The "Hooked Model" challenges existing paradigms in consumer psychology by focusing on creating habits rather than relying on conscious decision-making. It suggests that businesses can influence consumer behavior by creating products that form an attachment with the consumer, leading to habitual use without conscious thought. This approach contrasts with traditional models that focus on influencing conscious consumer decisions.

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“Hooked” is the result of the author's years of research and practical experience with consumer habits and psychology. The overall theme of the book i...

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The author describes a habit as "Behaviors done with little or no conscious thought." Readers will find practical guidelines for creating these types of behaviors within the "habit zone." The "habit zone" is the place where customers form an attachment to a product without really thinking about it. By using the strategies of the Hooked Model, readers will learn step-by-step how to "hook" a customer.

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The Hooked Model challenges existing practices in consumer psychology by focusing on creating habits rather than relying on conscious decision-making. Traditional consumer psychology often focuses on influencing conscious decisions through marketing and persuasion techniques. The Hooked Model, on the other hand, aims to create products that form habits, leading to repeated use without conscious thought. This approach challenges the traditional focus on conscious decision-making and instead emphasizes the power of habit formation.

The "Hooked" book has significantly influenced corporate strategies by providing a framework, known as the Hooked Model, for understanding and influencing customer behavior. The model guides businesses in creating products that can form habits, leading to increased customer engagement and loyalty. It has helped corporations to design their products and services in a way that encourages habitual use, thereby increasing customer retention and driving growth.

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