A business can become a 'Purple Cow' by creating something remarkable that is aimed at early adopters, or 'sneezers' as Godin calls them. This product or service will then be shared and talked about, making it stand out like a 'Purple Cow' among the 'Brown Cows' that focus on the masses.

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Purple Cow

So what is a purple cow? A purple cow is anything that stands out from the crowd. As the author, Seth Godin puts it, “...picture driving down a countr...

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Purple Cow explains what remarkable means and why businesses need to be remarkable. But it also teaches how to pull it off, with plenty of case studies and stories. Brown Cows focus on the masses. Purple Cows focus on making products and services that Godin calls "idea viruses." Readers will learn that if they create something remarkable aimed at early adopters, or as Godin calls them "sneezers," their product or service will be shared and talked about.

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Some alternative strategies to becoming a Purple Cow could include focusing on creating unique and innovative products or services that stand out in the market. This could be achieved by targeting a niche market, offering exceptional customer service, or by creating a strong brand identity. Another strategy could be to focus on creating 'idea viruses', which are ideas that spread and are shared widely. This could be achieved by targeting 'sneezers', or early adopters, who are likely to share and talk about the product or service.

A business can measure its success in becoming a Purple Cow by the level of remarkability it achieves. This can be gauged by the extent to which their products or services are shared and talked about, especially by early adopters or 'sneezers'. The more their offerings spread like an 'idea virus', the more successful they are in becoming a Purple Cow.

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