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Para saber qué tan bien está posicionada su organización para cumplir sus objetivos y qué elementos influyen en su capacidad para llevar a cabo el cambio, necesita una herramienta poderosa. El marco 7S de McKinsey ha estado alrededor de 50 años y ha demostrado servir bien a este propósito. Con nuestra presentación Marco McKinsey 7S, puede identificar los eslabones más débiles en los procesos de su empresa, mejorar el rendimiento, mantener la alineación y gestionar el cambio con la máxima eficiencia.

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The McKinsey 7S framework can be used to align an organization's strategy with its structure by identifying the weakest links in the organization's processes. It helps in improving performance, maintaining alignment, and managing change with maximum efficiency. The 7S framework focuses on seven aspects: strategy, structure, systems, shared values, skills, style, and staff. By analyzing these aspects, an organization can understand how well it is positioned to meet its goals and what elements influence its capability to implement change.

While the McKinsey 7S framework is a powerful tool for organizational analysis and change management, it does have its critics. Some argue that the model is too simplistic and fails to account for the complexity and dynamism of modern organizations. Others point out that it does not provide clear guidance on how to implement change or address conflicts between the seven elements. Additionally, the model assumes that all seven elements must be in alignment for an organization to be successful, which may not always be the case.

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Destacados de la diapositiva

Utilice esta diapositiva para tocar los siete elementos del marco. Son estrategia, estructura, sistemas, valores compartidos, estilo, personal y habilidades. A continuación, encontrará más información sobre cada uno de los elementos del marco 7S de McKinsey.

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Con esta diapositiva, puede resaltar los beneficios de emplear el modelo 7S de McKinsey. Puede mencionar que muestra los impactos más amplios de cualquier cambio y ayuda a una organización a descubrir lo que necesita hacer para llegar a donde quiere estar.

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Utilice esta diapositiva para demostrar el modelo 7S de McKinsey en acción a través de un estudio de caso. Estudio de Caso de Negocios añade credibilidad y apoya su cláusula principal y explica cómo se resolvieron los problemas; ellos "pintan" mejores imágenes y evocan emociones.

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In the McKinsey 7S framework, systems are significant as they refer to the procedures, processes, and routines that characterize how important work is to be done. They enforce the behavior patterns and can either support or hinder the implementation of the organization's strategy.

The McKinsey 7S model helps in aligning an organization's processes by providing a holistic view of the organization. It considers seven key elements: strategy, structure, systems, shared values, style, staff, and skills. By analyzing these elements, the model helps to identify how they interact and how changes in one area may impact others. This allows for a more effective implementation of changes and helps the organization to align its processes towards achieving its goals.

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"Presentado en el libro En Busca de la Excelencia, por los ex consultores de McKinsey Thomas J. Peters y Robert H. Waterman, el marco traza una constelación de factores interrelacionados que influyen en la capacidad de una organización para cambiar. La falta de jerarquía entre estos factores sugiere que será difícil hacer progresos significativos en una parte de la organización sin trabajar en las demás," afirma el sitio web de McKinsey & Co.

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The McKinsey 7S Framework remains relevant in today's business environment as it provides a holistic view of an organization. It maps interrelated factors that influence an organization's ability to change, suggesting that progress in one area will be difficult without working on the others. This comprehensive approach is crucial in today's complex and dynamic business environment.

The McKinsey 7S Framework aids in strategic decision making by providing a holistic view of an organization. It maps a constellation of interrelated factors that influence an organization's ability to change. This lack of hierarchy among these factors suggests that significant progress in one part of the organization will be difficult without working on the others. Therefore, it helps leaders understand the complex relationship between different parts of the organization and make strategic decisions accordingly.

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Según McKinsey, los siete elementos del marco son:

  1. Estrategia – este es el plan de su organización para construir y mantener una ventaja competitiva sobre sus competidores.
  2. Estructura – esto es cómo está organizada su empresa (es decir, cómo están estructurados los departamentos y equipos, incluyendo quién informa a quién).
  3. Sistemas – las actividades diarias y procedimientos que el personal utiliza para hacer el trabajo.
  4. Valores compartidos – estos son los valores centrales de la organización, como se muestra en su cultura corporativa y ética de trabajo general. Se les llamó "metas superordinadas" cuando se desarrolló el modelo por primera vez.
  5. Estilo – el estilo de liderazgo adoptado.
  6. Personal – los empleados y sus capacidades generales.
  7. Habilidades – las habilidades y competencias reales de los empleados de la organización.
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The McKinsey 7S framework contributes to the overall success of an organization by providing a holistic view of the organization. It emphasizes the interconnectivity of seven key elements: Strategy, Structure, Systems, Shared values, Style, Staff, and Skills. By aligning these elements, an organization can achieve its goals more effectively. The framework helps in identifying areas of strength and weakness, facilitating the implementation of change, and maintaining a balance between the elements for sustained competitive advantage.

The key competencies that an organization should focus on developing in its employees include strategic thinking, understanding of the company's structure, proficiency in the systems used for daily activities, alignment with the shared values of the organization, adaptability to the leadership style, and enhancement of their general capabilities and specific skills.

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El servicio de mejora de flujo de trabajo, Tallyfy, enumera estos pasos en el camino para implementar el modelo 7S de McKinsey:

  • Reconocer los hilos sueltos – el primer paso es todo acerca de la autoevaluación, dice el equipo de Tallyfy. Vea que todos los elementos están alineados y que no hay hilos sueltos porque, con un corte, todo podría caer.
  • Establecer sus metas – establezca metas claras para que la organización las cumpla con plazos y cree un propósito en la fuerza laboral. "Con todos los elementos conectados, úselo como un plan para diseñar la estrategia. De esta manera, asegurándose de que el plan o meta establecido esté en alineación con el resto," dicen los expertos.
  • Identificar lo que necesita cambiar – mientras trabaja en la estrategia, es probable que se encuentre con algunos segmentos de la organización que no se alinean con el plan de trabajo. Ahora es el momento de decidir los cambios que necesitan hacerse, crear nuevas partes si es necesario y concentrarse en mantener la alineación.
  • Poner su plan en acción – ejecutar el proyecto es tedioso y puede plantear nuevas preguntas y requerir más de lo que se asignó. Es fundamental que el equipo ejecutivo se adapte a los golpes, mantenga el contacto para una comunicación efectiva y asegure que todos los elementos estén conectados.
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The McKinsey 7S Framework consists of seven interconnected components: Strategy, Structure, Systems, Shared Values, Skills, Style, and Staff. These components are used to ensure that the key elements of an organization are aligned and working together effectively.

1. Strategy: The plan devised to maintain and build competitive advantage.
2. Structure: The way the organization is structured and who reports to whom.
3. Systems: Daily activities and procedures that staff members engage in to get the job done.
4. Shared Values: Called "superordinate goals" when the model was first developed, these are the core values of the company that are evidenced in the corporate culture and general work ethic.
5. Skills: The capabilities and competencies that exist within the company.
6. Staff: The company's employees and their general capabilities.
7. Style: The leadership approach of top management and the company's overall operating approach.

These elements need to be aligned for a strategy to be implemented effectively. For example, if a company's strategy requires a new skill set, it must hire staff with those skills or train existing staff, and possibly adjust its structure to accommodate the change.

Setting clear goals within the McKinsey 7S Framework enhances business strategy by providing a clear direction and purpose for the organization. It helps in aligning all the elements of the organization towards a common objective. This alignment is crucial for the successful execution of any strategy as it ensures that all parts of the organization are working together towards the same end. Furthermore, clear goals provide a benchmark for measuring progress and success, enabling the organization to track its performance and make necessary adjustments. They also help in identifying areas that need change or improvement, thereby facilitating continuous improvement and growth.

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Mind Tools, un recurso para mejorar las habilidades de gestión, liderazgo y efectividad personal, ilustra el marco 7S de McKinsey con el siguiente ejemplo.

Imagine que Whitehawk Electronics es una startup que tiene cinco miembros en su equipo. Como Whitehawk Electronics es un negocio en desarrollo, depende casi exclusivamente de la visión y los valores de la fundadora. Llamémosla Alix. La startup vende en un solo mercado y utiliza sistemas de TI y contabilidad de serie. Sin embargo, a medida que el negocio crece, el personal se expande a 30 miembros, y Whitehawk Electronics comienza a explorar y conquistar diferentes mercados. Las nuevas demandas de los clientes requieren nuevas habilidades en varios departamentos: desde marketing hasta gestión financiera. Alix decide aplicar el análisis del marco 7-S de McKinsey y descubre que la estrategia de ventas en desarrollo de su empresa ya no se alinea con su conjunto de habilidades para pequeñas empresas.

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The McKinsey 7S Framework can be applied in the electronics industry in several ways. For instance, it can be used to assess the alignment of the company's strategy with its structure, systems, shared values, skills, style, and staff. This can help identify areas of misalignment and guide necessary changes. For example, if an electronics company is expanding into new markets, the framework can be used to evaluate if the company's current structure and systems are capable of supporting this expansion. If not, changes can be made accordingly. Similarly, if the company is introducing new products, the framework can help assess if the staff has the necessary skills to support these new products. If there's a skills gap, training programs can be implemented.

The McKinsey 7S Framework can assist in exploring and conquering new markets by providing a comprehensive analysis of the organization's internal environment. It helps identify the strengths and weaknesses of the seven key elements: strategy, structure, systems, shared values, skills, style, and staff. By understanding these elements, an organization can align its resources and capabilities with its market expansion strategy. For instance, if the skills of the staff do not match the requirements of the new market, training or hiring can be done accordingly. Similarly, the systems can be upgraded to meet the demands of the new market. Thus, the McKinsey 7S Framework can guide an organization in making necessary changes for successful market expansion.

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Debido al rápido flujo de nuevos empleados y cambios en la tecnología, algunos miembros del personal no poseen las habilidades de sistemas necesarias. Además de eso, los valores y la misión de la organización no están claros para todos en el equipo. Después de realizar el análisis del modelo 7S de McKinsey y descubrir esto, Alix resuelve los problemas introduciendo programas de incorporación y aprendizaje y devuelve todos los elementos clave de Whitehawk a la alineación.

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The key elements of the McKinsey 7S Framework enhance business strategy by providing a holistic view of the organization. The seven elements - Strategy, Structure, Systems, Shared Values, Skills, Style, and Staff - are interconnected and changes in one area can impact others. This framework helps in identifying areas of misalignment and implementing necessary changes to ensure all elements are working towards the organization's goals. It also aids in managing change effectively, as it considers both hard (Strategy, Structure, Systems) and soft (Shared Values, Skills, Style, Staff) elements of the organization.

The main components of the McKinsey 7S Framework are: Strategy, Structure, Systems, Shared Values, Skills, Style, and Staff. These seven elements are interconnected and changes in one element can have effects on others. This framework is used to analyze organizations and their effectiveness.

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