A new employee can build trust and acceptance in a new job by securing an early win. This early win should be carefully designed based on the diagnosis of the situation. It's critical that any changes reflect an understanding of the people above and below and how that change affects the overall climate of the company or department. The goal here is to win support and begin building the foundation for trust and acceptance.

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Once a strategy for success is in place, it's time to secure that all-important early win. This early win should be carefully designed based on the diagnosis of the situation. It's critical that any changes reflect an understanding of the people above and below and how that change affects the overall climate of the company or department. The goal here is to win support and begin building the foundation for trust and acceptance.

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Some strategies for ensuring that early actions reflect an understanding of the company or department include: conducting a thorough diagnosis of the situation, understanding the people above and below, and considering how changes affect the overall climate of the company or department. The goal is to win support and begin building the foundation for trust and acceptance.

A new employee can avoid causing unnecessary tension in their early actions by understanding the company's culture and dynamics, being respectful to all colleagues, and not making drastic changes without first understanding the potential impact. They should also aim to secure an early win that reflects their understanding of the company and its people, which can help build trust and acceptance.

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