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So what is a purple cow? A purple cow is anything that stands out from the crowd. As the author, Seth Godin puts it, "...picture driving down a country road, with hundreds of cows, scattered across the fields. As you're driving, you notice one cow. One cow standing out from all the rest, for one reason. It has purple spots. Wouldn't that grab your attention?" Once readers understand what a purple cow is, they will see that the complete title of the book, Purple Cow: Transform Your Business by Being Remarkable says it all. Using case studies and personal observations of successful and failed marketing efforts, the book makes a good argument that traditional marketing is dead.


What is remarkable?

The traditional 5 Ps of marketing, product, pricing, promotion, placement, and people, just aren't working anymore. The new "P," Purple Cow, teaches readers that being remarkable is what gets them noticed. Traditional marketing is the Brown Cow, boring and typical. This new approach to marketing is the Purple Cow, exciting and remarkable. Standing out in an overcrowded marketplace is something that all businesses struggle with, and once they learn how to be remarkable, they will never go back to being a Brown Cow.

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Adopting the Purple Cow approach can have significant long-term effects on a business's market position. It can help the business stand out in an overcrowded marketplace, which can lead to increased visibility and recognition. This can, in turn, lead to increased customer interest and sales. Over time, this can improve the business's market position and make it more competitive. It can also lead to a shift in the business's marketing strategy, as they move away from traditional marketing methods and towards more innovative and remarkable approaches.

The Purple Cow approach can significantly impact customer loyalty and retention by making a business or product stand out in an overcrowded marketplace. By being remarkable and different (the Purple Cow), customers are more likely to remember and stay loyal to the business or product. This approach can also lead to positive word-of-mouth promotion, further enhancing customer retention.

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What makes a product or service worthy of remarks is what makes it remarkable. New. Different. Exciting. These are just some of things that make a product stand out. As Godin puts it, "Being safe is risky." By clinging to traditional marketing, most companies may feel safe, but they are at risk. This book teaches that taking the risk to be remarkable is the safest way to succeed. Godin gives some good examples of products and services worth talking about. Sam Adams, Jet Blue, and Starbucks are all remarkable. They are exceptional and worth noticing.

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Companies can measure their 'Purple Cow' status by evaluating how much their product or service stands out in the market. This can be done by assessing the uniqueness, novelty, and excitement that the product or service brings. They can also measure it by the amount of risk they are willing to take to be remarkable, as being safe is considered risky in this context. Examples of companies with 'Purple Cow' status include Sam Adams, Jet Blue, and Starbucks, which are all exceptional and worth noticing.

Being remarkable can significantly affect a company's market share. When a company offers a product or service that is new, different, or exciting, it stands out from the competition. This uniqueness can attract more customers, leading to an increase in market share. Companies like Sam Adams, Jet Blue, and Starbucks are examples of businesses that have succeeded by being remarkable.

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In a crowded marketplace, fitting in is failing. In a busy marketplace, not standing out is the same as being invisible.

Why be remarkable?

Remarkable products and services get noticed. They are worth talking about and sharing. Being remarkable fits right in with the explosion of social media and the changing face of information sharing. Being different gets you noticed. Customers just don't have the time to pay attention to advertising, but they will pay attention to remarkable.

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Businesses can maintain their remarkable status over time by continuously innovating and improving their products and services. They should also stay relevant and adapt to the changing market trends and customer needs. Engaging with customers and getting their feedback can also help in maintaining their remarkable status. It's also important to keep up with the latest technologies and use social media effectively for promotion and customer engagement.

The success of a remarkable product or service can be measured in several ways. These include the level of customer satisfaction, the number of repeat customers, the amount of positive feedback and reviews, the level of brand recognition, and the overall sales and profit margins. Additionally, the extent to which the product or service is shared and talked about on social media can also be a good indicator of its success.

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How to be remarkable?

Purple Cow explains what remarkable means and why businesses need to be remarkable. But it also teaches how to pull it off, with plenty of case studies and stories. Brown Cows focus on the masses. Purple Cows focus on making products and services that Godin calls "idea viruses." Readers will learn that if they create something remarkable aimed at early adopters, or as Godin calls them "sneezers," their product or service will be shared and talked about.

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Some alternative strategies to becoming a Purple Cow could include focusing on creating unique and innovative products or services that stand out in the market. This could be achieved by targeting a niche market, offering exceptional customer service, or by creating a strong brand identity. Another strategy could be to focus on creating 'idea viruses', which are ideas that spread and are shared widely. This could be achieved by targeting 'sneezers', or early adopters, who are likely to share and talk about the product or service.

A business can measure its success in becoming a Purple Cow by the level of remarkability it achieves. This can be gauged by the extent to which their products or services are shared and talked about, especially by early adopters or 'sneezers'. The more their offerings spread like an 'idea virus', the more successful they are in becoming a Purple Cow.

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"It is useless to advertise to anyone except interested sneezers with influence."

That means making something that the "right" people notice and share because that Purple Cow is just so awesome! Godin admits that there is no guarantee that a Purple Cow will work because it may not be remarkable enough or it might be too risky. But that's the whole point. It's the unpredictability that makes the Purple Cow work. That's what makes it remarkable.

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The unpredictability of the Purple Cow concept has significantly influenced corporate strategies and business models by encouraging them to take risks and strive for uniqueness. This concept pushes companies to create products or services that are so remarkable that they stand out from the crowd, much like a purple cow in a field of regular cows. This unpredictability can lead to high rewards if the product or service becomes a hit. However, it can also lead to failures if it's not received well. This risk-taking and strive for differentiation have become integral parts of many business strategies and models.

Yes, there are several businesses that have successfully implemented the Purple Cow strategy. One example is Apple Inc. with their innovative and unique products like the iPhone and iPad. Another example is Tesla Motors, which stands out in the automotive industry with their electric vehicles and self-driving technology. Google is also a good example with their search engine that revolutionized the way we find information on the internet. These companies have created products that are remarkable and stand out from the crowd, embodying the Purple Cow strategy.

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