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Los objetivos que son irreales, vagos y no están bien comunicados están predestinados al fracaso. Para establecer metas ambiciosas pero alcanzables y medibles, necesitas claros Objetivos y Resultados Clave (OKRs) – un marco de trabajo efectivo utilizado por Google, Intuit y la Fundación Gates. Con nuestra Objetivos y Resultados Clave presentación, tú también puedes establecer y seguir metas para lograr el éxito basado en resultados como los líderes mundiales de negocios.

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The OKRs (Objectives and Key Results) framework is a goal-setting system that helps organizations set ambitious, measurable, and achievable goals. It differs from other business frameworks in several ways. Firstly, OKRs encourage setting high, ambitious goals that push the team to strive for excellence, unlike some other frameworks that may focus on easily achievable targets. Secondly, OKRs are measurable and time-bound, ensuring that progress can be tracked and evaluated over a specific period. Lastly, OKRs promote transparency and alignment across the organization, as they are usually shared openly, ensuring everyone understands the strategic goals of the organization.

Yes, there are numerous case studies that demonstrate the effectiveness of the OKRs framework in achieving outcome-based success. Google is a prime example, where OKRs have been a critical part of their culture since the start. They have used OKRs to set and achieve ambitious goals. Another example is LinkedIn, which uses OKRs to align their team and keep everyone working towards the same objectives. Intel is another company that has used OKRs successfully to drive their business forward.

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Destacados de la diapositiva

Utiliza esta diapositiva para repasar las ventajas de los OKRs. Algunas de ellas incluyen un enfoque claro, alineación (los empleados altamente alineados tienen el doble de probabilidades de ser los mejores performers), seguimiento de la producción al resultado y empoderamiento para esforzarse más.

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Esta diapositiva te permitirá comunicar y seguir el progreso de los OKR por departamento, lo que proporcionará a tus equipos internos una visión para que todos se alineen para lograr el éxito, así como responsabilidad y sentido de propósito.

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El capitalista de riesgo John Doerr, quien ha ayudado a financiar Intuit, Amazon, Google y Twitter, y escribió el libro sobre OKRs, llamado Mide lo que Importa, dice lo siguiente sobre el marco de trabajo en su entrevista para Harvard Business Review: "Una de las cosas poderosas sobre el sistema OKR es que en cualquier nivel de una organización solo vas a tener dos o tres, o tal vez cuatro o cinco, objetivos. Y tres o más resultados clave. Por lo tanto, requiere un tipo de rigor y disciplina para decir, estas son las cosas más importantes que están sucediendo en una organización. No es la suma total de tareas. No es la orden de trabajo para la empresa. Es lo que nosotros como equipo acordamos que merece atención especial, y realmente importa. En Intel, Andy Grove nos hizo publicar nuestros OKRs personales fuera de nuestras oficinas, para que todos pudieran verlos."

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The Objectives & Key Results (OKR) framework is widely used in the tech industry for goal setting and tracking progress. It helps organizations focus on their most important objectives and measure the outcomes. Practical applications include:

1. Aligning teams and individuals: OKRs can be used to align the goals of different teams and individuals within the organization, ensuring everyone is working towards the same objectives.

2. Prioritizing work: By setting clear objectives and key results, organizations can prioritize their work and focus on what really matters.

3. Tracking progress: OKRs provide a clear framework for tracking progress towards objectives, helping organizations understand where they are succeeding and where they need to improve.

4. Encouraging transparency: Many tech companies, like Intel as mentioned in the content, use OKRs to encourage transparency, with employees publicly sharing their objectives and key results.

5. Driving growth: By focusing on key results, organizations can drive growth and improve their performance.

The Objectives & Key Results (OKR) framework aligns with digital transformation initiatives by providing a clear and measurable way to track progress towards specific goals. Digital transformation often involves a wide range of tasks and objectives, and the OKR framework helps to prioritize these tasks and focus on the most important ones. It encourages rigor and discipline in setting and pursuing objectives, which is crucial for successful digital transformation. Furthermore, the transparency of the OKR framework ensures that everyone in the organization is aware of the objectives and their role in achieving them, fostering a sense of shared responsibility and alignment that is key for digital transformation.

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Consejo de experto

Falon Fatemi fue la persona más joven que Google contrató cuando consiguió un trabajo a los 19 años, según Business Insider. Se quedó con la empresa durante 11 años y luego se fue para lanzar su propia startup de tecnología. "[...] Mientras trabajaba con empresas en etapa inicial y finalmente iniciaba mi propio negocio, me di cuenta de la importancia de una herramienta de Google: los OKRs," escribe Fatemi en su artículo para Forbes.

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To effectively implement OKRs (Objectives and Key Results) in a business setting, start by clearly defining your objectives. These should be ambitious, yet achievable goals that align with your company's mission and vision. Next, identify key results - these are measurable steps that will help you achieve your objectives. Ensure that these key results are quantifiable, achievable, and lead directly to the objective. Regularly review and update your OKRs to reflect changes in business strategy or market conditions. It's also important to ensure that everyone in the organization understands and is aligned with these OKRs. This can be achieved through regular communication and training.

Falon Fatemi's experience at Google greatly influenced her approach to her own tech startup. During her time at Google, she realized the importance of OKRs (Objectives and Key Results), a tool used by Google. This tool helped her understand the significance of setting clear objectives and measurable key results for a company's success. She applied this knowledge in her own startup, emphasizing on outcome-based success and metric indicators.

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Para ayudar a los gerentes a sacar el máximo provecho del marco de trabajo, Fatemi enumera estos tres errores comunes a evitar al trabajar en OKRs:

  1. Establecer expectativas poco razonables -- Los OKRs proporcionan objetivos desafiantes que se vinculan claramente con los objetivos de la empresa. Pero si son irreales, no parecen creíbles para el personal y pueden desalentarlos. "En Google, los empleados establecen de cuatro a seis OKRs trimestrales; más de eso es demasiado para manejar. Al final del trimestre, cada empleado califica su rendimiento en una escala de 0 a 1.0. Si alguien alcanza 1.0 en cada OKR, sus objetivos no son lo suficientemente ambiciosos. Por otro lado, las puntuaciones bajas no deben ser castigadas, sino que deben usarse para refinar los OKRs del próximo trimestre," comparte Fatemi.
  2. Escatimar en celebraciones -- Los OKRs son una gran herramienta de gestión, y cuando celebras hitos y logros a lo largo del proceso, tienes la oportunidad de reconocer los logros de tu equipo. Fatemi dice: "Si los OKRs suenan simples, es porque lo son. Pero esa es su belleza. Ayudan a las empresas – desde gigantes del tamaño de Google hasta pequeñas startups – a desglosar grandes metas en tareas pequeñas, difíciles pero realizables. Los OKRs te ayudan a convertirte en la empresa que quieres ser, un trimestre a la vez."
  3. Establecer expectativas poco razonables -- Los OKRs proporcionan objetivos desafiantes que se vinculan claramente con los objetivos de la empresa. Pero si son irreales, no parecen creíbles para el personal y pueden desalentarlos. "En Google, los empleados establecen de cuatro a seis OKRs trimestrales; más de eso es demasiado para manejar. Al final del trimestre, cada empleado califica su rendimiento en una escala de 0 a 1.0. Si alguien alcanza 1.0 en cada OKR, sus objetivos no son lo suficientemente ambiciosos. Por otro lado, las puntuaciones bajas no deben ser castigadas, sino que deben usarse para refinar los OKRs del próximo trimestre," comparte Fatemi.
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Yes, apart from Google, several other companies have successfully implemented OKRs. Some of these include LinkedIn, Twitter, and Uber. LinkedIn uses OKRs to align the efforts of their large workforce towards common goals. Twitter uses OKRs to keep their teams focused and aligned. Uber uses OKRs to drive their rapid growth and expansion. These companies have found OKRs to be a powerful tool for setting ambitious goals and tracking progress towards them.

OKRs (Objectives and Key Results) help companies break down big goals into manageable tasks by providing challenging objectives that are clearly linked to company goals. They allow companies to set specific, measurable, and time-bound goals that can be tracked and evaluated over time. This helps in creating a clear roadmap for achieving larger goals. At the end of each quarter, employees grade their performance, which helps in refining the OKRs for the next quarter. This continuous process of setting, tracking, and refining OKRs helps in breaking down big goals into smaller, manageable tasks.

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Estudio de caso


Uber es una de las muchas empresas que emplean con éxito el marco de trabajo OKR en sus procesos y gestión. De hecho, el 71% de los empleados de Uber piensan que los Indicadores Clave de Rendimiento (KPIs) y los OKRs de su departamento son claros. Entienden que los KPIs y OKRs de Uber son esenciales para su éxito, y de 47 empleados de Uber encuestados, 39 están de acuerdo en que los objetivos de la empresa son claros y que el personal está invertido en ellos, según el estudio de Comparably.

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The OKR (Objectives and Key Results) framework is a goal-setting tool used by companies to set and track objectives and their outcomes. It's different from other business frameworks in several ways. For instance, compared to the Balanced Scorecard, which focuses on financial, customer, internal, and learning perspectives, OKR is more focused on setting ambitious and measurable goals. Compared to the SMART (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, Time-bound) goals framework, OKR encourages setting challenging and ambitious goals that teams might not fully achieve. Unlike KPIs (Key Performance Indicators), which are often used to measure ongoing operational performance, OKRs are used to drive progress towards a desired future state.

The main components of the OKR (Objectives and Key Results) framework, as used by Uber, are the Objectives, which are the clearly defined goals, and the Key Results, which are specific measures used to track the achievement of these goals. Each Objective has a set of Key Results. Objectives are significant, concrete, action-oriented, and ideally inspiring. Key Results are a set of metrics that measure your progress towards the Objective. For each Objective, you should have a set of 2 to 5 Key Results.

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En cuanto al papel de los gerentes en el establecimiento y logro de objetivos, un gerente de Uber es responsable de asegurar que los empleados logren objetivos utilizando KPIs. Los empleados de Uber compartieron que generalmente reciben retroalimentación útil semanal o mensualmente. El 71% de los empleados de Uber dijeron que se les reconoció por su impacto y logros. También dijeron que la retroalimentación y el refuerzo positivo son propicios para alcanzar metas, informa Comparably.

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The Objectives & Key Results (OKR) framework aligns with digital transformation initiatives at Uber by providing a clear and measurable way to track progress towards strategic goals. This framework allows Uber to set ambitious objectives and then define key results to measure the achievement of these objectives. In the context of digital transformation, this could involve objectives related to improving digital capabilities, enhancing customer experience, or driving operational efficiency. The key results would then be specific, quantifiable outcomes that indicate progress towards these objectives. This approach ensures that all digital transformation initiatives are aligned with Uber's broader strategic goals and are delivering tangible results.

The Objectives & Key Results (OKR) framework is a goal-setting system that helps organizations set, track, and achieve their goals. It's different from other business frameworks in several ways. For instance, compared to the Balanced Scorecard, OKR is less complex and more flexible, focusing on fewer goals that are regularly updated. Compared to Management by Objectives (MBO), OKR is more transparent and collaborative, with goals shared across the organization. However, like any framework, the effectiveness of OKR depends on how well it's implemented and aligned with the organization's culture and strategy.

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