ross Graham Walker, recomiendan los siguientes tres enfoques para los análisis de estrategia para los mercados emergentes:

Adapte sus estrategias actuales

Para tener éxito, dicen los académicos, los modelos de negocio deben adaptarse a las particularidades de cada nueva nación. "[Los líderes empresariales] pueden tener que adaptarse a los vacíos en los mercados de productos de un país, sus mercados de insumos, o ambos. Pero las empresas deben mantener sus propuestas de negocio centrales incluso mientras adaptan sus modelos de negocio. Si hacen cambios demasiado radicales, estas empresas perderán sus ventajas de escala global y marca global", escriben Khanna y Graham Walker en su artículo para "Harvard Business Review" ("HBR").

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To deal with economic differences when entering new markets, businesses need to tailor their models to each new nation's particularities. They may need to adapt to the voids in a country's product markets, its input markets, or both. However, it's crucial for companies to retain their core business propositions even as they adapt their business models. If they make shifts that are too radical, they risk losing their advantages of global scale and global branding.

Some strategies for dealing with regulatory differences when entering new markets include understanding and adapting to the local regulations, maintaining the core business proposition while making necessary adjustments, and leveraging global scale and branding advantages. It's also important to tailor the business model to the specificities of each new nation, which may involve adapting to the voids in a country's product markets, its input markets, or both.

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Cambie los contextos

Altere los contextos en los que opera, ya que los productos o servicios que ofrece su empresa pueden forzar cambios dramáticos en los mercados locales. Por ejemplo, cuando el primer canal de televisión por satélite de Asia, "STAR" con sede en Hong Kong, se lanzó en 1991, transformó el mercado indio de varias maneras, escriben Khanna y Graham Walker. Según ellos, "no solo la empresa hizo que el gobierno indio perdiera su monopolio en las transmisiones de televisión de la noche a la mañana, sino que también llevó a una floreciente industria de fabricación de televisores y al lanzamiento de varios otros canales basados en satélites dirigidos a audiencias indias".

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Common challenges in applying the Emerging Markets framework include understanding the local market dynamics, dealing with regulatory issues, and managing market volatility. Overcoming these challenges requires a deep understanding of the local market, building strong relationships with local partners, and having a flexible business strategy that can adapt to changing market conditions.

The case study of STAR, Asia's first satellite TV channel, is a prime example of the effectiveness of the Emerging Markets framework. When STAR was launched in 1991, it not only broke the Indian government's monopoly on television broadcasts but also spurred the growth of a thriving TV-manufacturing industry and the launch of several other satellite-based channels aimed at Indian audiences. This demonstrates how entering an emerging market can lead to dramatic changes in local markets and create new opportunities for growth and expansion.

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Manténgase alejado

En algunos casos, ir tras los mercados emergentes puede ser arriesgado e irracional. Home Depot, por ejemplo, siempre ha sido cuidadoso al entrar en los mercados de los países en desarrollo. Los académicos explican: "La empresa ofrece una propuesta de valor específica a los clientes: precios bajos, excelente servicio y buena calidad. Para lograr eso, depende de una variedad de instituciones específicas de los Estados Unidos. Depende de las autopistas de los Estados Unidos y los sistemas de gestión logística para minimizar la cantidad de inventario que tiene que llevar en sus grandes tiendas de estilo almacén".

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Some examples of companies that have successfully expanded into emerging markets include Unilever, Procter & Gamble, and Nestle. These companies have managed to adapt their products and strategies to meet the unique needs and preferences of consumers in these markets. They have also invested in local infrastructure and talent, which has helped them understand the local market dynamics and cultural nuances. This has enabled them to gain a competitive edge and achieve sustainable growth in these markets.

Yes, other companies can replicate Home Depot's strategy in emerging markets, but it would require careful planning and execution. They would need to offer a specific value proposition to customers, such as low prices, great service, and good quality. Additionally, they would need to rely on efficient logistical management systems to minimize inventory. However, it's important to note that what works for Home Depot may not necessarily work for all companies, as strategies should be tailored to fit the specific needs and circumstances of each company.

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Continúan: "Depende de la propiedad de acciones de los empleados para motivar a los trabajadores de nivel de tienda a prestar un servicio de primera categoría. Y su propuesta de valor aprovecha el hecho de que los altos costos laborales en los Estados Unidos alientan a los propietarios de viviendas a participar en proyectos de bricolaje".

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Estudios de caso

Un factor clave a tener en cuenta al analizar los mercados emergentes es la estrategia de localización. La localización es muy específica y complicada, pero puedes aprender de las marcas que lo están haciendo muy bien en el ámbito global.


En los últimos años, la marca de ropa Uniqlo abrió más de 1,500 tiendas en todo el mundo. Según Shutterstock, el secreto de la empresa radica en el hecho de que se toma muy en serio la creación de contenido para sus redes sociales para los mercados variados y en crecimiento en todo el mundo. Así, Uniqlo localiza sus páginas de Facebook por país, lo que permite una simple personalización del contenido que promueven por región. "Si el equipo de marketing necesita difundir una promoción sobre abrigos de invierno en Australia mientras ejecuta anuncios para su nueva línea de vestidos de verano en Macao, es fácil ejecutar ese contenido localizado simultáneamente", señala Shutterstock.

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Other businesses can learn from Uniqlo's approach to tapping into emerging markets by understanding the importance of localization. Uniqlo has been successful in its global expansion by creating content for its social media that is tailored to the varied and growing markets worldwide. They localize their Facebook pages by country, allowing for easy customization of the content they promote by region. This strategy enables them to run localized content simultaneously, catering to the specific needs and preferences of each market. For instance, they can promote winter coats in Australia while advertising summer dresses in Macau at the same time.

Uniqlo manages to run localized content simultaneously in different regions by localizing its social media pages by country. This allows for easy customization of the content they promote by region. For instance, if the marketing team needs to promote winter coats in Australia while advertising summer dresses in Macau, they can easily do so. This strategy enables them to cater to the specific needs and preferences of different markets at the same time.

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En 2017, Netflix estaba disponible en más de 190 países, lo cual es impresionante, considerando que en 2015, los servicios de transmisión de video operaban en solo 50 países. Según "HBR", Netflix, "[debe haber] asegurado acuerdos de contenido región por región, y a veces país por país. También [debe haber] enfrentado un conjunto diverso de restricciones regulatorias nacionales, como las que limitan qué contenido puede estar disponible en los mercados locales".

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Potential benefits of expanding into new markets, like Netflix did, include increased revenue, access to a larger customer base, and diversification of income streams. It also allows for the spreading of business risk across a wider market base. However, there are also risks involved. These include the challenge of understanding and adapting to local cultures, languages, and regulations. There may also be increased operational costs due to the need to secure content deals region by region, or even country by country. Furthermore, businesses may face regulatory restrictions that limit what content can be made available in local markets.

Companies can use Netflix's expansion strategy as a model for their own growth by securing content deals region by region, and sometimes country by country, similar to what Netflix did. They can also adapt to diverse national regulatory restrictions, just like Netflix faced restrictions that limit what content can be made available in local markets. It's important to note that this strategy requires a deep understanding of each market's unique characteristics and needs.

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Para satisfacer su ambición de expansión global, escribe Shutterstock, Netflix tuvo que lanzar un impresionante programa de localización para la curación de programación en idioma local y contenido para espectadores en diferentes países. Esta medida requirió la liberación estratégica de programación con subtítulos localizados, idiomas locales y doblaje. Y recientemente, Netflix comenzó a crear programación original en 17 mercados diferentes, lo que ayuda no solo a promover contenido a la base de clientes local, sino también a atraer nuevas audiencias a nivel mundial.

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Netflix's creation of original programming in different markets has significantly contributed to its global expansion. This strategy has allowed Netflix to cater to the local tastes and preferences of viewers in different countries, thereby attracting a wider audience. By producing content in local languages and with cultural nuances, Netflix has been able to penetrate deeper into various markets. This has not only helped in promoting content to the local customer base but also in attracting new audiences globally.

Netflix's localization strategy has several practical applications in the entertainment industry. Firstly, it allows for the curation of local-language programming and content for viewers in different countries. This includes the strategic release of programming with localized subtitles, local languages, and dubbing. Secondly, it enables the creation of original programming in various markets, promoting content to the local customer base and attracting new audiences globally. This strategy not only enhances viewer experience but also expands Netflix's global reach and market penetration.

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