A business can apply the concept of the Purple Cow by creating something remarkable and unique that stands out from the crowd. This could be a product, service, or even a marketing strategy. The key is to make it so awesome and different that the right people can't help but notice and share it. However, it's important to note that there's no guarantee that a Purple Cow will work, as it might not be remarkable enough or it might be too risky. But it's the unpredictability and the willingness to take risks that makes the Purple Cow work.

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Purple Cow

So what is a purple cow? A purple cow is anything that stands out from the crowd. As the author, Seth Godin puts it, “...picture driving down a countr...

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That means making something that the "right" people notice and share because that Purple Cow is just so awesome! Godin admits that there is no guarantee that a Purple Cow will work because it may not be remarkable enough or it might be too risky. But that's the whole point. It's the unpredictability that makes the Purple Cow work. That's what makes it remarkable.

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The unpredictability of the Purple Cow concept has significantly influenced corporate strategies and business models by encouraging them to take risks and strive for uniqueness. This concept pushes companies to create products or services that are so remarkable that they stand out from the crowd, much like a purple cow in a field of regular cows. This unpredictability can lead to high rewards if the product or service becomes a hit. However, it can also lead to failures if it's not received well. This risk-taking and strive for differentiation have become integral parts of many business strategies and models.

Yes, there are several businesses that have successfully implemented the Purple Cow strategy. One example is Apple Inc. with their innovative and unique products like the iPhone and iPad. Another example is Tesla Motors, which stands out in the automotive industry with their electric vehicles and self-driving technology. Google is also a good example with their search engine that revolutionized the way we find information on the internet. These companies have created products that are remarkable and stand out from the crowd, embodying the Purple Cow strategy.

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