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57% of Neilsen survey participants reported they purchased a new product during their last grocery shopping trip, which signals that the demand for new products is high. Regardless of whether you sell goods or services, our Product Launch presentation will help you prepare for the rollout, showcase the features and benefits of your revolutionary product and guide your stakeholders through every step of the launch process. Also, learn tips and tricks from top entrepreneurs on how to launch a product and secure its ever-lasting life on the market.

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Preparing for the rollout in the product launch process is significant as it ensures that the product is ready for the market and that potential issues have been addressed. It involves showcasing the features and benefits of the product, guiding stakeholders through the launch process, and implementing strategies to secure its longevity in the market. This preparation phase is crucial to meet the high demand for new products and to ensure a successful product launch.

A presentation can effectively showcase the features and benefits of a new product by providing a structured and visual platform for communication. It allows the presenter to highlight key features, demonstrate how the product works, and explain its benefits in a clear and engaging manner. The use of visuals, such as images, diagrams, and videos, can help to make the product more tangible and understandable. Furthermore, a presentation can also include testimonials, case studies, and data to provide evidence of the product's value. It also provides an opportunity for interaction, where potential customers or stakeholders can ask questions and get immediate responses.

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Slide highlights

With this slide, give your stakeholders an overview of the product you are launching. Make sure that your brief description covers the specifics of your target audience, the problem the product solves and its key advantages.

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Use this slide to go over your product positioning statement. Per HubSpot, a positioning statement helps you convey the value proposition to the product's ideal customers and communicate the brand's identity, purpose and features.

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Beta testing is crucial in the product launch process. Share the evidential feedback for product improvement and a perspective of customer experience you received from beta testing to prove that your product is set for success.

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A positioning statement plays a crucial role in communicating a brand's identity, purpose, and features. It serves as a tool that helps a brand define its unique value proposition, target audience, and the key benefits it offers. This statement is used to communicate internally within the organization and externally to the market. It helps in aligning all the brand's activities and ensures that the brand's message is consistent across all platforms. It also helps potential customers understand what the brand stands for, what it aims to achieve, and how its products or services stand out from the competition.

Understanding the target audience is crucial for a successful product launch because it allows you to tailor your product and marketing strategy to meet their specific needs and preferences. By knowing your audience, you can ensure that your product solves a problem they have or fulfills a need, making it more likely they will purchase and use your product. Additionally, understanding your audience can help you create a compelling value proposition and brand identity that resonates with them, further increasing the chances of a successful product launch.

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To launch your product with the least amount of stress, you need a detailed plan. Before your big release, HubSpot recommends doing the following:

  • Research the space in-depth – make sure that your team owns the problem that the product solves and has a clear understanding of who the end customers are and what their needs and pain points are.
  • Focus on a single buyer persona – outline who amongst your target audience is a great fit for the new product you are launching. Ideally, talk to people who fit this profile to really understand their needs and goals, the HubSpot team says.
  • Write a mock press release – HubSpot practices writing a mock press release before a product launch. "We do this very early on in the product's life to ensure that everyone involved in the launch is aligned on the messaging," the experts say.
  • Build your messaging – the problem is that most companies rush to communicate the benefits of individual features – something that should be avoided in launch messaging. The HubSpot team says: "At launch, you may only have someone's attention for a few minutes or seconds, so your messaging needs to be persuasive, simple and unique. It needs to communicate what your product actually does and communicate its high-level value."
  • Share your messaging – start with individuals who may be a little more forgiving and honest before presenting to executives. Use every meeting to pitch people and ask questions to gather as much feedback as possible at this stage of the process with the goal of eliminating any ineffective messages.
  • Get involved in the beta – hire a group of beta testers to assess your product before the rollout. "At HubSpot, we release products to a group of folks – our beta testers – that have opted-in to give us feedback in exchange for early access," the experts say.
  • Edit your messaging and find the best "hook" – by now, feedback from prospects, salespeople and beta users most likely helped you uncover some flaws in your messaging that now needs adjustment. The HubSpot team says this is actually a good sign. "If you've done things right, this won't mean drastic changes, but most likely a tweak to the value prop or tagline," they say.
  • Set ambitious goals – be deliberate and ambitious with the goals you set. "To combat that, we ask the question: 'If everything went exactly right, what is the highest possible number – whether that be leads, users, etc. – we could achieve?' This sets a ceiling for your campaign – a number that is realistically almost never achieved," the HubSpot team says.
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To build persuasive and effective messaging for a product launch, a company should first research the market thoroughly to understand the problem that the product solves, the end customers, and their needs and pain points. The company should then focus on a single buyer persona that is a great fit for the new product. It's beneficial to talk to people who fit this profile to understand their needs and goals. Writing a mock press release before the product launch can help align everyone involved in the launch on the messaging. Lastly, the messaging should be built around the benefits of the product, not individual features, as at launch, you may only have someone's attention for a few minutes or seconds.

Writing a mock press release before a product launch serves several purposes. Firstly, it helps to align everyone involved in the launch on the messaging. This ensures that all stakeholders have a clear and consistent understanding of the product's key features, benefits, and target audience. Secondly, it allows the team to refine and perfect the messaging before it is released to the public. This can help to avoid any potential misunderstandings or miscommunications. Lastly, it provides an opportunity to test how the press release will be received by its intended audience, allowing for any necessary adjustments to be made.

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Expert advice

Entrepreneur asked seasoned business people and consultants for advice on launching a product and making people fall in love with it. Here's what they say:

Daymond John – Shark on "Shark Tank", creator of Daymond on Demand and founder of Fubu, which has generated $6 billion in sales

"Use the power of broke. [...] My biggest business mistakes came when I tried to buy success. My most successful business experiences came from using limited resources, supported by innovation. Resist the urge to spend, spend, spend."

Grant Cardone – CEO, Cardone Capital, a $750 million real estate empire

"For my 10X Growth Con 2 in Las Vegas, I created 1,023 tweets, 26 YouTube videos, 198 emails and countless Instagram posts. Some think that's excessive, but 9,000 people showed up. I called one guy back after he told me to never call again. He was outraged and hung up. The next day, I called again and he bought a $10,000 ticket."

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Some effective ways to handle customer objections during a product launch include:

1. Understanding the customer's concerns: Listen carefully to the objections and try to understand the root cause of their concerns.

2. Addressing objections directly: Once you understand the objections, address them directly and honestly. Provide clear and concise responses that alleviate their concerns.

3. Demonstrating value: Show the customer how the product can solve their problems or improve their situation. Use case studies, testimonials, or demonstrations to illustrate the product's value.

4. Training your team: Ensure your team is well-trained and prepared to handle objections. They should be knowledgeable about the product and able to answer any questions that arise.

5. Following up: Don't give up after the first objection. Follow up with the customer, provide additional information, and continue to address their concerns.

Email marketing can significantly contribute to the success of a product launch. It allows businesses to reach out to a large number of potential customers at once, providing them with information about the product and persuading them to make a purchase. Email marketing can also be used to build anticipation before the launch, keep the audience engaged, and provide updates post-launch. It's a cost-effective method that can result in high conversion rates if done correctly.

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Trevor Chapman, owner of Trevor Chapman Companies, generated over $100 million in sales for his business

"Your pitch should have a sensational hook with actionable advice. I secured press on CNBC by pitching how to make millions in ecommerce. The article and video were viewed millions of times, giving me the springboard to launch a product that made almost a million dollars in 48 hours. The best part? Zero ad-spend."

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After securing a sensational hook for a product launch, the following steps should be taken:

1. Develop a comprehensive marketing plan: This should include strategies on how to leverage the hook in various marketing channels.

2. Create engaging content: Use the hook to create engaging content for your audience. This could be in the form of blog posts, videos, social media posts, etc.

3. Engage with the press: Use the hook to secure press coverage. This could involve pitching your story to journalists and influencers in your industry.

4. Launch the product: Use the momentum gained from the hook to launch your product. Ensure that the product launch is well-coordinated and aligns with your overall marketing strategy.

5. Monitor and adjust: After the launch, monitor the performance of the product and adjust your strategies as necessary.

Securing press coverage, especially on a high-profile platform like CNBC, can significantly boost a product launch. It provides a broad platform for exposure, reaching millions of potential customers. This can lead to increased brand awareness, credibility, and ultimately, sales. For instance, a compelling story about the product can attract a lot of attention and interest. Moreover, it can act as a springboard for further marketing activities, all without any additional advertising spend.

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Jason Hall, founder and CEO of FiveChannels, generated $17 million in sales revenue for his clients in 2017

"A respected influencer gives instant product credibility. Get industry influencers to put your product in front of their fans through endorsement campaigns. By using platforms such as BrandBacker, Revfluence and PitchBox, our agency quickly matches clients with influencers who represent their shared goals."

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The Product Launch deck is a comprehensive guide that helps you navigate through every step of the product launch process. It is designed to ensure a successful product launch by providing a structured approach. On the other hand, other business strategies for launching a new product may vary in their approach. Some may focus more on market research, others on marketing and promotion, while others may emphasize on the product development process itself. However, the Product Launch deck encompasses all these aspects, making it a more holistic strategy. It's also worth noting that the effectiveness of any strategy can vary depending on the specific product, target market, and other factors.

Endorsement campaign strategy enhances the success of a product launch by leveraging the credibility and reach of industry influencers. When a respected influencer endorses a product, it instantly gains credibility in the eyes of the influencer's followers. This can lead to increased visibility, customer trust, and ultimately, sales. Platforms such as BrandBacker, Revfluence, and PitchBox can be used to match products with influencers who share similar goals, making the endorsement more authentic and effective.

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Sweta Patel, founder of Silicon Valley Startup Marketing, advised over 200 early-stage startups and high-growth companies

"After launching, if your fans don't resonate with your product, revisit square one. Don't judge your market; listen because they're telling you what they want. Fix the current product to their liking and they'll build the buzz it deserves. And you'll avoid losing a lot of money, wondering why your promotions didn't go as planned."

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If your product does not resonate with your audience after launch, the key steps to take are:

1. Revisit your initial product concept and understand where it might have missed the mark.
2. Listen to your audience. They are your best source of feedback and can provide valuable insights into what they want.
3. Make necessary adjustments to the product based on the feedback received.
4. Re-launch the product and monitor its performance closely.
5. Continue to engage with your audience and make further adjustments as necessary.

Listening to market feedback after product launch is crucial for improvement. It provides insights into what customers like or dislike about your product. This feedback can guide you in making necessary adjustments to better meet customer needs and preferences. It can also help you identify any issues or problems with the product that you may not have been aware of. Ultimately, this can lead to a better product that resonates more with your target market, potentially leading to increased sales and customer satisfaction.

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Case study


Luggage brand, Away, took the world by storm in 2015 and its product launch was a mind-blowing success. But what most people don't know is that the Away product launch almost didn't happen. Founders, Steph Korey and Jen Rubio, told Inc. that none of their suitcases were ready for the rollout. The two, however, were able to turn lemons that life gave them into lemonade and used a unique social media influencer technique to solve the problem.

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Away's product launch strategy was significantly enhanced by a unique social media influencer technique. When the founders, Steph Korey and Jen Rubio, found that their suitcases were not ready for the rollout, they turned to social media influencers. By leveraging the reach and influence of these individuals, they were able to generate buzz and anticipation for their product, even before it was ready. This strategy not only helped them overcome the initial setback but also contributed to the mind-blowing success of their product launch.

The key components of a successful product launch include:

1. Understanding the market and customer needs: This involves conducting market research to understand the needs and preferences of your target audience.

2. Developing a unique value proposition: Your product should offer something unique or superior to existing products in the market.

3. Creating a comprehensive launch plan: This includes setting clear objectives, defining your marketing strategy, and planning your sales and distribution channels.

4. Building anticipation and awareness: This can be achieved through marketing and PR efforts, such as social media campaigns, press releases, and influencer marketing.

5. Ensuring product readiness: Make sure the product is fully developed and tested before the launch.

6. Post-launch analysis: After the launch, it's important to analyze the results, gather feedback, and make necessary adjustments.

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Pressed against the wall, Rubio came up with an idea of launching with a book. "It wasn't simply, let's make a book because we don't have any luggage ready. It was a way to assemble a bunch of people to talk about our luggage when it was available," she told Inc. The team recruited a bunch of hip writers, artists and photographers, very well-known and respected in certain circles (which, of course, represented Away's target audience).

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The newly recruited influencers were given the book, called The Places We Return To, and a gift card for a suitcase. "In November 2015, we sold the book with a gift card that was redeemable for a suitcase in February. It was essentially a preorder with a complimentary book," Korey said. The result? In 2016, Away 100,000 sold suitcases. "[...] In our first year, we exceeded $12 million in sales," Rubio said.

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The strategy of preordering with a complimentary book can enhance the product launch process in several ways. Firstly, it creates anticipation and excitement for the product. Customers who preorder are likely to be highly interested in the product and may spread the word to others, creating a buzz. Secondly, it provides an immediate revenue stream for the company, even before the product is officially launched. This can help offset the costs of production and marketing. Lastly, the complimentary book can serve as a value-added bonus, making the offer more attractive and increasing the likelihood of preorders.

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