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¿Cómo llevas tu gestión de productos al siguiente nivel? En este Kit de Herramientas para la Gestión de Productos (Parte 2), vamos a revisar algunas de las principales herramientas que los gerentes de productos en empresas como Tesla, Airbnb, Apple y Virgin Atlantic utilizan para gestionar sus productos. Explicaremos todo, desde cómo crear una matriz de sensibilidad al precio, definir tu mercado total direccionable, realizar un análisis de costo-beneficio, evaluar tus ideas de productos con una priorización de características MoSCoW, y hacer uso de un diagrama KANO para producir productos exitosos.

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The trends in product management tools and techniques include the use of a price sensitivity matrix to understand how price changes affect demand, defining the total addressable market to understand the potential market size, conducting a cost benefit analysis to evaluate the financial feasibility of a product, using a MoSCoW feature prioritization to prioritize product features, and making use of a KANO diagram to understand customer satisfaction and product features.

Product management tools help in competitive analysis by providing a structured approach to evaluate and compare your product with others in the market. They allow you to define your total addressable market, conduct a cost-benefit analysis, and prioritize your product features. This helps in understanding where your product stands in the market, what are its strengths and weaknesses, and how it can be improved to gain a competitive edge.

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Con este explicador, aprenderás algunas herramientas avanzadas para gestionar el desarrollo de productos como los profesionales. Escucharás algunos ejemplos del mundo real de cómo estas empresas ponderan los costos y beneficios de una próxima empresa, priorizan las características importantes y construyen deleite en todo lo que crean. Como de costumbre, puedes descargar este marco para usarlo en tu propio proceso de gestión de productos. Introduce tus propios datos y personaliza cada diapositiva según tus necesidades.

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The effectiveness of a product management process can be measured by evaluating the success of the product in the market, customer satisfaction, and the achievement of product goals. It can also be measured by the efficiency of the process itself, such as how well it manages costs, prioritizes features, and incorporates customer feedback.

Effective product management can significantly impact a company's success. It helps in prioritizing important features, weighing the costs and benefits of a venture, and building delight into every product. This can lead to the creation of products that meet customer needs and expectations, thereby driving sales and revenue. It also aids in efficient resource allocation, reducing wastage, and increasing profitability.

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Destacados de las herramientas

Matriz de sensibilidad al precio

Como gerente de producto, necesitas desarrollar un producto con características y precio

Cuando Tesla decidió bajar el precio de todos sus vehículos eléctricos en América del Norte en mayo de 2020, el mercado inicialmente vio esto como una mala noticia. Tradicionalmente, los fabricantes de automóviles utilizan descuentos como incentivos para aumentar las ventas durante períodos de baja demanda. Sin embargo, porque Tesla es una empresa de tecnología y automotriz, Tesla quería reducir los costos para aumentar la disponibilidad de su producto. Debido a que la sensibilidad al precio es un factor enorme para la adopción de EV, los precios más bajos aumentaron dramáticamente la cantidad de autos que Tesla vendió en los EE. UU. en los meses siguientes.

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Tesla's decision to lower the price of its electric vehicles could potentially influence government policies in several ways. Firstly, it could encourage governments to provide more incentives for electric vehicle adoption, as lower prices could lead to increased demand. Secondly, it could prompt governments to invest more in infrastructure for electric vehicles, such as charging stations. Lastly, it could lead to stricter emissions standards, as more affordable electric vehicles could make it easier for governments to enforce such standards.

Increased adoption of electric vehicles can have several societal implications. Firstly, it can lead to a significant reduction in greenhouse gas emissions, contributing to the fight against climate change. Secondly, it can lead to a decrease in dependence on fossil fuels, promoting energy independence. Thirdly, it can stimulate economic growth by creating jobs in the electric vehicle industry. Lastly, it can improve public health by reducing air pollution.

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Para determinar cuán sensibles son tus clientes a tus precios, necesitas dividir la cantidad de demanda por el porcentaje de cambio en el precio. La diferencia es la sensibilidad al precio de tu cliente. Los PMs a menudo introducen códigos de descuento para verificar la conversión en un precio reducido para determinar la sensibilidad al precio de su cliente. (Diapositiva 9)

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Price sensitivity can be incorporated into a product's value proposition by understanding the customer's willingness to pay for the product. This can be determined by dividing the demand quantity by the percent of change in price. This gives an insight into the customer's price sensitivity. Based on this, the product's value proposition can be adjusted to match the customer's perceived value and their willingness to pay. For instance, if customers are highly sensitive to price changes, the value proposition could emphasize affordability or value for money.

Price sensitivity significantly influences promotional strategies. If customers are highly sensitive to price changes, businesses may use promotional strategies such as discounts, sales, or special offers to attract customers and stimulate sales. On the other hand, if customers are less sensitive to price, businesses might focus more on promoting the quality, features, or benefits of their products or services. Understanding price sensitivity can help businesses tailor their promotional strategies to meet their customers' needs and preferences, and ultimately drive sales and profitability.

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Una matriz de sensibilidad al precio ayuda a los PMs a determinar cuántas personas usarían un descuento que es difícil de obtener frente a aquellos que comprarán tu producto a su precio actual. Mientras que todos los clientes pagarán menos por un producto, algunos clientes esperarán un período de tiempo más largo para comprar. Esta espera te dice acerca de la demanda. Otros clientes pueden no valorar un producto si se considera demasiado barato y pagarán el precio más alto para obtenerlo tan pronto como esté disponible.

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While I don't have a specific case study at hand, I can tell you that these product management tools, such as the price sensitivity matrix, have been widely used in the industry and have proven to be effective. The price sensitivity matrix, for instance, allows product managers to understand the demand for their product at different price points, which can be crucial in setting the right price. It helps in understanding customer behavior and their willingness to pay, which ultimately leads to better product pricing and increased sales.

Some challenges in applying product management tools include understanding the market, setting the right price, and managing customer expectations. These can be overcome by conducting thorough market research, using tools like a price sensitivity matrix to determine the optimal price, and communicating effectively with customers to manage their expectations.

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Este rango de precios aceptables es lo que los gerentes de producto necesitan saber para ponerle precio a sus productos de manera óptima, y se puede usar para crear un gradiente de diferentes niveles de precios con diferentes características que son atractivas para cada tipo de cliente.

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TAM - Mercado total direccionable

Saber cómo ponerle precio a tu producto para el mercado es vital... y también lo es conocer el tamaño total de tu mercado para empezar.

En 2008, Airbnb era una startup tratando de recaudar dinero de inversores en todo Silicon Valley. La empresa estimó que podría crecer hasta $2 mil millones en ingresos en tres años capturando el 15% de su mercado total direccionable, o TAM. Airbnb fue rechazada por casi todos los inversores a los que presentó su propuesta porque su suposición de que podría capturar el 15% de su TAM era demasiado optimista. Después de una ronda inicial de financiación y algunos años prometedores de crecimiento, en 2011 Airbnb terminó recaudando $100M con una valoración de $1.3B, una valoración dramáticamente menor que asumía que la empresa podría capturar el 2% de su TAM.

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The MoSCoW method is a prioritization technique used in product development and project management. It stands for Must have, Should have, Could have, and Won't have. This method helps in deciding which features are essential and which can be postponed or dropped. 'Must have' features are critical for the product's success and cannot be compromised. 'Should have' features are important but not vital. 'Could have' features are desirable but not necessary. 'Won't have' features are not a priority and can be ignored in the current development cycle. This method helps in focusing on what's important and managing resources effectively.

A Kano diagram is a tool used in product management to visualize customer preferences over product features. It helps in understanding which features are expected by customers, which ones will satisfy them, and which ones will delight them. This understanding aids in prioritizing features for product development, ensuring that the product meets customer expectations and has features that can differentiate it in the market. It's particularly useful in launching successful products as it helps in making informed decisions about feature inclusion based on customer satisfaction and competitive advantage.

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Para calcular tu propio TAM, sigue esta fórmula: toma el número total de clientes veces el valor de ingresos anuales que cada uno podría aportar. (Diapositiva 4)

Por ejemplo, tu mercado podría incluir 600 millones de usuarios de Excel, 225 millones de usuarios de CRM en la nube y 20 millones de usuarios de contabilidad. Luego puedes usar la fórmula TAM para determinar cuántos clientes son servibles y disponibles, y cuántos son obtenibles en este momento.

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Dado que el TAM se calcula de manera diferente en varias geografías, como una empresa nacional que opera en diferentes regiones o una empresa internacional que opera en diferentes países, no olvides tener en cuenta la paridad de poder adquisitivo de cada región, también conocida como PPP.

Por ejemplo, si capturas 1 millón de clientes en India, el valor total de los ingresos es bastante diferente al de capturar un millón de clientes en el Reino Unido, basado en la PPP de cada país. Luego puedes desglosar tus clientes totales disponibles en segmentos adicionales según sea necesario. (Diapositiva 5)

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Análisis de costo-beneficio

A medida que los gerentes de producto preparan nuevas características o desarrollos, necesitan tener en cuenta el costo asociado y sopesarlo contra el beneficio potencial para determinar si deben seguir adelante. En ningún lugar es eso más cierto que en la batalla para combatir el cambio climático.

Más de 110 países que representan más del 70% del PIB mundial y las emisiones de carbono tienen objetivos de cero neto para 2050. A menos que todas las emisiones se limiten a 400 gigatoneladas, la temperatura en la tierra podría aumentar por encima del punto de inflexión de 1.5 grados Celsius dentro de una década. Para cumplir con estos objetivos, la AIE ha proyectado que se deben gastar un total de $5 billones anuales en inversiones en energía para un total de $35 billones para 2030. Con tanto dinero en juego, ¿cómo puede cada gobierno averiguar cuánto necesita invertir para alcanzar el compromiso de su país? La respuesta es un análisis de costo-beneficio.

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The Product Management Toolkit can be applied in the context of climate investments by using its tools and frameworks to analyze and manage the investments. For instance, a price sensitivity matrix can be used to understand how changes in the price of carbon credits or renewable energy technologies would affect demand and investment returns. Defining the total addressable market can help identify the potential scale of climate investments. Cost-benefit analysis, a common tool in product management, can be used to evaluate the economic viability of different climate investments, considering both their costs and potential benefits in terms of carbon reduction.

One example of a cost-benefit analysis being used for climate investment decisions is the case of the International Energy Agency (IEA). The IEA projected that a total of $5 trillion annually must be spent in energy investments to meet the net-zero targets by 2050 set by over 110 countries. This projection was based on a cost-benefit analysis considering the potential economic and environmental impacts of not meeting these targets. The analysis helped governments understand how much they need to invest to reach their country's pledge.

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El análisis de costo-beneficio puede ser utilizado por los PMs para determinar si un nuevo producto o empresa vale la inversión. Para hacer un análisis de costo-beneficio, calcula los costos asociados con el hardware, la mano de obra y la capacitación necesarios para producir el producto o característica en cuestión. Luego, suma los beneficios potenciales totales, ya sea en ahorro de costos, mejoras en las conversiones de ventas, mejor retención y lealtad del cliente, o mejoras en la productividad y eficiencia del flujo de trabajo. Si los costos superan los beneficios, definitivamente no procedas. Pero si los beneficios superan los costos por una cantidad sustancial, entonces tienes un camino claro para seguir adelante. (Diapositiva 11)

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Cost-benefit analysis can enhance productivity and workflow efficiencies by providing a clear understanding of the potential benefits and costs associated with a new product or feature. This analysis allows for informed decision-making, helping to avoid unnecessary costs and focus on initiatives that provide the most value. It can identify potential cost savings, improved sales conversions, better customer retention and loyalty, and enhanced productivity and workflow efficiencies. If the benefits outweigh the costs, it indicates a viable path forward, thereby enhancing productivity and efficiency.

If the costs outweigh the benefits in a cost-benefit analysis, it implies that the project, product, or venture may not be financially viable or worth the investment. It suggests that the expenses incurred in the development, production, and implementation of the project are greater than the potential returns or benefits. This could lead to a net loss, making the project a risky endeavor. Therefore, it's generally advised not to proceed with such projects.

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Características del producto

Has realizado un análisis de costo-beneficio y decides que un nuevo producto está listo para salir. Entonces, ¿cómo determinan los gerentes de producto qué características debería y no debería tener un producto?

En 2009, el software de edición de video Final Cut 7 de Apple tenía una cuota de mercado del 50%. Pero cuando Apple lanzó su Final Cut X en 2011, la nueva versión acumuló más de 955 críticas negativas y se convirtió instantáneamente en la aplicación de Apple con la calificación más baja. Entonces, ¿qué hizo mal Apple? No priorizaron las características del producto correctas.

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The launch of Apple's Final Cut X in 2011 provides several lessons. Firstly, understanding your customer's needs is crucial. Apple failed to prioritize the right product features, leading to negative reviews. Secondly, drastic changes to a product should be handled with care. The shift from Final Cut 7 to Final Cut X was significant, and many users found it difficult to adapt. Lastly, feedback is essential. The negative reviews could have been mitigated if Apple had sought user feedback during the development process.

Defining your total addressable market (TAM) can significantly improve product development. It helps you understand the potential growth opportunities for your product, which can guide the development process. By knowing your TAM, you can prioritize features and improvements that cater to the largest possible audience, thereby maximizing the product's potential success. It also helps in making strategic decisions about resource allocation, pricing, and marketing strategies. However, it's important to remember that TAM is just one factor to consider in product development. User feedback, competitive analysis, and market trends should also play a key role.

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Hay algunas herramientas importantes que los PMs pueden usar para decidir qué características deben perseguir y cuáles no. Una herramienta de Priorización MoSCoW ayuda a los PM a priorizar de acuerdo con las características "deben tener", "deberían tener" y "podrían tener". (Diapositiva 13)

Una evaluación de idea de producto se puede usar para analizar un producto completo en métricas como factibilidad financiera, alineación estratégica, usabilidad del cliente, demanda del mercado y valor creado para su cliente. Cada categoría puede tener un peso de acuerdo con su importancia relativa para tu empresa o departamento, y luego se pueden calificar múltiples conceptos de productos entre sí para obtener una puntuación total. (Diapositiva 7)

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A product idea evaluation contributes to successful product launches by providing a comprehensive analysis of the product across various metrics. These metrics include financial feasibility, strategic alignment, customer usability, market demand, and the value created for its customer. By weighting each category according to its relative importance to your company or department, multiple product concepts can be rated against each other for a total score. This process helps in identifying the strengths and weaknesses of a product idea, enabling the team to make necessary adjustments before the launch, thereby increasing the chances of success.

The total score in a product idea evaluation is significant as it provides a comprehensive view of the product's potential success across various metrics. These metrics can include financial feasibility, strategic alignment, customer usability, market demand, and value created for its customer. Each category is weighted according to its relative importance to your company or department. The total score allows for a comparative analysis of multiple product concepts, aiding in the decision-making process for product development.

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Por último, una matriz de priorización de características del producto se puede usar para determinar qué características son las más factibles y la mejor opción estratégica. Si un proyecto tiene baja factibilidad y bajo ajuste estratégico, entonces es un proyecto de bajo valor, mientras que un proyecto con alto ajuste estratégico pero bajo costo de factibilidad, es una fruta de bajo costo y definitivamente debe implementarse. (Diapositiva 6)

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A product feature prioritization matrix in the tech industry is used to determine which features are the most feasible and the best strategic fit for a product. It helps in identifying high-value projects that have high strategic fit and feasibility. It also helps in identifying low hanging fruits, which are projects with high strategic fit but low feasibility cost. These projects should be implemented as they can provide quick wins. The matrix can also help in avoiding low-value projects that have low feasibility and low strategic fit.

A product feature prioritization matrix aligns with digital transformation initiatives in product management by helping to identify and prioritize features that are most feasible and strategically fit for the digital transformation. It allows product managers to evaluate each feature based on its strategic fit and feasibility, thus ensuring that the most valuable and achievable features are implemented first. This can be particularly useful in digital transformation initiatives, where the focus is on leveraging digital technologies to improve products and services. By using a product feature prioritization matrix, product managers can ensure that their digital transformation initiatives are focused on the most impactful features.

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Diagrama Kano

Entonces, si el desarrollo de nuevos productos y características se trata todo acerca del cliente, ¿cómo sabes cuándo tus clientes están satisfechos?

Cuando Richard Branson comenzó Virgin Atlantic en 1984, el mundo de las aerolíneas era en gran medida caro, carecía de opciones y ponía muy poco énfasis en la satisfacción del cliente. De hecho, Branson comenzó Virgin Atlantic porque él mismo era un cliente insatisfecho con un vuelo cancelado. Para el año 2000, Branson transformó su negocio de un solo Boeing 747 alquilado en un imperio de múltiples aerolíneas valorado en al menos $1.2B. ¿Cómo compitió Virgin contra tantos competidores legados que ya dominaban el mercado? El enfoque de Branson en el deleite del cliente.

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Implementing a customer-focused approach like Virgin Atlantic's in a different industry can present several challenges. Firstly, it requires a deep understanding of the customer's needs and expectations, which may not be readily available or easy to ascertain. Secondly, it may require significant changes in the company's operations, processes, and culture, which can be difficult to achieve. Thirdly, it may require substantial investments in customer service and support, which can be costly. Lastly, there is always a risk that the approach may not resonate with the customers in the new industry, leading to a lack of return on investment.

The concept of customer delight can be incorporated into a product management toolkit by focusing on understanding the customer's needs and exceeding their expectations. This can be achieved by conducting regular customer feedback surveys to understand their needs and preferences. The product should be designed and developed keeping these needs in mind. Additionally, after-sales service and support play a crucial role in customer delight. Providing prompt and effective service can greatly enhance customer satisfaction and delight. Lastly, continuous innovation and improvement based on customer feedback can help in maintaining and enhancing customer delight.

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Puedes usar un Diagrama Kano para comparar nuevas características entre sí y controlar el deleite del cliente. La matriz Kano mide la satisfacción del cliente en el eje y y las expectativas del cliente de la funcionalidad de un producto en el eje x. (Diapositiva 15)

La línea de umbral es el nivel base de funcionalidad que un producto requiere para cumplir con las expectativas de un cliente. La línea de rendimiento indica que un producto cumple con las expectativas y es satisfactorio. La línea de emoción mide los productos que no solo cumplen con las necesidades básicas de un producto, sino que agregan una capa adicional de magia. Como PM, puedes usar el Diagrama Kano para decidir entre características que agregan valor frente a emoción para los clientes.

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The Kano Diagram can enhance a company's product development strategy by helping to prioritize features based on customer satisfaction and impact. It categorizes features into three types: basic needs (threshold), performance needs, and excitement needs. Basic needs are the minimum requirements that a product must meet to satisfy customers. Performance needs are features that increase customer satisfaction as they improve. Excitement needs are unexpected features that can greatly increase customer satisfaction. By understanding these categories, companies can focus on developing features that not only meet basic customer expectations but also add value and excitement, leading to a more competitive and appealing product.

The threshold line, performance line, and excitement line are key concepts in product management. The threshold line represents the minimum level of functionality a product needs to meet customer expectations. The performance line indicates that a product meets expectations and is satisfying to the customer. The excitement line represents products that not only meet basic needs but also add an additional layer of value or "magic" that exceeds customer expectations. These lines are used to prioritize features and enhancements in product development, helping to balance between adding value and creating excitement for customers.

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Cuando descargues este marco, obtendrás más recursos analíticos como tableros de visión de productos, matrices de crecimiento de BCG, planes de lanzamiento de productos, análisis de cohortes de clientes, paneles de KPI y más.Para más herramientas que ayuden a hacer exitosos a los gerentes de producto, consulte nuestra Kit de Herramientas para la Gestión de Productos (Parte 1).

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